Tuesday 23 June 2015



The church of Jesus, the Christ, is the discovery of the kingdom of God within man, the "birth through the spirit" and the subsequent universal love of all beings who are objects of the Divine love. I accept the roman Catholicism because of some elements of Christian catholicity that still has, but I did not accept it entirely because of the human element, too human indeed, even sub human, which were introduced as a church body. For similar reasons, I do not accept too, the Protestantism as such, although I have to recognized that there are in it Christian elements of real value.
Provided that it is excluded from religion any selfish element - of individual selfishness, political , diplomatic, financial - it is possible to have a profound and personal experience of the spirit of Christ.
Unfortunately, prevailed in the world the idea of ​​"church" instead the concept of "religion". Jesus did not established of defended any church in the traditional sense, but he was a religious man, who had the deepest intuitive knowledge of God and the kingdom of heaven, but that knowledge was not limited to any bureaucratic organization, to any ecclesiastical frame, as was later invented.
Let us assume that Christian churches are steps or stages of evolution toward Christianity, i.e., more or less happy or unhappy attempts to interpret the Gospel of Christ - but none of them is Christianity and churches that dare to say such thing proves that together with their profound ignorance, the alliance of the most disgusting arrogance.
Any ecclesiastical theology is a caricature when confronted with the portrait of Christ that shines on the pages of the Gospel. Protestantism in the 16th century promised to the Christian humanity to restore the authentic portrait of Christ, so horribly misrepresented by Roman Catholicism, from the 4th century until today, but despite the actual services rendered to humanity, Protestantism also finished painting a caricature of the real Christ.
There remains to the sincere man, only to close his eyes to all theologies, ancient and modern, and to live intimately the essence of the Gospel, to rediscover intuitively in a deep spiritual clairvoyance, the pure and uncontaminated effigy of the eternal Christ and his universal Gospel. But who does such thing will be excommunicated as "heretic" and "apostate" by the theologians of the church, as it happened twenty centuries ago, to that sincere man (Paul of Tarsus) who professed the truth about Christ that healed him of blindness and was excoriated for it and driven by the blind theologians of the "infallible church" of his time and country.
Albert Schweitzer says that the Christian nowadays, properly vaccinated with the serum of ecclesiastical theologies, has become immune against the offensive of the Gospel of Christ; the injection of a meek and accommodated pseudo-Christianity immunized him against the revolutionary, aggressive and dynamic spirit of Christianity from the catacombs and amphitheatres.
The best way to end the Christianity of the Gospel is not to fight it directly, because open struggle creates opposition, heroes and martyrs; the best way is to vaccinate the Christian with the good "culture" of ecclesiastical theology that resembles Christianity. Who does not have any Christianity at all can have hunger and thirst for it, since every human soul is Christian by its very own nature; but who has a well made replacement of Christianity, lives in permanent illusion that its scholarly theology is the Christianity of Christ - and so with this all doors are closed to genuine and integral Christianity.
The Roman clergy (not specifically Catholicism) is, nowadays, the most powerful political and financial organization that exists within Christianity. Anything that encourages the prestige and finances of the clergy is considered good, even if it is diametrically opposed to the spirit of Christ, and all that works against the cause of the clergy is considered bad, even if promotes real Christianity. And, as the catholic is more catholic if more submissive for the clergy it is, logically, there is no possibility to the obedient catholic to discover genuine and integral Christianity; can only accept the conditioned form of Christianity that is offered by the clergy, which does not allow people the minimal spiritual autonomy. The knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus, the Christ, would be the beginning of emancipation and spiritual maturity; but this emancipation from clerical tutelage disfavours the political and financial cause of priestly hierarchy - so, this emancipation is bad and should be fought as heresy and apostasy of Christianity...
On the "Acts of the Apostles", we have a parallel to those sacred business: When the Apostle Paul - who seems to have been nothing "catholic" - began a systematic campaign against the trade of a goldsmith named Demetrius who was making some amulets and idols of the Goddess Diana in the city of Ephesus, he revolted against Paul because he saw that people, to the extent that they started to be more and more Christianised, embracing the Gospel of Christ preached by the apostle, diminished their faith and devotion to the idols and amulets that Demetrius sold massively. The goldsmiths of Ephesus did what his successors and friends today are still doing: defamed Paul as an enemy of religion and incited the masses against him, which nearly lynched him.
When, in our days, someone favours the cause of Christian catholicity against the interests of Roman Catholicism, is invariably punished as "enemy of the church", "heretic", "apostate", "traitor", etc., because there are many Demetrius around...

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