Sunday 30 March 2014


Yes - and no.
It depends what you mean by church.
The Greek word ekklesia, and the Latin word ecclesia, repeatedly occurs in the Gospel.
The English translation is church.
But what is mean by church today, is something totally different from the original meaning of this word. Church is for us, a hierarchical organization with its human head and legal constitution. Aquinas defines the church as a perfect society, endowed with executive, legislative and judicial power. The church, according to this theological concept, developed since the fourth century, is a state organization whose management obeys the same rules of any other government.
This is the juridical aspect of the visible (material) church .
In the Gospel, however, the word church has nothing to do with this concept. The whole Gospel of Christ gravitates around the core concept of the "kingdom of God" or "kingdom of heaven" - and this kingdom coincides exactly with what the Gospel mean by church, but the invisible (within man) church.
The Fifth Gospel of the Apostle Thomas, discovered by Bedouins in Egypt (1945), and translated into many languages, explicitly addresses this kingdom of God, in the world and man, this true church, real, internal, invisible.
The Master explicitly denies that the kingdom of God can be discovered by compliance and obedience of rules and dogmas; that the kingdom of God has a geographic location and we can direct to this or that address saying: - "Here or there is the kingdom of Heaven".
After, summarizing everything, he ends: - "The kingdom of God is within you".
The translation "among you", just like a social phenomenon, is false; either the Greek text of the first century, as the later Latin text says "is within you", i.e., within the human soul. With this, the Master denies that it is a social organization.
The Kingdom of God lies potentially within every human creature, and man must be aware and develop this kingdom.
The true church of Christ has nothing to do with a social or juridical organization.
Why then the visible church was established?
The visible church was established by men, by theologians, and can coexist with the invisible church, thus as the body is the material aspect of the spiritual soul. But it would be absurd to say that the soul has a head, legs, arms, etc.
The soul or the essence of the church is the internal kingdom in each individual; the body or the existence of the church, can be a visible society, as long as this does not look to be superior than that, but living in perfect harmony as a visible manifestation of the invisible church. In case of conflict between the church body and the soul of the church, we must abandon the body, asserting only the soul.
The invisible soul of the kingdom of God can manifest through various visible bodies - provided that there is no identification between the soul and the body, between the internal kingdom and the external organization.
Since the majority of humanity is spiritually immature, the metaphysical message of Christ appears in the form of child pedagogy, as is the whole theology. This pedagogical interpretation of the cosmic message of Christ is a necessary social malady, because most of humanity is not, and never has been able to understand and assimilate, the spirit of the invisible kingdom - but it's better for the poorly evolved spiritually masses to have a pedagogical discipline, than be without it.
Already in the first century wrote Paul of Tarsus to the Christians: "To those among you who are infants in Christ, gave them milk to drink - but to adults who are in Christ, gave them solid food".
Twenty centuries were not enough for many of these children to become adults in spirit. The evolution goes with minimum steps in maximum spaces!
Unfortunately, many Christian leaders have interests - social, political and financial - to keep Christianity in its infantile stage of blind obedience, because no leader can govern spiritually adult men. The spiritual adulthood is autonomous and self-determining, and not slavishly obey orders established by needs and passions. If all Christendom was spiritually mature, there would be no need for the existence of a visible church, because the church is essentially invisible, the kingdom of God within man. In the direct proportion which grows the “Christocracy”, descends the  “clergicracy”. And when the Christocracy has reached 100, the clergicracy will descend to 0.
It seems that John, in Revelation, triumphantly predicted this Christocracy when he wrote: "There will be a new heaven and a new earth, and God's kingdom will be proclaimed upon the face of the earth".
Spiritual leaders can and should be guiding the people, like indicator arrows along the way, but not intermediaries between man and God. But to act as counsellors and guides for others, man must realized within the kingdom of God. Otherwise, he is another "blind guide leading the blinds".
It is not enough to say and do - it is necessary to be, in spirit and truth, what we recommend to others.
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Saturday 8 March 2014



