Tuesday 6 May 2014


Mystical experience is strictly individual and when socially organized, ceases to exist. The intimate essence is individual, which however, does not stop this individual verticality to unfold in social horizontality, but this split or overflow occurs only when the vertical experience reaches the zenith of its fullness.
Our troubled world cannot be remedied by any new organization, religious or civil; only the mystical experience of many can really benefit humankind.
Every genuine and plentiful mystic is irresistibly overflowing and diffuser; otherwise is merely mysticism.
Christ never organized anything, not in the religious Synagogue of Israel, nor in the civilian sector policy of the Roman Empire. His performance was only indirectly, by spontaneous overflow of his own fullness, as said Paul of Tarsus: “in Jesus body dwelt all the fullness of the Divinity.”
For nearly three centuries, from 33 to 313 years, Christianity of the catacombs lived this mystical Christhood, without any social organization. In addition, this was the most glorious period of the Christian world; the period of mystic verticality of the catacombs, whose only way out was to martyrdom in the Coliseum.
For comments:  dawn.3rd.heaven@gmail.com

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