Sunday 8 February 2015

THE SELF, part I

THE SELF, part I - by Guenther Zuehlsdorf, translation from the original German edition into Portuguese by Huberto Rohden and translated into English by Flavio de Mello.
"Do you speak of your individual Self. With the same reason you could fill a jug with water of the Ganges and call this amount of water your individual Ganges". Ramakrishna
When, one day, the Scottish writer Carlyle looked to his weak body after bathing, would have said sadly: "But, who am I anyway?" Although unaware of the true sense, came to his mind the question that has everything that man can ask: Who am I? This question formed the centre of the doctrines of the rishis of the Upanishads: "Know the Uno, the Soul, which is the bridge that leads to immortality."
It is also the teachings roots of the sages of China's: "He who knows his nature knows heaven".  (Meng-Tse)
It is still the quintessential doctrine of the great sage of our time, Ramana Maharishi: "All your questions are superfluous! You should only focus on the fact that no question can be resolved without self-knowledge. Only through the realization of the Self is that everything becomes clear and all problems find their solution. "
The Self is the great mystery of our lives. From birth to death we are dominated by the thought Self - though we know nothing of it. And yet, it is the only reality that exists for us, because all the facts and thoughts only come into existence when our Self become aware of them. The Self see the earth - and it exists. The Self is aware of its idea - it is present. The Self is the only direct relationship we have with the Divine - No wonder isn't it!  Fichte explains this with deep conviction in his scientific doctrine: "We cannot think anything without our Self, without having the awareness of ourselves as self-conscious. Everything that exists only exists while the Self exist, and external to the Self there is nothing".
While discussing the issue of the Self, we make it in a conceptual and intellectual way. What we do is changing terms only, we invent other concepts, but we link to them the usual ideas. We pour new wine into old barrels. The true meaning of the question of the Self can only be picked up spontaneously during times in cosmic plunge, during moments when we dream with open eyes, when our soul is bombarded with deep feelings of human nature. Only one who constantly rejects all intellectual interpretations of his mind is able to have an answer to his question.
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