Tuesday 29 April 2014


Human masters teach profound doctrines - Christ lives a perfect life and dies a heroic death.
So are those of yesterday and before yesterday - the Christ of yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Therefore, are the human masters admirable - and loved is the prophet of Nazareth.
Analyses men intelligible truths - reveals the son of God prospect of eternal life.
Christ is more relevant today than in the first century - revolves around him the thoughts of all men.
Incalculable works in hundreds of languages were written about him – but Christ continues to be the "Unknown God."
Long ago Christ transposed the precincts of the temples and the pages of speculative theology.
The academic and the artist, the dealer and the industrial, the believer and the unbeliever - friends and enemies, deal him.
Kant and Bergson, Chesterton and Renan, Murray and Barbusse, Keyserling and Papini, Rojas and Maurois, all ultra modern writes what they know about him or what they judge to know.
Toyohiko Kagawa, the Japanese Dostoyevsky, from the working-class neighbourhood in Kobe, wrote a strange novel:  Before the Dawn - drama of a soul in search of light.
Gandhi and Tagore speak of the Nazarene – but they did not decipher the mystery.
David Livingstone dies on the shores of Lake Tanganyika - proclaiming in the heart of Africa the glories of Christ.
Mahatma Gandhi and Albert Schweitzer speak of Christ to the Asians and Africans.
Thousands of pioneers of the faith proclaimed Christ from Alaska to Australia - from the poles to the equator.
However, even thousand of books, works or millions of mouths could not say more than said the rough fragments of Matthew and Mark, Luke and John.
More in the lines one reads  -  more one can guess between it.
Oh!  Jesus! If is so admirable what the Gospel tells about you - how wonderful it must be what you could not say!
If so much says the sacred fragments, we hold – how much should say what has not been said in the gaps between lines!
If it is so beautiful what was said - how sublime will be what was not said!
If so vast is, the bright day that we contemplate - how deep should be the starry night that we ignore!
I read in the words of the Gospel Oh! Nazarene, the poem of your life on earth - and I guess in your voluntary reluctance the epic of your divine mysteries...
No, I do not want to know what else you said and done - I have the freedom to fly into unknown spaces...
I want to intoxicate my soul with what was not written anywhere...
I want to fly beyond all shores - beyond all Atlantis, galaxies and nebulae...
To find what was never said or written of Thee - by unspeakable and indescribable...
I want to read the Gospel unpublished!
The Gospel of the eternal silence...
To Thee Oh! Christ…
Divine Gospel...
For comments:  dawn.3rd.heaven@gmail.com


SOLIDARITY – by Huberto Rohden
"”Only man accustomed to be solitary with God, can be in solidarity with the world - the solitude with God of the world gives him the necessary invulnerability to be sympathetic to the world of God, without enslaving joy.
Man merely social and sociable, happy that nothing knows of the mystical solitude alone with God, cannot be in solidarity with the world without giving up the solitude with God.
This loneliness in God should become second nature in man, one love, a home, a heaven, a paradise where he could dwell forever.
But...  this profound vertical loneliness calls for a vast horizontality of action.
Meditation and contemplation wants to manifest itself in action. Man of genuine meditation and contemplation has compelling action and activity.
Man who expects something from the world, nothing can the world expect.
Only man, just released from the world by the experience of Truth can actually assert without mistakes, to love sincerely all the things in the world, because he is no longer a slave and instead became master of the world.
"Christianity is an affirmation of the world that went through denial of the world" (Albert Schweitzer).
"Man! Renounces the world, gives it to God and then get it back purified from the hands of God!" (Mahatma Gandhi)
"Whoever does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple ... Whoever loses his life, it wins, but whoever wishes to save his life will lose it." (Jesus, the Christ)
"I die every day, and that is why I live - but no longer I who live, Christ lives in me." (Paul of Tarsus)"”
For comments:  dawn.3rd.heaven@gmail.com


