Friday, 7 October 2016


I invite the reader to intrude with me in this world of varied thoughts, focusing palpitating problems of philosophy, religion, education, psychology, mystical experiences, cosmic visions and a bit of science.
Ideas of ancient and modern thinkers were asked in these pages to say what they know about the Universe, about God, about the past, present and future of man - "the unknown".
Readers who know may know more, and the sufferers will suffer less.
In addition, they will all end up believing much more in what they ignore than in the little they know.
Articles like these ones, with loose thoughts, are welcomed by men of hectic modern life, and can be opened randomly at any page and the reader will always find something to enrich its spirit and feed its soul. These articles are a heterogeneous collection of thoughts; with no necessary link and has the advantage of not stressing the reader.
You will find in this writings an odyssey of short messages and the path of pilgrimage to the highest... your own Self. 
Needless to repeat that the author does not expose his ideas as infallible truths, and hopes that the reader will grant the same freedom of thought and conscience, which claims for himself.
The author is only an interpreter and speaker of your subconscious...
He says what you would say - translates into explicit words your implicit thoughts.
Give name to the anonymous mysteries of your soul...
Therefore, my friend, read this articles like it was written by you - not by me...
Read it, live it, suffer it, not in the hustle and bustle profane way – but in an hour of peace and tranquillity. And then, the say that we are lost in the emptiness of our busy life will not be applied anymore.
Read it as the voice of your own self - awakened by yourself!
The author does not arrogate absolute paternity of everything this articles says, it is possible that other people's ideas, read or heard, have formed a substrate in the subconscious of the author, emerging here and there, as if his mental offspring. Who can guarantee us the extent in which ours ideas are solely ours? There will be thoughts fully mine or fully yours?
Reader, follow me in this cosmic path, hand in hand, soul to soul, into the unknown Universe within each of us!
Comprehend the truth - and the truth will set you free...
Let this new thoughts be your companion and friend in the journey of life...
In the arduous heights uphill through the mountains of God... Leaving behind, far behind, the barren plains of mediocrity where the vast majority of humans are crawling!
In solitary suffering...
In the silence of men...
To the final victory...


Convido o leitor a se intrometer comigo neste mundo de pensamentos variados, focalizando palpitantes problemas de filosofia, religião, educação, psicologia, experiências místicas, visões cósmicas e um pouco de ciência.
Idéias de pensadores antigos e modernos foram convidadas nestas páginas, para dizer o que sabem sobre o Universo, sobre Deus, sobre o passado, presente e futuro do homem - "esse desconhecido".
Os leitores que conhecem, saberão mais, e os doentes sofrerão menos.
Além disso, todos eles irão acabar acreditando muito mais no que ignoram, do que do pouco que sabem.
Artigos como estes, com pensamentos soltos, são bem recebidos por homens de vida moderna agitada, e podem ser abertos de forma aleatória, em qualquer página, onde o leitor sempre vai encontrar algo para enriquecer seu espírito e alimentar sua alma. Estes artigos são uma coleção heterogênea de pensamentos; sem ligação necessária e que tem a vantagem de não cansar o leitor.
Você vai encontrar nestes escritos, uma odisseia de mensagens curtas e o caminho de peregrinação para o mais alto... ao encontro de seu próprio Ser.
No entanto, o autor não expõe suas idéias como verdades incontestáveis, e espera que o leitor lhe conceda a mesma liberdade de pensamentos e de consciência, que ele reivindica para si mesmo.
O autor é apenas um intérprete e que fala ao seu subconsciente...
Ele diz o que você diria - e traduz em palavras explícitas seus pensamentos implícitos.
Da nome aos mistérios anônimos da tua alma...
Portanto, meu amigo, leia estes artigos, como eles fossem escritos por você - e não por mim...
Leia-os, viva-os, suporta-os, não na maneira da agitação profana - mas em uma hora de paz e tranquilidade. E então, o dito de que estamos perdidos no vazio de nossas vidas agitadas, não mais será aplicado.
Leia-os como a voz do seu próprio eu - despertada por você mesmo!
O autor não atribui a si mesmo, a paternidade absoluta de tudo o que dizem esses artigos, e é possível que idéias de outras pessoas, lidas ou ouvidas, terem formado um substrato no subconsciente do autor, surgindo aqui e ali, como se fossem da sua própria mente. Quem pode nos garantir a medida da extensão de nossas ideias... são realmente nossas? Ou então, haverão pensamentos totalmente nossos?
Leitor, siga-me neste caminho cósmico, lado a lado, de alma para alma, para o Universo desconhecido dentro de cada um de nós!
Compreenda a verdade - e a verdade vos libertará...
Deixe que estes pensamentos sejam seu companheiro e amigo nas viagens da vida...
Nas árduas alturas nas subidas através das montanhas de Deus... Deixando longe, para bem longe, as estéreis planícies onde se arrastam a vasta maioria dos homens medíocres.
No sofrimento solitário...
No silêncio dos homens...
Para a vitória final...

Wednesday, 5 October 2016


Many articles were posted in this blog since I started translating Rohden's writings in mid July 2012 while living in China, experiencing the teachings of Buddha, Lao-Tze, Kong Fuzi and Mengzi Tze.
Not long before this experience, I read one of Rohden's books that impressed me most, related to the interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount, and I have to confess that I became so fascinated with his insights that I made to myself the proposition to translate his writings into English, in an attempt to broaden the number of his readers outside Brazil.
Now, I'm revisiting and reviewing every article, adding extra thoughts from different writers which in some way Rohden was attuned, giving the opportunity to readers not only to grasp the meaning of his ideas, but to comprehend the intimate experience of the reality and life that he experienced.
The language of Shakespeare, was not my first language.  In fact, the languages at home while living in Brazil, were at an early age, Hungarian and after, Portuguese.  Spanish was in addition, plus Latin, French, Italian and English, during my school days as a young adult and later on while travelling and studying overseas due to my professional duties.  In 1994 I came do Australia where I am still living today.  However, this move does not confirm that I reached the pinnacle of knowledge of this rich language and more studies needs to be done.
Rohden's writings has astonishing power, subtly, rich, poetic and range.  Indeed, he makes use of sounds and words associations in the manner of a poet of genius.  His language has a vitality rare in the literature and perhaps unique due to his creation of neologisms, inventing words and phrases, which demands a constant search in order to find the correlated idea in our modern days and way.
Needless to say, these very qualities face the translator with difficulties which are almost insurmountable, and I hope that I have done justice to the original text.  In translating it, I am constantly haunted by his warnings regarding the idea of the "traduttore traditore" - translator traitor – and this gives me the absolute certainty that his writings must have the respect and validity the author deserves.
However, all what is written here is somehow preliminary, nothing is definitive... as Rohden says.  The definitive comes from the reader and not from the author.  The reader, after taking the right direction, should make the content of the messages, day by day, year by year... for a lifetime.
Here, absolute truths are not written, nor should serve as an elementary book to be followed.  Rohden's writings are the result of his personal experience, whose ideas, the reader must filter out the wheat from the chaff, and if accepted, to incorporate that knowledge and realize its own experiences.
"After all the noise, after reading, listening, thinking, is when comes the great silence of dynamic realization and the experiences of reality".
I have to remind readers that the language used here is simple and colloquial, easy terms for an easy reading.  All that I can hope for in the meantime, is that I may have given English readers the best approximate idea of the merits of this great writer.  Finally, no matter how often this writings are observed, some mistakes will remain and I am very sorry if happens... those are my fault and further discussions can be carried on.
Flavio de Mello