Sunday 16 September 2018


True meditation, or cosmo-meditation, is indispensable for happiness and plenitude of man.
Genuine happiness presupposes that man knows himself in his central reality and lives according to this knowledge.
Self-knowledge and self-realization are two poles upon which man's life revolves. "You shall know the Truth" - said Jesus - "and the Truth shall make you free."
Self-knowledge, which is the basis of self-realization, is not possible without a deep cosmo-meditation. Jesus, before beginning his public life, spent 40 days and 40 nights in cosmo-meditation in the wilderness, and during three years of his public life he spent whole nights in solitude, in prayer to God.
Man is not his body, his mind, nor his emotions, which are only his casing, his peripheral ego. Man is his Spirit, his Soul, his central Self, and in order to be sure of it, he must temporarily isolate himself from all his illusory peripheries, to have direct and immediate awareness of his central reality, that is to say, meditate, or cosmo-meditate. When man cosmo-meditates, he ceases to be ego-thinking and becomes cosmo-thought. He ceases to be ego-agent and becomes cosmo-acted. Ceases to be ego-living and becomes cosmo-lived, or in the language of Jesus... "the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise." And Paul of Tarsus says ... "I die every day, and that is why I live, but it is no longer I who live, it is the Christ who lives in me." "If the grain of wheat does not die, it becomes barren, but if it dies then it will bear much fruit." The ego is symbolized by a grain of wheat, and the Self is the very vital essence that is in the seed. The vital essence of the Self cannot sprout if the ego’s shell does not dissolve. Whoever does not have the courage to die voluntarily, before being compulsorily killed, cannot live gloriously in the present world.
It is necessary for man to die for his barren ego so that he may live for his abundant Self.
Many want to know when and where one should cosmo-meditate:
"Pray always and never stop praying." Praying does not mean reciting formulas. To pray as the word itself says, is to open to the Infinite, to allowed oneself to be invaded by the Infinite, this is to pray, according to the masters. This permanent meditation, this meditation-attitude, has to be preceded by many meditations-act. Permanent meditation should begin with intermittent meditations. The best time for meditation is always early morning, before beginning any work. Those who cannot meditate early in the morning, meditate at night, before going to sleep, but beware, when someone is very tired, after daytime work, it is difficult to do true meditation because meditation is a very serious work. Mental acrobatics or devotional nap is not meditation.
Each one should have a quiet place to meditate and always meditate at the same time and place. A quiet enclosure gradually becomes a sanctuary that facilitates meditation and mental concentration, because the auras and vibrations of this place modify the environment itself favourably.
As for the body’s posture to favour concentration: who cannot sit in the lotus posture, use a firm chair with straight back, placing hands close to the body with eyes semi-closed without crossing the legs. A slightly bluish or greenish light, or at least a penumbra, is very favourable for concentration.
Before beginning meditation, breathe few times, deep and slow to harmonize the emotional vibrations. During meditation breathe normally.
Any attention to body activity makes meditation difficult. One should relax all its body tensions and completely forgetting the body presence.
Before meditating, one can become aware of words like these: "I and the Father are one. The Father is in me and I'm in the Father", or, "I die every day and that is why I live, but it is no longer I who live, it is the Christ who lives in me."
After doing intermittent meditation in the form of daily acts, one will find that meditation gradually becomes a permanent meditation without knowing it, in a meditation-attitude, perfectly compatible with any external work and in any environment.
This meditation-attitude, conscious or unconscious, does not prevent, but even greatly favours external works, which are enlightened and haloed by lightness, beauty and happiness. Then one can comprehend what Jesus meant by the words: "Pray always and never stop praying", that is, to always be aware of God’s presence, thinking of nothing; to think is no to be conscious, consciousness is a state of the spiritual Self, and it is not a process of the mental ego. When man is in true spiritual consciousness, he thinks nothing, he is 100% spiritual consciousness and 0% mental thought, and then he enters into a true state of meditation-attitude, which has to be preceded by many meditations and in the practice of conscious and supra-conscious acts, where in the state of super consciousness man reaches the highest state of consciousness.
It is convenient to precede cosmo-meditation with some music that helps deep meditation.
Not all classical songs of the great masters help in this process; the well-known Hymn to Brahma, Schubert's Ave Maria, the mystical song of Ruth, "Wherever you go, I will go", and others with the same vibration that calms, relaxes and helps meditation.
These songs and others can serve as an introduction to cosmo-meditation, but not to accompany meditation. During cosmo-meditation there must be absolute silence, which is the music of the Divinity, the music of the Infinite. This silence should not only be physical, but it should also be mental and emotional. Man should do nothing, should not think anything, should not want anything during the cosmo-meditation, but simply be in the spiritual consciousness.
This man will be invaded by the soul of the Universe, and this Universe is not external to him, this Universe for which he will be invaded, is in his own centre, is his central consciousness, his Self, his soul, his spirit. His peripheries will be invaded by his centre, because it is rule and cosmic law: where there is an emptiness, a plenitude happens.
If man completely empties himself from all the contents of his human ego, he will infallibly be invaded by the soul of the Universe, which is not external to him but within himself. This invasion is automatic, but the emptying of our ego is our personal task. And here lies the great difficulty. Our ego does not want to be emptied of its activities, because it knows nothing beyond this. It defends itself against this self-emptying. But in the subconscious, fall into trance. If this happens, nothing relevant will be gained in meditation, because in the subconscious we can not realize ourselves, we can only realize ourselves in the supra-conscious. Therefore, when one ceases to think and to want something - one should not fall into unconsciousness or subconsciousness, because this solves nothing; has to rise to supra-consciousness, to the cosmo-consciousness.
In order to reach the quieter regions of consciousness, we have to flee from the noisy regions of our mind, in which we waste most of our time, and that requires a control of our thoughts. Only then will we have the ability to reach that quiet region which is the dwelling place of the Spirit, devoid of any thoughts and words. 

After one becomes accustomed to a deep, constant and true cosmo-meditation, all the painful problems of life will be solved, thus allowing an experience of peace, tranquillity and happiness.

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