WHY DO WE SUFFER ?  -  by Huberto Rohden
The disciples asked Jesus:
"Master, this man was born blind, who sinned, he or his parents?"
The Master said to them: "Neither he nor his parents sinned, but this happened in order to be manifested the works of God."
Why do we suffer?  Asked men facing that sad mystery.
We suffer because our parents have sinned - some say - and we inherit their debts...
We suffer - say others - because we have sinned even in ancient times to pay off old debts...
Is it true? We suffer just to pay passive debts? Contracted debts, or debts inherited?...
Has suffering purely negative character? Is it just landing pits - and not to uplift mountains?...
Just to pay debts - not to build credit?
If the Nazarene does not deny that - affirms with all of his wisdom the latter...
Man can suffer to reveal the glory of God, revealing that glory to him - and what could be more positive?
If as passive sufferers, we are children of sinful humanity - as active sufferers, we are redeeming ourselves.
We pay a portion of the collective debt – and we acquire a personal credit.
We reveal the glory of God - perfecting our soul...
Suffering is a great soul sculptor...
Frees us from the attachment to the corporeal world - and raises us to the heights of the Spiritual Universe.
Redeem us from our selfishness obsession – realizing in us the divine Self…
Consumes the dust of our vanity - in the furnace of martyrdom…
Flattens the hills of our pride – like the painful wrath of the storm.
Heals the gangrene of our lust – under cruel heat...
Like the electric current that only glows when facing high resistance – so is the human spirit that shines when facing struggle…
To revolt against pain - is a sign of incomprehension...
Capitulate when facing pain - is evidence of weakness...
To be spiritualized by pain - is the assertion of spiritual power.
Suffers the unshakable man in passive resignation because he cannot avoid the adversity.
Suffers the rebel as suffers the defenceless slave in silent protest against wicked oppressor...
Christians suffers because Christ suffered - and so entered into his glory…
And even if they could get the glory without suffering – they would not want to enter it except through the door of their Redeemer...
Only through Calvary the disciple of Christ want to climb up to Tabor...
Want to suffer for the love of Christ what Christ suffered for love...
For comments:  dawn.3rd.heaven@gmail.com

Sunday 27 April 2014


Long ago, I thought that my life would end with death.
Now I know that my life in plenitude begins when ends this pseudo-life.
My earthly life is only a rehearsal for the heavenly one.
My human existence is an unfinished symphony, endless, infinite.
My preliminary rehearsal in this stage is full of ups and downs, of “forte” and “piano”, right and wrong notes.
Today, after the big reveal, I know that I am a cosmic citizen.
Here on planet Earth I am an immigrant in a strange land.
To here, I immigrate with nothing – with nothing I will emigrate.
With none of my belongings.
From here, I will emigrate with all my Being.
The lights of my eternal Being will accompany me forever.
Up, down, with its symphonies, with its dysphonia.
My possessions will end with death.
My Being will accompany me to an always Being.
The eternal subject that I am, which is my essence, is inseparable.
Temporary objects that I have in my inventory are separable.
I am what I am - I am not what I have.
What I am is the truth - What I have are illusory mirages in the vast desert of life.
For this reason, I had to reduce to nothing my possessions – to be everything in my Being.
I have only modest usufruct of the possessions that dispossess me.
I died voluntarily before being killed compulsorily - to live gloriously.
I know that the Kingdom of Heaven is within me, here and now.
The mandatory death will nothing change in my Being – only will deprive me of my possessions, which were never mine...
Voluntary death makes me plentiful, even though being still an embryo.
Perpetuate the symphonies of my life - which I started here.
Will make everything an eternal harvest while in my lifetime I sowed.
Through the many mansions of the Heavenly Father will sound my unfinished symphony.
A century to another century.
From one millennium to another millennium.
Through endless eons and countless eternities.
Beyond all Milky-Ways and galaxies in the Universe sounds my endless symphony.
A symphony that I just started here on planet Earth.
In this grain of sand lost in the vastness of the Universe.
My destiny surpasses all human grandeur of the cosmos.
Because I am what the Universe is not - I am an eternal symphony in the middle of this temporary cosmos.
If I do plentifully, what I am potentially.
All creatures will benefit from what I am.
My Being good overflows in doing good to all.
My fullness will overflow to the benefit of all.
For comments:  dawn.3rd.heaven@gmail.com

