Links and Books

A vigorous flame starting from an outbreak of white light surrounded by numerous black circles that try to hold it with treacherous tentacles... But the flame instead of let the tenebrous circles extinguish it, benefit those circles with luminous irradiation.
A light shines in the darkness - and the darkness did not detain the light.
This is the luminous message of Christ: "The powers of hell shall not prevail against him."

There are several books and a few websites and blogs that I recommend. Please consult the list below and fell free to send me tips of books and links. Just fill the contact form and I´ll be glad to hear from you:

Websites and Blogs:


  • Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda 
  • The Travel Diary of a Philosopher - Hermann Keyserling (Harcourt, Brace & Co.)
  • Light on the Path - Mabel Collins
  • The Seven Storey Mountain - Thomas Merton
  • An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding - David Hume