Wednesday 2 December 2015


It is quite usual for the hygienic person to have a daily bath - either in the morning or evening.
And what about your spiritual hygiene - if you do not bath your soul daily, into the ocean of Divinity?
Therefore, take your spiritual bath everyday in the most pure waters of the Divine world.
Expose your soul to the toning daily light bath of the communion with God.
Do not start your professional duties without first taking a dip into the waves of meditation, of prayer, of an intense and deep consciousness of God's presence.
You will see that this exchange of high frequency energies with God will transform your day into something quite different from what the profane days usually are.
You will see that your housemates or business partners seemed to you more friendly and more bearable - because you are more bearable to yourself, and when someone is tolerable with itself, everything is tolerable.
You will see that you have eyes to see what in others is good and positive, rather than to see what is bad and negative - because the spiritual bath cleaned your blurry eyes and gave you a clearer view of reality.
You will see that this communion with God, far from hindering your professional duties will greatly increase its efficiency, because all will be involved in a halo of light and airiness, making showing friendly even the most unfriendly duties.
Because after this bath and communion with God, you will see things not as they are but as you are.
If you are dissatisfied with yourself - nothing will be able to please you.
If you tolerate your own consciousness - all the people and things are tolerable.
You will see that this morning bath into the oceans of God will fill you with inner serenity during the 24 hours of your day that no misfortune will make you unhappy, no injustice will make you unjust, no ingratitude will make you ungrateful, no malice will make you harm.
Do not say that you lack the necessary time to, in just 30 minutes, to enter into this communion and this spiritual bath.
If within the 24 hours of the day you are unable to find this 30 minutes of the most important thing in your life, your daily programs will be viscerally false and urges rectifies them immediately.
Does your life is so full of other things that you have not time to live?
If you give 98% of your daily time on other duties - like external works, rest, amusements - will not remain 2% of your time to your personal growth?
If you are unable to find these 30 minutes you are at the brink of moral bankruptcy - if you are not yet a failure and defeated.
Do not choose for the most important task of the day the worst half hour, the one that you perhaps left from other jobs - reserve the best half hour when the body mind and soul feel perfectly calm and receptive.
And do not expose yourself to the danger of being disturbed or interrupted in your conversation with God - find a place where you may really be alone with God and your soul.
Before that conversation with God, find a quiet place, close the door behind you and be alone with your heavenly Father.
Also close the doors to the intrusion of profane and naughty thoughts - transform the public square of your everyday chores into a silent sanctuary of the Divinity. 
There is no need to flee to the desert or isolate yourself in a cave - but it is necessary that you have within you this "cave", where you can take refuge for some moments of dynamic passivity, of fruitful silence, listening to the Infinite.
Do not just believe in what I am telling you - seek to know from personal experience.
From the belief one can easily go back to disbelieve - but from experiential knowledge there is no return to the not-knowing.
Therefore, make your daily communion with God, with depth and intensity - and you will feel light and happy - for yourself and for others...

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