Friday 30 May 2014



"Even if it is little thing, do something for those who have need of a man's help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.  For, remember, you do not live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too."  Albert Schweitzer

In the twentieth century lived two persons who entered the cosmic consciousness: Albert Schweitzer and Mahatma Gandhi. Both put their human egos in the service of his fellow men in order to accomplish their divine Self.

Schweitzer age 21, a student at the University of Strasbourg in Germany, heard the appeal of his cosmic Self, but only at age of 36 he could start that straight path which led to his fulfilment in Christ.

A man of great intelligence and scholarship, graduated in philosophy, theology and music, ordained minister of the Gospel, tried to hold up spiritually amid the admiration and the apotheosis of his fellows. 

He acknowledged however, that this comprehension and admiration of that world were obstacles to his true self-realization. Thereupon, he left Europe and the comfort of the civilized world and demanded to the neediest of humankind in the jungles of Africa, where he worked for 52 years in the midst of total incomprehension and in the absence of admirers in order to perform his cosmic Self.

By the end of his long life, Schweitzer writes these words: "There are no heroes of action; there are only heroes of renunciation and suffering."

This single sentence is a summary of the whole life of this man of unprecedented activity. For him the greatness and heroism does not consist in what the man does in terms of its human action, but rather what he resigns voluntarily and suffers. The ego deflation was the only greatness for Schweitzer; to die voluntarily is the only way to live gloriously… giving up idols of life, opens the way to realize the true ideal of existence. Schweitzer could have served the “civilized” European humankind, but chose to serve the lacking humankind in Africa, not because he loved more black men than white men, but his service to humanity should be non comprehend rather than being comprehended and admired. His supreme self-realization was the goal of his life.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." Gandhi 

Gandhi was 21 years old and a law graduated when he returns to India from London. In India, he begins his career as a lawyer in order to earn money and fame. However, the divine providence wrote right on the crooked lines of his human intentions. Instead, Gandhi was sent to South Africa in order to collect a debt for a Hindu millionaire by good commission. 

But there he was bombed by the divine grace and instead of a few weeks he spend 20 years among the south Africans defending them against exploitations and injustices of the powerful European Christians, English and Dutch. During these long decades of suffering and humiliation, Gandhi did his novitiate of spiritual initiation. 

Unable to compete with the powerful European invaders, who had in their favour politics, money, arms and Caucasians, Gandhi decided to forge a weapon more powerful than all the weapons of the human ego - and that secret weapon was his soul.

Through suffering and meditation, he intensified his soul. Returning to India, he put in the service of emancipation of his country, the powerful weapons of ahimsa (non-violence) and satyagraha (attachment to the truth), weapons forged of pure spirituality by his soul.

When Rabindranath Tagore met Gandhi returning from South Africa, said: "Behold, a great soul (mahatma) in beggar costumes." Gandhi instead of a millionaire, turned in a loincloth because of his detachment of all things of the ego to realize his divine Self.

From his 40 to 79 years of age, he lived in Brahmacharya (sexual abstinence) to enhance the mystics of his divine Self by renouncing to his erotic human ego. And at the end of his life, he reached total consciousness against to be offended, not judging and to forgive his enemies, because he does not took note of their offenses.

The voluntary sexual abstinence and total ignorance of the offenses are definitive evidence of spiritual initiation of a man who at first thought, only carried the idols of his ego, ignoring his ideal divine Self. The mystical experience overflows irresistibly in ethics experiences when man reaches the zenith of his cosmic consciousness.

As Albert Schweitzer had not as a supreme ideal of his life to heal the Africans, but his own Self-realization, similarly did not consider Gandhi as its earthly mission to release the 500 million Hindus of slavery from the English Empire, but to his own individual liberation from the tyranny of the ego, a sign that he neither attended the National Declaration of Independence of India, on the night of 14 to 15 August 1947.

Possibly Gandhi envisioned what would happen a few decades after his death: India instead of nonviolence (ahimsa) already has the atomic bomb, the greatest symbol of violence never contemplated by the devilish intelligence of man.