What first I heard as soon as I turned on the radio this morning was to be today, The International Women's Day .
Was well remembered because immediately I thought of writing to the girls who surrounds my life, but which is actually, a cry for forgiveness to all women of all time... ever.
Someone wisely wrote that women, "holds up half the Universe" but since ancient times, her counterpart, was not able and still is not, to comprehend the fundamental essence of women existence, as partners in our pilgrimage, for without them, holding that other half, this universe would not exist.
But I comprehend, and on behalf of all other men I apologize in the person of a man that I am, for the evil we did and still do to women.
Cheers and have a good International Women's Day, everyday....
Flavio de Mello
P.S.   But... between us, even that is not hypocrisy, just to pick one day of the year to remind one that sustains half the Universe ?
              Ah ! us men, how ridiculous we are !
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Thursday 6 March 2014


Humanity who went through the horrors of two world wars (more subsequent wars, terrorism and all sort of violence), can no longer believe in the redemptive power of our culture and civilization, as expected by some optimistic of centuries past. Science and technology, culture and civilization does not redeem man.
“Opening a school is to close a jail” – no thinking man can continue endorsing similar ingenuity. The great criminals of humanity were neither illiterate nor stupid, but men of remarkable intelligence, and often of great knowledge – but without spiritual experience.
The redemption of man is not an extension of his mental Lucifer – but in the discovery of his spiritual Christ (to awake Christ within). “No religion promises heaven to the intelligent, but to the good ones”, says Einstein.
Both Lucifer and Christ are present in man personality, in his ego and in his Self, but as long as Lucifer lives his full mental maturity, spiritual Christ is still in his infancy or mere pregnancy...
To invoke and evoke from the depths of human nature that Christ child or unborn – is the great challenge of evolving man.
Unfortunately, our theologians, still based on the old dualism of the Jewish synagogue, make man believe that Logos and Lucifer, Satan and Christ are separate entities, outside man and beyond him, that one will make us sinners and the other will make us righteous.
Cosmic Philosophy, however, knows that man is both Satan and Christ – if prevails ego, speaks Satan – if wins the Self, Christ reigns.
“The Kingdom of Heaven is within you... but it is a hidden treasure...”
The philosophers before Pythagoras were called wise men. However, Pythagoras found that this quality should be attributed to God who knows everything, but man can only be a seeker of wisdom, a lover of wisdom or a “philosopher”.
Science is the intellect.
Wisdom is the reason.
The intellectual science is analytical.
The rational wisdom is intuitive.
The intellectual man produces science.
The rational man receives wisdom.
Wisdom is a charisma, a grace, a gift from the Infinite (God), which is indicated for man who has conceived an environment to receive this wisdom.
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Wednesday 5 March 2014


