Monday 1 September 2014


My unknown friend. If you want to be a stubborn cultivator of routine and mediocrity, guide yourself by the following rules:
Before thinking, always keep yourself informed of what to think, in order not to introduce into the world, contraband of new ideas.
Never think with your own brain - but always with the brain of others.
Always say yes when others say yes - and not when others say no.
Read every morning your newspaper to find out what should be thought in the next 24 hours.
When someone comes up with new ideas, avoid this person because could be a trap, a social danger, a heretic, a terrorist, etc.
Do not expose yourself to the danger of doing what the neighbour not does - but remember the proven bourgeois wisdom: safe than sorry.
Be a devoted friend of your comfortable sofa - and do not expose yourself to the vertigo of vast horizons.
Always prefer the massive walls of a prison and the bars of the jail  instead of the uncertainty of a stratospheric flight.
Do never open closed doors - pass only through open doors.
Do not explore new paths, like the pathfinders - always walk roads and on rails previously aligned.
Always joining the bulk of the herd, as the good sheep - and do not seek a different way out of a previous routine.
In short, my distinguished cultivator of mediocrity: leave everything as it is to see how it looks.
Thinking this way, you will keep the health and tranquillity of the nerves and you can have every day, very tranquil, your beer or cocktail - as all good man does.
If, however, one day, you solve to escape from the traditional routine and expose yourself to the deadly dangers of superior ideals, then read carefully what it tells you a man who knows life:
Go to the banks of the Ganges and ask for the most robust elephant to give you his thick pachyderm skin to use as a shield for your soul.
Go to the shores of the Nile and remove from the oldest crocodile his impenetrable armour and make from it the casing of your heart.
And, after shielding your soul and your heart, make a trip all over the world and say to the men of honest mediocrity that you live for an ideal that is not in the stomach or the nerves or blood - and you will see that they will declare against you, a war of death.
For you must know, my friend, that the world does not sacrifice one idol for a warrior of ideas and ideals.
Since the boldest idealistic of history was crucified, dead and buried - all idealists are crucified by the lovers of mediocrity.
Humanity become revolted when something major, divine, happens in the world.
All that is beautiful and great - inevitably dies in the arms of the cross.
This is the glorious tragedy of the superior men.
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