The great initiated serves from their entire human philanthropy to perform their divine mystics.

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SPEAKER OF HUMANITY – by Huberto Rohden
Friend, to be a writer is not enough to know grammar and syntax.
Is not enough just to learn, to forge beautiful phrases, and to polish rhythmic cadences.
Is not enough to have talent and erudition.
If you want to write for men and not for the moths, is necessary for your soul to be an ultra-sensitive antenna to pick up the slightest spiritual waves that travel through the human universe.
It is necessary to know how to crystallize conscious ideas in the unconscious atmosphere of the souls who surround you.
You must tell to the reader what he already knew in the shadows of his ego, which he could not bring to light in his conscious vigil.
The writer gives birth to what was already conceived, but still in gestation.
The writer is the conscious interpreter of the universal subconscious.
He is the speaker of humanity.
Packed with deleterious and beneficial elements is the vast underground of human nature.
Sparkles of light - and the depths of darkness...
Paradise of love – torments of hate...
Lilies of purity - Wetlands of lust...
Beatrice's charms - and seductions of Circe...
Songs of joy - and groans of pain...
From all this things is saturated the nocturnal zone of the human soul.
And you, by the magic wand of the pen invokes from the unconscious depths, angels of light - or the demons of darkness...
And release them in the world among men - to the resurrection or to the ruin of many...
The focus of your spirit, Oh, writer, converge multiple rays which were scattered through the world of souls...
And from this focus were unconscious found an entrance, radiates conscious into the midst of mortals...
Your books will be read, only if they give explicit answer to the unclear question of spirits.
If they answer the eternal anguish of the human heart...
If touch injures that bleed and agonize the best men in the world...
If you say what thousands would like to say but cannot tell...
Did you account the universal subconsciousness? - You will be read and reread!...
However, if you want to be to the mortals a redeeming angel and not an exterminator angel, evoke from the depths of the beneficial elements and call for great ideas, for eternal ideals!
Arouses from sleep to wakefulness, constructive energies that are sleeping deep and wide within the humanity!
Make of thy worth a beacon of divine light that floods the darkness of the earth...
Be a Prometheus to men.
A door-light...
Speaker of humanity...
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SYMPHONY OF SILENCE – by Huberto Rohden
Do you know my friend that eternal silence surrounds the great heights - and the great abyss?
Do you know that on the supreme peaks of the Himalayas reigns immense solitude?
Do you know that in the intimate depths of the ocean stillness reigns in full?
Do you know how taciturn are the high altitudes and the great depths of the soul?
The noon of love - and the midnight of pain?...
The zenith of desire - and the nadir of suffering?...
Relatives and friends can follow you to the "'vestibule of the Gentiles" or to the “men sanctuary" – but in the "sancta sanctorum" of God, thou shalt go alone...
Only with God and your soul...
Neither father nor son, nor husband nor wife, nor brother nor friend - no one can accompany you...
No one will watch you, through the agonies of the Gethsemane night...
All thine shall be "far away" – like the friends of Jesus and on the Golgotha...
In the most human and most divine moments of your life, you will be the high priest - neither Levite nor acolyte...
Alone you will ascend to the altar of holocausts...
Alone thou shalt kill the victim of atonement...
Alone you will burn incense on the embers of your heart...
Around thee - great desert...
Around thee - absolute solitude...
No echo will reply to the cries of your heart...
No Veronica will wipe the tears from your eyes...
No Cyrene will help carry your cross...
No Samaritan will heal the wounds of your soul...
No beloved disciple will receive your last wish...
No Arimathea will welcome your lifeless body...
No Maria will close your extinguished eyes...
No Magdalene will mourn your sealed tomb...
It is necessary that you crosses alone the great desert...
Prepare the shield my friend to the path of life...
The more you distance of yourself and get close to God - much wider will be the silence, much more profound the loneliness.
God dwells in the vast desert – of His infinite plenitude.
How will you stand the silence of the Creator – you… who live the noise of creatures?
How you will bear to be alone with God – you… who do not want to be alone with yourself?
Do not be deluded friend! - It is necessary to sink into this abyss in order to find the eternal heights...
The desert of the Deity is rich of plenty...
The silence of God - is the most stupendous of the symphonies of the Universe...
The silence of pain...
The silence of love...
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Tuesday 27 May 2014


