Tuesday 30 December 2014


DISCOVER GOD WITHIN YOU! - by Huberto Rohden
This should be the greatest adventure of your life: to discover God within you.
Do you live in the traditional illusion that God dwells in heaven, a region innocently understood by you, far somewhere in the Universe, and that God should be sought in distant and uncertain space odysseys. 
They say that there are few places on Earth where God is most present - and this is the reason why you undertake pilgrimages to distant regions in order to be a little closer to this distant God.
They also say that it is so great the distance between God and you, that all men doubt you'll have enough strength to reach the end of this journey.
They say further that this journey does not seem to be a task for the present life, but a post-mortem one...  that God is hidden behind the thick veil of corporeal flesh, and that once destroyed that veil of flesh, God will appear visible...
My poor pilgrim... great shall be your illusion!
God is everywhere, but the conscious contact with God is at the confluence of your individual consciousness and the Universal Consciousness, there, where the small stream of your personality flows into the vast ocean of the Divinity.
After discovering God within you, it is easy to find HIM everywhere, in all beings; because otherwise, these beings would have no existence, since externally to God there is no autonomous reality, unique, but only pseudo-realities...
Discover God within you - and you will find yourself in God...
And in God you will see your fellow humans and the whole world...
For comments:    dawn.3rd.heaven@gmail.com

Sunday 14 December 2014


The most urgent need for the world today are men who, in the midst of the visible world, know how to walk with certainty and security in the invisible Reality, men who lives in the world, but whose kingdom is not of the world.
The profane man ignores the Reality, in doing so he cannot help humanity. The hermit desert the world to live alone with his God, and thus has no contact with the disoriented humanity. Only the integral spiritual man, the realistic, is the only one able to redeem mankind, because he alone possesses the necessary mystical verticality and the indispensable ethical horizontality in order to bring the God of the world, men who live in God's world ignoring God.
The profane is a blind man who runs vigorously, but not knowing to where – magni passus extra viam - big steps... out of the path (St. Augustine).
The hermit is a seer who, paralysed with fear, prefer to retire to a cave, away from the malice of the world.
The spiritual man is a seer who walk safe and secure in the paths of the profane world, without been contaminated, but instead radiating to his fellow men the light of his clairvoyance and the strength of his holiness.
For comments:    dawn.3rd.heaven@gmail.com

Saturday 13 December 2014


GOD IN US - by Huberto Rohden
No one can find God in the outer macrocosm of the universe without first, meet him in the microcosm of his own inner Self.
However, if man found God within himself, find him spontaneously everywhere, in an insect, in a flower, throughout the whole Universe, even where God does not seem to exist. It is that God is always present in man, but man is often absent from God. The kingdom of God is within every man, but not every man is the kingdom of God.
To see the kingdom of God within, man must reborn in spirit, to open the eyes of his true divine Self, moving from ignorance to wisdom, from blindness to clairvoyance, from darkness to light, from death to life, from material profanity to spiritual initiation.
For comments:   dawn.3rd.heaven@gmail.com