What I can say to God or about God is not important.  More important is what God can whisper in my ears.  And God will whisper something important to me if I nurture within the environment to listen to Him.
But for God to speak, I must remain silent.
The silence of the ego gives rise to the words of God.
My noisy ignorance scares the silent wisdom of God.
My noise is sterile, the silence of God is fertile.
Who speaks unnecessary words, sterilizes the mind.
The irrational way of thinking, sterilizes the soul.
Who does not speak or think irrationally, fertilizes the soul.
Spiritual consciousness begins beyond words and thoughts.
It is necessary to engage the rational mind first, and this attitude will activate spiritual consciousness. Doing so, the abundance of Divine Reality will be replenish within.
The sacrament of silence and solitude produces spiritual awakening.
Many speak eloquently.
Some know how to think correctly.
But few know how to be silent dynamically.
But... silence, is the agony of the ego. And ego-centred individuals dread silence, because they fear the death of the ego  -  a  prelude to the resurrection of Christ within man.
Those who lives surrounded by noise for 30, 50, 80 years, drowns in the sea of ​​silence. And their ego tries to cling to any lifeline.
The living environment  of the ego is noise either material, mental or emotional. The ego cannot live without noise. When then it lacks this essential lifeblood, withers away, starves; and if ego cannot adapt to the environment of silence, dies of suffocation or starvation.
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Our senses perceives only dimensional objects.
Our intellect conceive non-dimensional realities, such as relationships, truth, causality, quality, which has no weight or measure, nor form nor colour, pure nothings to the senses; therefore, for the intellect is solidly real, so much so that our whole civilization and culture are based on these non-dimensional realities.
However, this non-dimensionality is relative because "nothing is in the intellect that has not been in the senses". We cannot conceive these abstract qualities only as inherent in any specific practical amount. The non-dimensionality conceived by the intellect suffers from the dimensional tare perceived by the senses - and from this "original sin" physical-mental man cannot totally free himself, while staying in the horizontal level.
Our reason, however, senses non-dimensional realities, because they are not from dimensional objects. Apprehend pure quality that can prove in quantities, but does not depend on them.
The reason acts in a non-casual level, free from any mechanical causality.
The great Democritus of Abdera (ca.460 BC - ca. 360 BC) the pre-Socratic philosopher drew up his "Atomic Theory", that Einstein speaks with reverence, had a vision of the ultimate truth that the divisible is derived from the indivisible, that quantity comes from quality, and that the non-pure Existence is partial manifestation of pure Being. This vision is purely rational, logical and cannot be derived from the intellectual or through the senses.
The pure logic, the inexorable mathematics, forces us to admit that everything from the dimensional word is derived from the non-dimensional Reality. If the transition from the Infinite (Source) to the Finite (all existences) is creation, then the concept of the creation is a rigorous scientific and mathematical truth.
In creation, the effect of existence is born of Nothing (from the Empty-Source) - which is at once the Whole of the essence. The creatures comes from the existential Nothing – which is the essential Whole.
The entire dimensional world of the finite come from the non-dimensional Infinite.
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Tuesday 4 March 2014