Right Means of Livelihood, the fifth step upon the Noble Eightfold Path, from the teachings of Buddha, the Blessed One, on a lecture given by Annie Besant, delivered at the Ananda College, Colombo, Sri-Lanka in 1907.
What are Right Means of Livelihood?
They are the gaining of a living by means that do not injure your fellow-men, that serve your family and your community - your neighbours as well as yourself.  So that in mingling in this modern life, in which so much of struggle is now unhappily to be found, that law for the Buddhist is, that in all business, in the gaining of his own livelihood, he shall neither injury nor wrong those amongst whom he lives; that is forgotten unhappily, in most modern minds.  A man earns his livelihood, but he does not stay to ask himself: do I earn it in a right way?
We see and hear of men making great fortunes; if we go behind that fortune, what do we find?  Ruined homes, desperate men, broken-hearted women, starving children.  The fortune of one man has been built upon the suffering of others.  That is a wrong fortune, a wrong wealth, a wrong enriching of one man, at the cost and misery of many.  Such means of livelihood are unworthy of the man who realizes the unity of mankind and the common Brotherhood of all.  Beware, then, how you work and win your livelihood.  As the modern methods spread amongst you, as you take part in the race of the world, if you would not lose more than you gain, if you would not forfeit more than you achieve, if you take to modern methods, if you are careless as to the means by which you gather wealth for yourself, if you trample on the weak, if you cheat the stupid, respecting no law but that which can be enforced by the policeman or administered by the judge, and setting at nought the law which is imposed upon your heart, forsaking the path disclosed to you by the Buddha, The Blessed One - then you will grow wealthier in gold, indeed, but you will grow poorer in honour and virtue; and virtue is more precious than gold, pure character is greater wealth than the gains of this world.  Take this rule to heart then: See that you choose Right Means of Livelihood, and remember ever that such means alone is permissible for the follower of the Buddha, the Blessed One.
"Nature's bounteous table is loaded with an abundance of good things, yet only a few hands can grasp them.  The rest exist in the world with empty hands, perchance half-starved, certainly insufficiently equipped with the necessities of a decent livelihood. Millions of such beings - men, women and children with warm blood and sensitive nerves that feel pain - live dreary existences that can only be called "cribbed, cabined and confined."  Many sink unregarded by the wayside in the general scramble, or to go the wall in despair, because of the harsh operation of a heartless system.  "Am I my brother's keeper?" is an ancient plaint, but every God-enlightened mas has answered in the affirmative.  For every God-enlightened man knows that the human race must eventually become one giant family, one universal brotherhood; he knows, too, that whatsoever we do unto others is - by the mysterious processes of unseen laws - done unto us in turn."  Paul Brunton, excerpt of the chapter IV on Business, from the book,  A Message from Arunachala, Rider and Company, London 1954.
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Friday 23 May 2014