Friday 25 April 2014


SMUGGLING – by Huberto Rohden
My unknown friend, why do you travel with so many luggage towards the border of the Beyond?
Land and houses, money, bonds, shares - so many luggage?
Do you know that all this will be seized as contraband at the border of another world?
Learn to have the necessary - without being possessed by the superfluous.
Wealth, honours and pleasures - will be confiscated and not one atom will pass beyond...
What is material belongs to world of matter - the spiritual passes into the spirit world.
Poor you, material millionaire - and a beggar of the spirit!
You will see yourself suddenly empty-handed - you, who always walked handful!
Not able to save your assets for a penny!
Why you do not want to comprehend, poor illiterate mind, the philosophy of eternity?
Why do not keep the values ​​that can lead beyond the border of this world?
Values ​​that do not devalue in that spiritual world?
Values ​​that circulate as currency in the country to which you will migrate?
If you had immigrated to Australia or China, will not interests you the values ​​that circulate in those countries?
And why not think in exchanging material values to spiritual values?
If you are not taking in consideration religion and faith - lead this to philosophy and common sense.
What does it profit a man to possess one thousand material values ​​- if he misses the only spiritual value?
What worth many zeros: 000 000, if they lack the single "1"?
The "1" values ​​all "000000": 1,000,000.!
"What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world – if he loses his soul?”
Not with all the worlds of the universe one can enrich a soul...
What do you have my friend, if you have what you cannot have forever?
What you do not have friend, if you do have what you will always possess?
Learn to have what deserves to be possessed - and dispossess off what does not deserve you to possess.
Free yourself of material greed with spontaneous freedom - before the matter will compulsorily deprive you in cruel death!
Being deprived is a slave fate – to get rid is a virtue of a hero...
Open the Gospel of Jesus Christ and learn the philosophy of eternal life...
The wisdom of eternal happiness...
For comments:   dawn.3rd.heaven@gmail.com


All the great masters of humankind proclaimed the need for transformation of human life on earth – none of them taught neither conformism nor escapism, as is the use and abuse among its called disciples.
Materialists think that man should conform passively with the miseries of earthly life, extracting from the existence the greatest amount of comfort and pleasure, and then die forever.
Spiritualists believe that human life can be transformed into something better, but only after death and in distant regions of the Universe, which they call "heaven". Present life they say, is necessarily guilt and shame, universal and inevitable suffering. Not approving the crimes of the explorers, but think that the exploited should conform to the situation until will sound the hour of liberation in other times and spaces.
Both the conformism of materialists as the escapism of the spiritualists are incompatible with the spirit of the true masters of transformers of humanity, which proclaim all of them, the possibility of a profound transformation of humanity here and now.
Transformation under the virtue of which power?
By the virtue of a force that exists in every man, which is in a state of dormancy in most of them. "Man can do whatever he wants - Schopenhauer wrote - but may not want everything he wants." In addition, why man cannot want everything he wants, or he wanted to have? Because "want to have" depends on a degree of experience or understanding within - and few are willing to create within this environment, which could sprout this "want to have", whose birth requires the death of something that the old ego does not want to see dying. "If a grain of wheat (ego) does not die, it will become sterile...”
We are here at the border of two causalities; mechanical causality that enslaves us and dynamic causality that sets us free. That is a continuation, a chain of many links - this is a new beginning for which the cause is not out there at some previous link, enslaving, but  within man himself; this internal cause is the own human Self, divine, omnipotent, that can cause everything but is not caused by anything.
This new beginning, this dynamic causality, this causing cause and not caused, this omnipotence dormant in man is his free will, his omnipotent, “I want."
While  man leaves dormant this omnipotence "Self", he is used as a puppet by tyrannical circumstances, as if impotent, when in fact he is omnipotent, but a dormant omnipotence is impotence - and from that comes all the miseries and weaknesses of a profane man.
The solution is not the presence of omnipotence, the solution lies in the consciousness of this omnipotent presence. God is omnipresent but within this omnipotent presence of God, all miseries and weaknesses of man exist - why? Because man is not aware of this liberating presence and for this reason, he is a slave.
When man crosses from the unconsciousness of this omnipotent presence to the consciousness of this omnipotent presence,  then he becomes a participant of this omnipotence, because he built a bridge between himself and this presence, and this bridge, which is the consciousness, places him in contact with the omnipotence of the Universe. A clear awareness of this presence unites man with the Universe and because the universe is so omnipotent, man becomes omnipotent.
"Everything is possible for him who has faith ... and nothing is impossible to him who has faith...”
Man who has faith, harmony, in tune with the All Omnipotent, also participates in this omnipotence; but if he is not in tune or fidelity with the Cosmic Omnipotence is weak and powerless.
If external circumstances defeat man, who is to blame? Blame man himself, because he did not invoke his dormant inner substance.
When man finally discover the "hidden treasure of the kingdom of God" within, although unknown, then he enters into direct contact with the "nuclear energy" that is his divine Self, the "light of the world" capable of permeating and transforming by the power of inner substance, all external circumstances.
Our churches say that man has a duty to transform, but does not give to man the power for this transformation, and man is convinced that this metamorphosis is not possible, here and now: if it is possible, should be in the future, after death in some distant galaxy of the Cosmos. Expecting a lot from death - as if death were more powerful than life...
The Cosmic Philosophy, the Logo-Therapy, Universal Wisdom, Christ Messages, says that this transformation is possible here and now, by the omnipotence of our divine conscious Self, fully conscious, showing to man the way and the awakening process within of that dormant omnipotence.
This power is in the "core" of man, and an absolute fidelity to this divine core extracts from him that "nuclear energy". When man lives the truth “the Father and I are one", "You are gods" - then he becomes omnipotent. In addition, all the weaknesses of man ends up in power, all of his ignorance culminates in wisdom...
Ignorance and error enslave man - wisdom frees.
The truth is the vital experience "the Father and I are one...”
The path to that mystical experience is a deep loyalty combined with a genuine ethics of everyday life, because without that ethics cannot exist true fidelity to the Supreme Reality.
This ethic living  that preludes the mystical experience is in principle a "narrow path"  but ends up in an "easy yoke" and a "light burden". Because of that initial difficulty, many men fail to discover the ultimate ease; many prefer to live cheerfully bad instead to live wistfully good – because they not yet discovered the wonderful elixir to be blissfully good.
For comments:   dawn.3rd.heaven@gmail.com