SMILES OF DEATH – by Huberto Rohden
Never been so full of people the great circle of the Colosseum...
Diocletian satisfied, smile on his lofty throne of gold and ivory...
Enter the vast arena a young Roman patrician – more girlish then woman...
Floats to the caresses of the morning lily the graceful lightness of her robe...
And thousand of eyes from the top galleries behold the gentle child...
Far away in the dark amphitheatre dungeons roars of Nubian lions and Mesopotamian panthers...
Resolutely, the graceful girl walks to the centre of that vast arena...
The firm way of walk of the young Roman resembles the march of the Caesars centurions who conquered the world...
And she is prepared to conquer worlds even more beautiful than those…
Burns on her dark pupils a strange glow - reminiscent of the invisible flashes of eternity...
The Roman Empire contemplates a child...
For a moment the eyes of that heroine are looking for her fellow teens… With a farewell smile to everybody, she sends with her hands affectionate kisses - an eternal goodbye...
Suddenly - two beasts breaks out from the basement of the huge arena...
The girl with the bleach robe amid a field of bloody roses pulls from the open veins a handful of blood and raising her hands to the morning sky says: "Ave Christe, moritura te saluta!"... (1)
And she disappeared like rose petals swept away by insane storm...
When the screams in the galleries of the bloodthirsty mob died down, sung in the highest divine voices:
"Hallelujah! Eternal powers...
Hallelujah! Immortal spirit…
Worthless are the handcuffs, Oh! Men,
If the soul is the breath of God!
Worthless are bonfires and beasts,
Worthless are torture and crosses,
Worthless are martyrdom and death.
If immortal is the Gospel of Christ!
If almighty is the love of Jesus...
If death loses the horrors,
Under the light of resurrection and life!"
Translator's note
(1) That is: "Hail Oh! Christ, die salute you."
The agonizing pagan gladiators use to release in the air a handful of blood and greet the Emperor, shouting: "Hail, Caesar, moriturus te saluta!" (Hail Caesar, who is about to die greet you!).
Relates the story or legend that some Christian martyrs greeted Jesus with identical words when they were about to die for Him.
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“Christ, Krishna, Lao Tse, governs - or should govern - the spiritual destiny of mankind through the Gospel, the Bhagavad Gita and the Tao Te King.
The oldest of these three books is the Bhagavad Gita dating back to the Vedas, whose origins go some five millennia before the Christian era.
The Tao Te King was born six centuries BC and will soon celebrate about 2600 years of existence.
The Gospel, the basic part of the New Testament is celebrating 2000 years of existence.
All these books of wisdom were born in Asia, which has always been the cradle of the great spiritual geniuses. The Gospel of Christ, though born in the Middle East, soon expanded by the West, the East, but even today, does not have 1% of Christians.
The reason for this strange phenomena is the fact that the Gospel was born in the spiritually barbaric environment of the Roman Empire and has been interpreted analytically, and not experienced intuitively, the essence of a body that prevailed over the spirit of the soul.
In the translation and notes of the Bhagavad Gita and the Tao Te King, I was careful to draw the attention of the Western readers to the affinity which exists between the wisdom literature of India, China and the Gospel.
Mankind, at the dawn of the 3rd millennium, has an urgent need to return to the wisdom of these eternal books that except for minor differences, all converge on the same fundamental direction towards a cosmic experience as the Universe itself, where the rules of the Infinite (Source, Creator) rule over all finites (channels, creatures).
The profane man knows only the effects of the finite rules.
The mystic discovered the cause of the Infinite, forgetting not infrequently, the effects of the finite.
The cosmic man however known and tastes the Infinite revealed in the manifestation of the finite.
In the Bhagavad Gita, the Tao Te King and the Gospel is revealed the vision of the cosmic man, the deepest unity over the widest diversity, the Christ-Cosmic harmony of the Universe and man."
*Translator’s Note
Despite being a prolific writer (around 100 books in his list, plus uncountable pages of brochures), Rohden also translated few books from the original texts in Greek, Latin, English, German, into Portuguese. The books on the list above are the ones that he devoted time to develop part of his thoughts and ethical character. Books that he highly recommend to be read.
In 1973, Rohden launched his translation and interpretation of the New Testament, based on the Greek text from the first century version, which has since that repeated issues in Portuguese.
Later, he published a translation and his interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita, the Sublime Songs of the mystical Indian philosophy and, in the cycle of the three big-little books of humanity, he translated and also interpreted to the Brazilians readers, the book Tao Te King by Lao-Tse, which synthesizes the ancient wisdom of China.



YOUR SOUL – by Huberto Rohden

Your soul is light - do not switch it off...
Your soul is a harp - do not leave it out of tune...
Your soul is a mirror - do not tarnish it...
Your soul is a flower - do not let it wither away...
Your soul is a spring - do not disturb its waters...
Your soul is a sanctuary - do not profane it...
Your soul is a poem - do not steal its poetry...
Your soul is a virgin - respect its purity...
Your soul is a mystery - mutes its secrets...
Your soul is a rainbow - contemplate its beauties...
Your soul is free – do not enslave it...
Your soul is a breath of God – support in it the divine life...

If this is all thy soul, Oh! Man, why not make your life the image and likeness of thy soul?...
It was not the body that produced the soul - is the soul that produced the body...
The spiritual soul designs the material building of thy being...
It is the soul that forms your flesh, which diffuses the blood, which organizes the bones, which stretches the nerves, which unfolds the skin - that gives life to the lifeless body!...
The soul is the active principle, which dominates the passive element...
It is the soul that thinks and wants, loves and feels, which imagine and remember...
It is the soul that from wonders of science and art, flooded the earth...
The soul turns into a cosmos of order the chaos of matter...
The immortal soul survives the mortal body...
The soul raises the broken body...

If all this makes the soul, my friend, why you give to the body twenty-four hours a day - and no time for the soul?...

Why not give it in affectionate solicitude, at least one hour a day? ...
Why not enrich it when poor?...
Why not heal it when sick?...
Why not give it freedom when slave?...
Why not nourish it when hungry?...
Why not give it water to drink when thirsty?...
Why not give it a sun bath when it’s light is dimming?...
Why you do not make it inhale the divine atmosphere when desirous of God?...
Cherish your soul Oh! Man - because your soul is your life...
Your soul is yourself...