"Man is a mix of miseries and greatness’s. His miseries have appeared all; his greatness is still unknown.” -  Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662), French philosopher - Review of Hubert Rohden during a lecture on Human Miseries and Greatness's in 1970.
Tragic possessiveness! Seizes everything even what he does not need. Steals from others, kill others to seize the property of others. The law prohibit physical killing of others, but the law does not prohibit the commercial and industrial slaughter that are part of the abominable exploitation of commercial and industrial entities, even governments. These are within the law. It is possible to slaughter industrially and commercially whosoever will, attitudes that runs even among the great and honest citizens of any country. Because the law only prohibits the physical killing of others, but does not prohibits commercial exploitation which is a form of slaughter. Stealing from others, not for necessity, but for own luxury.
That's what we're doing. Humanity is in an ongoing commercial, industrial, social slaughter, slaughter of any kind. For the greed of our ego we slaughter the other, throw others into misery. It does not hurt that others die, as long as I live in abundance. Our possessiveness is a creation of our intellectualized ego.
Imagine what point reached the hypertrophy of our possessiveness: In the most powerful countries on earth there are huge factories of modern and deadly weapons capable of killing millions of people. As an example, two major countries on earth make weapons to the Arabs to kill the Jews in Palestine and vice-versa.
Why? In order to make money. Because the defence industry is one of the largest industries that exist; nothing is more profitable than the war industry. War is a big business indeed. To kill others, individuals, governments and industries profit up millions and millions of dollars. Up to this point reached our greed and possessiveness. No other living being does that. We, the intellectualized animal, are the worst animals.
And why is so unknown our greatness? Because it is in our nature centre and we are walking just around our peripheries. We always walk on the surface of our human nature that is called ego, and we are unable to penetrate the centre of our mother nature who is called the true Self.
If we could enter the centre of our nature, fully conscious of "what am I" and act according to our consciousness of truth, we would be our liberators. If so we acted, we will be able to be freed from all our debts and karma, from all the negative factors of our nature. We would not have more guilt. We would be absorbed from all of our old debts and would commit no more new debts. This is redemption. This is liberation, i.e., self-realization, i.e., the entering to the kingdom of God.
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Tuesday 20 May 2014


