Saturday 9 February 2013

Purple Patch: Sydney awash with Jacarandas by Danielle Butters

Jacaranda cuspidifolia is a native tree from tropical and subtropical jungles in Central and South America, particularly of Brazil, whose plants or seeds were probably brought to Australia by the earliest European settlers of the late 18th century during a strategic halt for supplies on Brazilian land and today its flowers embellish the streets of many Australian cities.

And from Brazil of German descendants I am pleased to present for the English language readers, an educator, philosopher, theologian who wrote over 100 books, countless articles, gave classes and lectures in many countries on spiritual matters in order to awake the dormant soul in most humans, like a kindly gardener who feeds a seed to sprout.

Huberto Rohden was his name.

A spiritual master full of mystical experiences and a truly server of mankind on its path to self-knowledge and self-realization.

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