Thursday 9 July 2015


With these words Jesus, the Christ, enunciates the great laws of the Universe indestructible balance. No creature, however powerful, can unbalance the cosmic balance of justice. No one can thwart God's plan. In the metaphysical or objective order of things, God will always be 100% victorious because nobody can defeat Him. All of backslides of some creatures, enemies of God subjectively, objectively will contribute to highlight the unique sovereignty and the infinite majesty of God.
However, vicissitudes, lights and shadows, good and evil, can happen within this indestructible objective order and stable balance of the Universe. Every creature can consciously and freely oppose God and try to prevail against the Great Whole. Man's free will is sufficient for him to be responsible for his free acts, but this responsibility is limited by the finitude of human nature; metaphysically speaking, man is only partially free and this freedom is apparently out of the jurisdiction of the Cosmic Constitution of the Universe. If man were totally free, he would be omnipotent, as the Infinite is. In the Infinite, says Baruch Spinoza, coincide freedom and necessity; God is necessarily free, and freely necessary. This is the mystery of freedom of each conscious creature.
It is however, absurd to assume that some finite (man), can defeat the Infinite (the Creator), that the part can prevail over the Whole, and that some existential effect can thwart some plans of the Essential Cause.
No plan of God can be thwarted by man. The creature does not have to choose between maintaining or not the plans of God; only has two ways to choose to meet His commitments, or joyfully or painfully, but under any circumstances the creature will fulfil the Creator’s plans, either enjoying or suffering. The unfailing fulfilment belongs to God, the fulfilment with joy or pain belongs to man.
Now, when man opposes the plans of God, lacking Truth, Justice, Love, he enters into the zone of guilt (or sin), facing the consequences of penalties (suffering). By guilt man tempts to be away from God; by penalties he is taken to approach God. By guilt man tries to unbalance the equilibrium of the Universe – by suffering, re-balances that subjective imbalance. We say "subjective" because an objective imbalance is impossible; if it were possible, God would cease to be sovereign and omnipotent and letting the Universe to be a "Cosmos", to be converted into a “chaos”.
Guilt is something negative, as negative is also the sentence, suffering.
The negative of guilt infallibly causes the negative of sentence. Negative produces negative – positive produces positive.
The evil emanated from the subject (guilt) produces evil coming from the object (sentence, sufferings).
The good created by the subject (love) produces the good created by the object (enjoyment).
If I assume a negative attitude, evil, while facing any elements of the Universe, hating - the Universe will assume a negative attitude against me making me suffer.
If I assume a positive attitude, good, while facing any elements of the Universe, loving - the Universe will assume a positive attitude in my favour giving me joy.
Only then it is possible to maintain the stable equilibrium of the Universe.
All wisdom of man consists in never assuming any negative attitude, but always positive in the face of the Universe and to any of its elements. It is an absurd to think that someone charging his head against the Himalayas can topple this gigantic mountain, although perhaps, able to displace either insignificant pebble which, nevertheless continue to be an integral part of the Himalayas. All wisdom consists that man, spontaneously, harmonize his subjective attitude with the eternal and indestructible objective Reality of the Universe; to tune his little will and act with the great Will and Acting of God.
In creating any negative of guilt is equivalent to cause a negative sentence or suffering.
In creating a positive of love equals a positive cause for Joy.
Sin causes suffering.
Love creates happiness.
Who measures us with the same measure is the inexorable righteousness of the Universal Cosmic Constitution, which manifests usually through its concrete agents, nature or men. Nature and men are representatives of the eternal Truth and Justice. Who opposes Truth or Justice will have to suffer - who harmonizes with Truth and Justice will enjoy.
It is truth that positive or negative result not always appears immediately; but its appearance is infallible even if later, for decades, centuries or millennium, because under no circumstances can the order of the Universe subjectively denied by guilt or affirmed by love, fails to act in the same direction, negative or positive, producing pain or joy.
It is not possible to be virtuous exercising addictions. To be bad is the equivalent to feel unhappy. Being good means being happy.

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