HIDDEN IMAGES – by Huberto Rohden
Educator, is in your hands the destiny of man.
The happy or unhappy future of mankind.
Heaven or hell of tomorrow.
In the natural order you are the primary factor of history.
White letter, virgin land - is the soul of the young ones delivered into your hands.
Hence, how will they exit?... Informed?... Formed?... Deformed? ...
Not consciously comprehends - but apprehends in the nocturnal zone of the unconscious.
Observe a photographic plate exposed to light before revealed.
What did you see? – Nothing at all!
All uniform colour, neutral...
And yet, this photographic plate contains images of all things which in a fraction of a second invaded the lens.
If just entering in a salt bath – and from the colourless and neutral background emerges a play of shadows and lights to the most subtle nuances.
It was the bath that produced these images?
No, the bath just revealed that pre-existent unseen images in the film.
Educator! When a bath of light awakes the reason in the small being - will appear conscious and visible what in him the unconscious and invisible was dormant…
What you said, you thought, felt, what you are – all play on the dormant soul…
So sensitive are the antennae of the infant souls that capture the most imponderable wave of your being…
Good auras – sinister auras...
Beneficial fluids – malignant fluids...
Soft thoughts - perverse instincts...
Everything influences the texture of the sensitive and amorphous psyche - more than breast milk on cell tissues...
Therefore, sculptor of souls, saturates them with the beneficial elements of your being…
Radiate from you waves of light and kindness – for that blossoming soul…
Do not intoxicate them with sinister fluids…
Prepare for the sprout, happy spring - after long hibernation...
Begins the task of educating the student with the education of the educator...
Education begins with educating the educators.
Then come the storms of life to defoliate the plant, break its branches and trunk – always will sprout new healthy root, sanity and vigour…
Go then...  photographers of souls… impregnate with beautiful imagery the blossoming being!
Place before them the lenses of noble ideals and healthy feelings…
Calculate well the distance, perspective, the effect of light – resulting in a clear and beautiful image, invisible in the dormant…
Hidden today - visible tomorrow...
In the dormant soul – in the awake soul.
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MATTHEW, chapter 7, verses 1, 2.   -   an interpretation by Huberto Rohden
"Do not judges or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured unto you"
With these words, Jesus, the Christ, enunciates the great law of the indestructible balance of the Universe. No creature, however powerful, can unbalance the cosmic balance of justice. No one can thwart God's plan. In the ontological or objective order of things, God will always be 100% victorious. Nobody can beat Him, not even Satan. All of backslides of some creatures, enemies of God subjectively, objectively contribute to highlight the unique sovereignty and the infinite majesty of God.
However, vicissitudes, lights and shadows, good and evil, can happen within this indestructible objective order and this stable balance of the Universe. Every creature can consciously and freely on his or her part, opposes God and try to prevail against the Great Whole. This is the mystery of freedom of each conscious creature.
It is however, absurd to assume that some finite (man), can defeat the Infinite (the Creator), that the part can prevail against the Whole, and that some existential effect can thwart some plans of the Essential Cause.
No plan of God can be thwarted by man, not by Satan. The creature does not have to choose between keeping or not keeping  the  plans of God; only has two modes to choose to meet His commitments, or joyfully or painfully, but in any way the creature must comply with the Creator’s plans, either enjoying or suffering. The unfailing fulfilment belongs to God, the fulfilment with joy or pain belongs to man.
Now, when man opposes to the plans of God, lacking the Truth, Justice, Love, then he enters the zone of guilt (or sin), whose reverse is called penalty (suffering). Trespass, tempts man away from God; penalty is taken by him to approach God. Man tries by guilt to unbalance the equilibrium of the Universe – by suffering, he re-balances that subjective imbalance. We say "subjective" because an objective imbalance is impossible; if it were possible, God would cease to be sovereign and omnipotent and letting the Universe to be a "Cosmos", to be converted into a “chaos”.
Guilt is something negative, as negative is also the suffering. The negative guilt infallibly causes the negative sentence. Negative produces negative – positive produces positive.
The evil emanated from the subject (fault) produces evil coming from the object (sufferings). The good created by the subject (Love) produces the well created by the object (Enjoyment).
If I assume a negative attitude in the face of the components of the Universe, hating - the Universe will assume a negative attitude against me making me suffer.
If I take a positive attitude, good in the face of any component of the Universe, loving - the Universe will assume a positive attitude in my favour enjoying it.
Only then is it possible to maintain the stable equilibrium of the Universe.
The wisdom of man is, therefore, in never assuming any negative attitude, but always positive in the face of the Universe and to any of its components. Absurd is to think that someone charging his head against the Himalayas can topple this gigantic mountain, although perhaps, able to displace either insignificant pebble which, nevertheless continue to be an integral part of the Himalayas. All wisdom consists that man, spontaneously, harmonize his subjective attitude with the eternal and indestructible objective Reality of the Universe; to tune his little will and act with the great Will and Acting of God.
In creating any negative of guilt, is equivalent to cause a negative suffering.
In creating, a positive of Love equals a positive cause for Joy.
Sin causes suffering.
Love creates happiness.
"With the same measure you use, it will be measured unto you."
Who measures us with the same measure is the inexorable righteousness of the Cosmic Constitution, which however manifests usually through its concrete agents, nature or men. Nature and men are representatives of eternal Truth and Justice. Who opposes Truth or Justice will have to suffer - who harmonize with Truth and Justice will enjoy.
Truth is that positive or negative result, which not always appears immediately but its appearance is infallible even if later: decades, centuries or millennium, because under no circumstances can the order of the Universe subjectively denied by guilt or affirmed by Love, fails to act in the same direction, negative or positive, producing pain or Joy.
Being bad is the equivalent to being unhappy. Being good means being happy.
“There is no way to be virtuous exercising addictions.”
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Friday 16 May 2014


