Sunday 10 May 2015


"Remember me when you come into your kingdom"...
"Verily I say unto thee, today shalt be with me in paradise"...
Strange dialogue that never was caught before in the world, cross to cross between two moribund.
"Remember me" - who asks for only one drop of love in the midst of a hell of pain is not a bad man at all.
Man intimately evil curses his sufferings and the authors thereof.
The petty man seeks liberation from the torments, or acceleration of death.
The thief on the cross asks only for a remembrance, a little love...
He asked for a crumb whose lack made him a criminal, vicious, cruel... a little love...
Since childhood he wanted to be good - but men made him bad because was denied to him, comprehension and love...
He gave a false step - and the inhuman laws of men condemned him as criminal...
The perverse environment of the prison led to be bad who wanted to be good...
And when he finished his sentence, he walked the world with the stigma of a criminal - and never found among the "honest men" anyone to give him a bit of love...
He dragged himself to a dark existence with an icy polar soul…
Only in the ultimate moments of his life, hanging on the cross, he finally found someone - his partner in torture...
He found a man who believed in the eager of his soul, than to the wickedness of his life...
He found a man who loved him and wanted him well...
And the "good thief" felt a warm aura of goodwill to commit his cold soul…
And amid the spring thaw of that look of love he asked for to the fellow in torture to remember him through the light of his kingdom…
He did not ask for revenge to his enemies, did not request relief in excruciating agony - asked what the lack of which had made his life a hell: a bit of love.
Just a remembering...
An affectionate thought...
A drop of friendship...
"Remember me when you come into your kingdom"...
And succeeded in death, from a moribund, what in life he never received from the living...
And from the little he asked for, received much more than haven't dared to ask: "Today you will be with me in paradise"...
Over the heads of the howling crowd happens then, cross to cross, between two dying a sincere friendship, sacred, eternal...
Friendship between a man divinely good - and a bad man who wanted to be good, and love made him good...
Between the Christ Redeemer - and a man redeemed.

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