Monday 16 February 2015


The imperfect man practice evil.
The semi-perfect man does good to receive reward.
The pleni-perfect man does good for the sake of doing good, without any ulterior motive.
Who needs to be thought admits he is sick or injured.
Who expect to be compensated recognizes that suffered damage or loss - by the fact of doing good.
Who expect to be rewarded for the good he does confesses that he is not good, that he is selfish, that deposited a capital into a bank to get higher interest rates.
Only one who does good for the sake of doing good is really good - not selfish, is not deemed impaired, feeling sick or injured because of doing good and being good.
But how can I practice good without expecting a reward?
You cannot, my friend, take this attitude of disinterest and absolute truth, while you live in the illusion of yourself, while you identify your peripheral physical-mental personality with your central Self, with your spiritual soul, divine.
The physical-mental personality, essentially selfish, need to be compensated by the benefits it provides to humanity - because seem to be a kind of damage to the benefactor - that seeks to ruled out harmless.
The spirit soul, however, know that doing good for good is to be intimately good - and who is good does not require compensation, because owns infinite wealth.
Your true Self is divine, which not need to be rewarded, compensated, thought - is love, wealth, health.
God does not expect reward from anyone - because He is eternal Love.
God does not want compensation from anyone - because He is infinite Plenitude.
God cannot be thought by anyone - because He is perfect Sanity.
And your soul, being God in you, is Love, Plenitude, Sanity - do not degrade your soul to a lower level, lower that itself!
Find your true divine Self, discover your soul in you, find yourself as your soul - and you will be rich, happy and sane for being good.
Acquires the firm divine consciousness of your cosmic citizenship – and do not deceive yourself considering as inhabitant of planet Earth.
Here you are only a temporary immigrant, a strange, pilgrim – your true homeland are the heavens, the infinite, the universe of God.
Fulfil here, in the best way, your earthly pilgrimage – but do not reduce yourself to slave of your slaves!
The supreme joy and happiness is in being what, in God's eternal plan, you must be, now, here, and everywhere.
The tangible results of what you are and you do not run on your own - so do not mind what is beyond your reach.
Do not make your happiness depend on something that does not depend on you.
From you depends on being good and to practice good - of you does not depend on what others do with your benefits.
Do not talk about "ingratitude" - who speaks about it reveals the impurity of his intentions.
The one who receives the benefit, of course, has a moral obligation to be grateful - but the benefactor has no right to expect gratitude.
The gratitude or ingratitude of others is not part of your being-good.
Be good, invariably good, joyously good - and closes your eyes to everything that might happen later, beyond the borders of your will.
If you do so, if you are, you will have your heaven here on Earth - and you do not need to concern yourself with what happens next.
God is the Highest Good, He will know what to do with you - if you are good.
How could a man intimately good, suffer harm from God, Who is infinitely good?
Be good - and leave the rest to God!
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