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Monday 3 March 2014


MAGIC FORMULA – by Huberto Rohden

They were heathen philosophers of the past in search of the elixir of life.
They were the medieval alchemists seeking the secret of gold.
They were the sages of all times in search of the philosopher's stone.
Men walk all the time in search of enduring happiness.
And don’t know you; restless searches, that long ago were discovered the talisman that you seek?
The magic formula of science and life?

The powerful elixir of youth and unfailing happiness?
It was not Aristotle or Plato, not Socrates or Seneca, who found such a prodigy.
He was neither wise nor a statesman, not a poet or general, which unlocked the great secret…
He was a simple carpenter's apprentice, who seemed to have no name - the "carpenter's son," as  people used to say.
Man who never sat on any school bench...
Man who did not graduate in arts or sciences...
Man who did not attend faculties or philosophical lessons...

I have before me the simple formula what that man developed...
Formula that solves all problems of life and death.
Formula that says everything that the sages did not say...
Formula that bear the heaviest burdens - even the ego...
Formulas that gives rise to dawn in the plenitude of dusk...

Formula that teaches how to find pearls of a smile - in the deepest ocean of tears...
Formula that reveals whiteners cradles of life where men can only see black mortuary coffins...
It is so simple that formula discovered by the carpenter's son, the simplest of men could apply.
Compose of two traits only - one vertical and one horizontal.
Joining two right-angled bars that the carpenter from Nazareth workshop brought – we have a powerful talisman of all the secrets of life and death.
Launches up to heaven vertical rod shouting: Love Divine!
Widens the beam horizontally through the earth claiming: Human charity!
And at the encounter of the two bars of love and charity - dripping crimson tears on earth - the pain...

Two lines crossed - crucified.
Under that symbolic cross, I solve all problems of life and death. 
Under this symbol, the symbolized is redemption.
With that magic formula handy, I open all doors.

At the foot of the cross...

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The 14th chapter, v. 9-11, of John's Gospel is the perfect proclamation of Cosmic Philosophy, or pure Universal Monism. If the Father and I are one, if the Father is in me and I’m in the Father; if the Father is in all men, if the works we do are not ours (made by our ego), but from the Father, if we can do nothing by ourselves (from the ego strength), but the Father in us does everything we do – what is that if not the proclamation of the immanence of God in all men?

Declaring that there is a single Source whose waters are derived through multiple channels?...

Facing this reality it is indeed strange that Western theologies, who call themselves Christians, have built two-tier systems (dualism) where it is evident the great monism professed by Christ. 
Our dualistic theologies inherited it from the Jewish synagogue, who do not accepted the monism of the Gospel of Christ.

It is strange that the ideology of Judaism has contaminated the great religions and philosophies of the Western world. By the end of the third century AD prevailed within Christianity the monist philosophy of the Neo-Platonic based in Alexandria;  from the fourth century, Aristotelian dualism prevailed, later codified in scholastic theology by Thomas Aquinas and finally made official by the Council of Trent in the sixteenth century.
What presided over this great change was not the cause of the truth of the Gospel of Christ, but the concern of the unity of the church that seemed impossible without a powerful ecclesiastical hierarchy. The concept of hierarchy (dictatorial authority from above and unconditional obedience from below) is incompatible with the monist philosophy;  if God is immanent in man then the best external authority loses its authority.
The triumphant hierarchy demanded the dualistic doctrine of a transcendent God, missed by man and the world in order to the hierarchical authority take the place of an absent God, and to cast its decisive impact on the unconditional, ignorant and obedient mass.
The cause of Truth succumbed to the politics of Power.

The liberating truth belongs to the divine Self, while the enslaving Power belongs to the human ego.

Our dualistic theologies are interested in Power and not in Truth. Are tailored for kindergartens and primary schools of spiritual evolution - while the universal monism of the Gospel is an entry into the University of the Spirit of Christ.
This is the reason why religions are deeply monist in Asia, especially in India, not accepting, and will never accept in a larger scale, "our" Christianity, or pseudo-Christianity. 