Listen, Oh, Man, this great truth: every bad thing that you do onto others you are in double making to yourself.
For others it is a peripheral  harm  -  for you is a central  harm.
For those who suffer, is an extrinsic harm  -  for whom who practice, is an intrinsic harm.
No one can do harm to his neighbour without doing first, harm to himself.
Who does harm unto others is a bad person – but who suffers the harm can be a good person!
"There cannot a bad tree produce good fruit - A good tree cannot produce bad fruit".
The effect of evil is ephemeral on the object that suffers - but is permanent in the subject that produces it.
Do not say: "I was wrong, I repented, and it is business as usual" - fatal illusion!
By repentance yes, the stain was washed away morally – but persists in the soul, the psychic stain.
The evil consciously practiced, stratified into the depths of the subconscious new layer of vicious habit – and from this tragic basement, radiates disastrous waves for the consciousness area.
Every evil act, even though repealed by repentance, favours the destructive elements – and disfavours the constructive elements in man.
Every evil act makes future falls and relapses - and difficult the resurrection.
Every evil act increases the slope of the inclined surface that the vicious habit created in your nature - and who can stand firm on a slippery slope?
Therefore, my unknown friend, the best you can do to yourself is to do good onto others - the good for the sake of love.
The love that for the others does good, does much good to yourself, which makes you even better.
So, said the great Master that we should love our neighbours as ourselves.
Educate yourself, Oh, Man, for the ideal of doing good.
Do good for the sake of good - within yourself and others.
The only way to change the world is to practice the Gospel of the sincere kindness, the Gospel of unselfish love, the Gospel of Universal benevolence.
"God is love - whoever remains in love remains in God." (Saint John)
"The kingdom of God is within you." (Jesus)
Translator’s Note:
It is always wise to remember to harmonize our acts with our being... “In my intimate BEING I am God; hence, in my eternal ACT I should also be like GOD. I should combine the horizontal of my ethics with the vertical of my mystic, in order to be redeemed by this cross, to be positive, more, Infinite, like this symbolic sign. All evil of my life comes from the discrepancy between the way I ACT and my BEING.”
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TRUTH = COSMIC LAW - by Huberto Rohden
Cosmic laws are fair and does not forgive anyone, there is no reward or punishment, there is only the inexorable law of Cause and Effect which no one can change it. There is also no such thing as forgiveness, in the theological sense; God does not forgive anyone, in the sense to dismiss man from that law enforcement, otherwise is an injustice.
Sooner or later, man has to fulfil the inexorable law. God is the law itself, in the words of Einstein.
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Wednesday 14 May 2014


Were medieval alchemists dealing with various elements - to discover the secret formula of gold...
Most stupendous prodigy performs Nature - vivifying dead substances.
What today's iron and phosphate, calcium and carbon - tomorrow is living cell, green foliage, flower with perfume...
And been with so many and diverse elements assimilated - the plant does not lose its specific type...
Palm tree is always palm tree; cedar is always cedar - whatever the terrain that nurtures, whatever substance assimilated...
Wheat living with thorns and thistles - interweaving them with the slender roots - it is still genuine wheat...
Does not lose the character – does not corrupt its nature…
High in the mountains, in deep valleys, under the heat of the desert, in fruitful wetlands – always each plant will sign its form and kind - although larger or smaller are its strength and beauty...
Not falsifiable is the soul of the living plant organism...
Learn my friend the lesson that nature gives you!
Learn how to be faithful to yourself and to defend what is yours!
Sick or healthy, rich or poor - be ever faithful to yourself.
Do not allow ungrateful soil and harsh environment to falsify your soul.
As much as weeds invade your life and no matter how harmful roots intersect with yours - keep yourself harmless from their evil influences.
Neglects disparate substances, heterogeneous elements, strange atoms - assimilate particles of their own and congenial to your being...
To homogenize the heterogeneous - it takes great power...
To vitalize inert substances - is require unparalleled energy...
To harmonize disparate elements - is necessary powerful vitality...
To preserve from adultery the character of your Self-environment - is required fidelity without fail...
If you can’t assimilate new elements - you will finish in spiritual atrophy.
If prevails against you bad elements – you will fall victim of personal tampering.
Be my friend an open temple for every horizon, walks of life - at whose altar burns the sacred fire of truth.
Strengthen your faithfulness to your own Self and open the doors for other Thous – without tampering it.
Be your Self that powerful star that around others stars can rotate - without causing outer space disharmony.
Be so indestructible the atomic nucleus of your soul that all the electrons of the environment may circumscribe – without dissolving it.
And thou shalt be perfect ! ! !
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