Wednesday 6 May 2015


When man “disborn” from matter and reborn in spirit, he enters the anonymous zone of mystical contemplation – then, he passes through the world like a somnambulant, alien to earthly realities...
"To be born, live, "disborn", reborn in spirit, is the synthesis of mankind evolution in his pilgrimage through Universe."
Nothing binds him to the things of the past.
He became a stranger in Earth - an alien in his own country...
His kingdom is no longer from this world, and therefore, "is not understood by anyone".
Life to him has no longer its natural bitterness.
He also suffer but does not suffer like the profane man.
No longer feels the fatigue of the work.
All runs with lightness and spontaneous naturalness.
His life is no longer a "walk" but a noticeable "slide”.
Contemplates all things with a kind of contempt, but not with this fierce and pessimistic contempt of a disillusioned from life - but with mild and benevolent contempt of a superior and free spirit, that uses benevolence towards all beings because he knows that he is intangible and invulnerable like Jesus, the Christ...
This man, knows no more about the sick itching of censoring the faults and weaknesses of others and no takes note of human misery, unless to relieve it.
In addition, in this atmosphere of spirit is natural and easy for him to speak words like these: "Father, forgive them for they not know what they do”...
It is also in this intimate climate, when is understandable the supreme wisdom of that immense madness crystallized in the Sermon on the Mount:
"Blessed are those who suffer...
Blessed are those who mourn...
Blessed are those with hunger and thirst...
Blessed are those who are in persecution...
When someone slaps you on your right cheek – turn to him the other…
When someone steals your coat - gives him the cover...
When someone forces you to go with him one mile - go to miles...
Love your enemies; do good to those who hurt you"...
For the non spiritual man this seems absolute madness, and for the semi-spiritual seems extraordinary heroism - but for man fully spiritual and mystical, it is clear and perfectly natural.
It is his mood, his daily bread, his true Christianity.
When man reaches this serene and undisturbed spirit of freedom, this universal psychic neutrality, this easy inner feeling, this ineffable bliss of wanting to possess anything - then he finds that his apparent emptiness is overwhelming fullness.
Then he understands the divine philosophy of the most spiritual human being that ever walked on Earth:
"It is necessary to lose – to receive...
It is necessary to be a fool - to become wise...
"It is necessary to die - to live...
"You must make of yourself a child - in order to enter the kingdom of heaven”...

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