Well... why make the a,b,c, spell of the elementary school when you're in University?

The elite of genuine Christianity is on the verge of resuming the thread of universal monism of the early centuries, and thus pave the way for the reconciliation of the west with the east, through the spiritual harmony of the Gospel of Christ with the Krishna’s Bhagavad Gita.

Translator's Note:

Should be recalled that the above article was written long before the swift and radical industrial and economical changes that takes place today where capitalism, materialism, dictatorial politics changed the religious values of Asian nations and its subcontinent where these values are been replaced by the consumerist race, but the secular ethical essence and values of the Gospel of Christ and the Bhagavad Gita did not change.

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ONCE WAS A MAN  -  by Huberto Rohden

In a small carpenter workshop came out of Galilee a young carpenter who astonished the world.

Never tried to reform mankind, because he was a fully formed man, the Son of Man...

Was never a founder of any religion or defended any because he was eminently linked with God...

Never attended school, never wrote a book and all his wisdom sprang from the depths of his soul...

In the solitude of Nazareth, where he spent 18 years, he attended the University of Cosmic Silence...  Sitting atop of a cliff in the bush surrounding the small mountain town, with eyes embedded in the horizon where the sun sank into the blue waters of the Mediterranean, the carpenter from Galilee plunged deep into the soul of the Infinite, the kingdom of his father, while his body remained almost inert like a statue, sitting on the hard rock...

Late at night, he returned from the Infinite Cosmos to resume his daily life with his fellow humans, mostly profanes...

But his soul went to dwell in the Infinite.  And when he spoke, the Infinite echoed through all mankind...

Later, when the human miseries forced him to wander the lands of Judea, Samaria and Galilee, after sunset, he climbed a hill, or interned in a desert and there went all night stunned the Infinite...  Next day, back among men, trying to translate what he had heard from God, but as secret things cannot be said  to the profane, he lived some of his experiences in words and allegories, as the kingdom of heaven is similar to a yeast..., a fishing net..., a mustard seed..., a wedding feast..., a hidden treasure...,  a precious parable...

It must have been a torment to his great soul unable to tell what he knew from his conversations with God, or having to translate in a way understandable, some small droplets that immense sea of ​​wisdom, beauty and happiness that filled his soul...

If ever crossed the earth someone fully happy, then this was certainly the young worker from Nazareth...  His physical suffering, in the space of nearly 33 years, do not add up to 15 hours, and all this suffering of those 15 hours, was voluntary, planned, caused for love because it was not imposed on a compulsory way.

But... to his moral suffering?... the incomprehension of his disciples and ingratitude of men?...

When man embraces a great ideal of love, accepts in advance all the thorns that hide among the roses, because nothing surprises him, nothing disappoints him and nothing takes the frustrations of him... The shadows were part of the great mosaic of his mission, as well as the lights...

Who invites humanity to join a great sufferer, the victim who succumbed to his enemies, displaces man to follow Christ.

But who invites humanity to enlist under the banner of the most powerful man and happy that existed in the world, that man appeals to what is best and noblest in man's heart...

“If we have faith only in Jesus crucified and not in the resurrected Christ, our faith is vain, our preaching is vain and we are the most wretched of all men”. (Paul of Tarsus)

There once was a man... the son of man... the Son of God...  And this man lived a life divinely human and humanely divine...