"Remember me when you come into your kingdom..."
"Verily I say unto thee, today shalt be with me in paradise..."
Strange dialogue that never was caught before in the world, cross to cross between two moribund.
"Remember me" - who asks for only one drop of love in the midst of a hell of pain is not a bad man at all.
Man intimately evil curses his sufferings and the authors thereof.
The petty man seeks liberation from the torments of death, or acceleration.
The thief on the cross asks only a remind, a little love...
He asked for a crumb whose lack made him a criminal, vicious, cruel... a little love...
Since childhood he wanted to be good - but men made him bad because was denied to him, comprehension and love...
He gave a false step - and the inhuman laws of men condemned as criminal...
The perverse environment of the prison led to be bad who wants to be good...
And when he finished his sentence, he walked the world with the stigma of a criminal - and never found among the "honest men" anyone to give him a bit of love...
He dragged himself to a dark existence with an icy polar soul…
Only in the ultimate moments of his life, hanging on the cross, he finally found someone - his partner in torture...
He found a man who believed in the eager of his soul, than to the wickedness of his life...
He found a man who loved him and wanted him as well...
And the "good thief" felt a warm aura of goodwill to commit his cold soul…
And amid the spring thaw of that look of love he asked to the fellow in torture, for the light of his kingdom…
He did not ask for revenge to his enemies, did not request relief in excruciating agony - asked what the lack of which had made his life a hell: a bit of love.
Just a reminder...
An affectionate thought...
A drop of friendship...
"Remember me when you come into your kingdom..."
And succeeded in a death of a moribund, what in life he never received from the living...
And from the little he asked for, he received much more than haven't dared to ask: "Today you will be with me in paradise..."
Over the heads of the howling crowd happens then, cross to cross, between two dying a sincere friendship, sacred, eternal...
Friendship between a man divinely good - and a bad man who wanted to be good, and love made him good...
Between the Christ Redeemer - and a man redeemed.
For comments:   dawn.3rd.heaven@gmail.com

