Thursday 9 July 2015


"Let the young children alone, and do not try to stop them from coming to me for the Kingdom of the heavens belongs to such ones."
Man who has a naive belief has not become like a child; he is just a child and never left this spiritual childhood of the naive believe.
The non believer, is no longer a child and did not become adult. Went from healthy childhood to an unhealthy infantilism, not seeing behind its scepticism, the ultimate Reality, the original Source of all existences.
Only the wise man has acquired genuine maturity and therefore - as paradoxical as it may seem - can become like a child.
The true wisdom of experience is an infant's adulthood, because the experienced man at the level of ultimate Reality acquired a simple wisdom, diaphanous, calm, away from all sophistications, a wisdom full of security that is beyond all loud and proud discussions of the analytical intelligence. This man is not a scholar, but a learned man. It may be that this man did not know many things, like the man encyclopaedia, but knows a lot - his knowledge is quality and not quantity. He is not an archive of juxtaposed and disconnected knowledge - his knowledge is of a panoramic view, who knows the exact place of every creature in the Universe.
The wise and learned man is always serenely dynamic and calm; he does not need to run in a hurry to and from in order to get the materiality of life - he feels like in a vast plain full of sun light, covering both all latitudes and longitudes around him; although a pilgrim on planet Earth, always is at the end of all his journeys.
And that's why a man like this lives in this dynamic peace, of tranquil security, which seems to strike all who approaches him.
To know how to become like a child in full manhood is a divine art, a mystical charisma, it is the cosmic wisdom.
We should not stay children, but become like children after we are adults. This second phase of infancy, created freely by fully grown man, is the ultimate test of his full adulthood. Who, as an adult, is not be able to become as if he or she were a child, is not fully mature in its evolution.
It is a pleni-conscious infancy, not an unconscious infancy, and much less a pseudo-conscious infantilism.
To be like a child, not by natural ignorance, but by the wisdom acquired with experience. It is to overcome not only the subconscious mind of the infant, but also the conscious mind of the youth and to enter into the cosmic super consciousness.

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