Tuesday 18 August 2020


According to the sacred scriptures, when a man moves from his present ego tyrannical consciousness to the future divine consciousness of his Self, there will be a new heaven and a new earth. All mandatory sects, churches and theologies will disappear - and only Religion will remain, which will guide men to happiness.

This unique and universal Religion will no longer depend on traditions and revelations of the past. There will be no more belief or disbelief - but only the wisdom of the experience of the Divine Reality.

Religion will no longer be that part of life to be practised on certain days and in certain places according to certain rites - Religion will be the very essence of daily life because the man of cosmic consciousness will feel spontaneously reconnected to the Transcendent Infinite by the Immanent Infinite will feel the Creator, the Cosmic Potencies in all creatures of the world.

The cosmic man will not seek his Religion in books, ceremonies, temples, bibles, ecclesiastical authorities, dogmas, sacraments, prayers, hymns or creeds - his own life will be his Religion because he will know that “The Father and I are one, the Father is in me, and I'm in the Father.”

And this Religion will not have the purpose of delivering man from his sins and saving his soul to eternal life; to preserve him from hell and to bring him into heaven because the assurance of immortality will be in every soul, here and now, just as the light is in his eyes.

Doubts about God and eternal life will be as impossible as doubt about his existence.

There will be no longer any discussion of theism or atheism, of materialism or spiritualism - because a man of cosmic consciousness overcame all the primary and secondary schools of earthly life and entered the University of Cosmic Reality.

There will no longer be intermediaries between man and God - because the man himself, reaching his spiritual maturity, knows that the Kingdom of God dwells within.  

The so-called death is not for him the end of life, but the transition from a life of illusions to a real-life in other regions of the universe because he knows from experience what the meaning of: “in the house of my Father, there are many mansions.”

The cosmic man realized the mystics of God through the ethics of men in the aesthetics of nature - and for this reason, he knows that all the assets of the universe are always at his disposal since he feels like an integral part of the Cosmos.

The world populated by men of cosmic consciousness will be so different from the world governed by the ego-consciousness, as this human race of today, is different from the prehistoric human race, before the dawn of intelligence.

The man of the future, governed by the Christlike consciousness of the rational Self will be so different from the present man governed by the Luciferlike science of the intellectual ego, as the bright clarity of the sun differs from the weak phosphorescence of a firefly in the middle of the night.

When the semi-conscious man of the spiritual reality of today, enters the world of the full consciousness of the cosmic man of tomorrow, only then, for the first time, will be comprehended, the Gospel of Jesus - and everything that has been said, written, and researched by theologians about Jesus it will be considered as fire painted in museum canvases, before the real fire in all its truth.

And then, Jesus' second coming will be a glorious reality - in the world of the cosmic man ... 

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