Friday 4 April 2014


COSMOCRACY - by Huberto Rohden
Professor Rohden wrote during his life time, about 100 books, whose ideas were divided between Universal Philosophy, Philosophy of the Gospel, Philosophy of Life, Mysteries of Nature, a collection of biographies and brochures.
Among them, there are 39 books written, listed on Philosophy of Life, Rohden wrote 1 enigmatic book with 150 pages titled "COSMORAMA", an imaginary journey to a region of the Universe inhabited by more spiritually evolved beings.
To undertake that journey, the author brought his own "death", a fictional sinking in a ship, "resurrecting” in a new dimension called Cosmorama, a world of evolved life, far beyond the reality of humans on planet Earth. And it was so well orchestrated, so real that supposed death, that many of his readers eagerly sought the publisher to see if Prof. Rohden had actually died!
Unfortunately the book COSMORAMA was not published in English, and what follows below is only an excerpt translated of this extraordinary epic.
"For months I lived among the strange humanity of Cosmorama and was not quite sure if all that was reality or a fantastic dream - maybe a dream beyond the whole reality.
What intrigued me most was the total absence of government in Cosmorama.  No president, no governor, no mayor, no police; neither lawyers nor judges - none of this existed in this mysterious island.
One day I asked Iris, a friendly inhabitant of this island, to show me the constitution of Cosmorama; she smiled, shook her head - and did not answer me.
And, despite the complete absence of law and policing, there was no crime in Cosmorama. I never saw a penitentiary or a jail. If the inhabitants of this island were very primitive men, still in that animalistic state, would be understandable the absence of legislation, because there is no governments in nature, only an automatic rule of the Universe and peaceful life. But the population of Cosmorama was mentally and ultra-mentally developed.
When I became more familiar with Iris, she introduced me to a person with whom I dared to ask for clarification on that matter of non-government state, which in Greek we would call anarchy, but not in a negative way, chaotic anarchy, but a positive one, cosmic. What he told me was the explicit confirmation of something that I already explicitly felt.
He said that the two extremes of nature, the nadir of the instinct and the zenith of the intuition, does not need any external government, since every being has within, their internal government. They are all Cosmo-governed. The instinctive world of the mineral, vegetal and animal is governed by the Cosmic Intelligence, which on these beings are totally unconscious, while full-conscious itself. The whole infra-human nature lives in automatic harmony which can not go beyond its proper bounds. The ongoing struggle of nature does not contradict this cosmocracy; it is a struggle of constructive balance, but not of destructive extermination.
In the world of the integral man, cosmic, the subconscious instinct of nature is replaced by the full-conscious reason, which manifests itself as consciousness, reason, spirit. The nadir of the unconscious, culminated in the zenith of the full-conscious.
Cosmic Consciousness reigns within the integral man himself, who acts as Cosmo-acted, Cosmo-lived, Cosmo-conscious. This man has not lost his ego-personality, but matured into Cosmo-individuality. And because of this immanence of cosmic consciousness, the cosmic man does not need an external government, since its internal government does not need outer legislation.
Only the ego-conscious man needs an external government. The ego-personality based in intellectuality is, by its nature, centrifuged and discordant. External law is a substitute, though precarious, of the internal law, still incapable of being implemented.
In rational man reigns cosmocracy; intellectual man is ruled by democracy, which is the designation of a personality to govern other personalities. In order to ensure certain social peace, resolve some egos to entrust another ego to govern, so that could have a relative peace between them. This relative peace of democracy is nothing more than an armistice, which is better than war, although not a real and lasting peace. Democratic governments must be content with a precarious peace, because lasting peace is not an attribute of the ego-personality.
When these truths were shown to me, I asked if there were other forms of government that he knows and he explained  that beyond the rational cosmocracy like in Cosmorama, existed intellectual democracy and dictatorial monocracy, where one man, without consulting others, judges himself the government, whether by heredity, like in ancient kingdoms and empires, either by force of arms, like dictatorships in undeveloped dimensions.
I have concluded finally, that the inhabitants of Cosmorama represented an advanced stage, beyond our earthy humanity, still under democratic or monocratic governments.
If the cosmic reason could overcome our analytical intelligence, our humanity would proclaim a wonderful cosmocracy. But... this cosmocracy assumes cosmic consciousness within each individual...
I glimpsed the dawn of a new humanity in distant horizons... "The Kingdom of God will be proclaimed upon the face of the earth... and there will be a new heaven and a new earth..."
For comments:  dawn.3rd.heaven@gmail.com