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SPEAKER OF HUMANITY – by Huberto Rohden
The writings below are nothing else then an invitation from Rohden, in a poetical way, to every soul with a poetical vein, to wander through words of understandings, in order to make them, not a source of misunderstandings, which usually creates disharmony, but instead, channels of the divine waters to harmonize and purify.
But that gift of being a writer, comes with a price...(fm) 
“Friend, to be a writer is not enough to know grammar and syntax.
Is not enough just to learn, to forge beautiful phrases, and to polish rhythmic cadences.
Is not enough to have talent and erudition.
If you want to write for men and not for the moths, is necessary for your soul to be an ultra-sensitive antenna to pick up the slightest spiritual waves that travels through the human universe.
It is necessary to know how to crystallize conscious ideas in the unconscious atmosphere of the souls who surround you.
You must tell the reader what he already knew in the shadows of his ego, which he could not bring to light in his conscious vigil.
The writer gives birth to what was already conceived, but still in gestation.
The writer is the conscious interpreter of the universal subconscious.
He is the speaker of humanity.
Packed with deleterious and beneficial elements is the vast underground of human nature.
Sparkles of light - and the depths of darkness ...
Paradise of love – torments of hate ...
Lilies of purity - Wetlands of lust ...
Beatrice's charms - and seductions of Circe ...
Songs of joy - and groans of pain ...
From all this things is saturated the nocturnal zone of the human soul.
And you, by the magic wand of the pen invokes from the unconscious depths, angels of light - or demons of darkness ...
And release them into the world among men - to the resurrection of many or to the ruin of many ...
The focus of your spirit, Oh! Writer, converge multiple rays which were scattered through the world of souls ...
And from this focus were unconscious found an entrance, radiates conscious into the midst of mortals ...
Your books will be read, only if they give explicit answer to the unclear question of spirits.
If they answer the eternal anguish of the human heart ...
If touch injures that bleed and agonizes the best men in the world ...
If you say what thousands would like to say but cannot tell ...
Did you account the universal subconsciousness? - You will be read and reread! ...
However, if you want to be to the mortals a redeeming angel, and not an exterminator angel, evokes from the depths of the beneficial elements and calls for great ideas, for eternal ideals!
Arouses from sleep to wakefulness, constructive energies that are sleeping deep and wide within the humanity!
Make of thy worth a beacon of divine light that floods the darkness of the earth ...
Be a Prometheus to men.
A door-light ...
Speaker of humanity ...”
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Sunday 2 March 2014


Around 250 articles were posted in this blog since I started translating Rohden's writings in mid July 2012 while travelling China, experiencing the teachings of Buddha, the Blessed One, Lao Tzu and Kong Fuzi, Confucius, the Latinised name. 
Not long before that trip, I read one of his books that impressed me fully, which was on the interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount, becoming so fascinated with his ideas and ideals, that was for me, a kind of compulsory duty to translate his writings into English, doing so in order to broaden the number of his readers outside Brazil. 
From now on I'm reviewing every article, with extra thoughts even from different writers which in some way Rohden was attuned with the ideas, in order to extend the comprehension of the text and to give more source for some research. 
The language of Shakespeare, was not my first language but I'm dedicating all my efforts to enable the readers not only to understand, but to comprehend what is written here - which means, not only to grasp the meaning of his thoughts but to comprehend the intimate experience of the reality and life that he experienced in order for the English readers to acquire a joyous wisdom. 
The languages at home while living in Brazil, were Portuguese and Hungarian; ​​which were spoken on a daily basis, since I was born in São Paulo, Brazil, back in 1947.  Latin, French, Spanish, Italian and English came by addition during my school days as a young adult and later when I was forced to learn more due to my profession duties and traveling, and at the age of 47 when I migrated to Australia, where I’m still living today. 
Rohden's writings has astonishing power, subtly, rich, poetic and range. Indeed, he makes the use of sound and word associations in the manner of a poet of genius. His language has a vitality which must be rare in the literature and perhaps unique due to his creation of neologisms and words in Portuguese not anymore in use, which demanded me to search old dictionaries to find the correlated synonymous.
Needless to say, these very qualities face the translator with difficulties which are almost insurmountable, and I hope that I have done justice to the original, because while exercising the translations, I'm constantly haunted by his warnings regarding the idea of the "traduttore traditore" - translator traitor, which will not give to his works the respect and validity he deserves, and I can not state that I'm talented enough to be like his equal.
However, all what is written here is somehow preliminary, nothing is definitive... as Rohden says. The definitive comes from the reader and not from the author. The reader, after taking the right direction, should make the content of the messages, day by day, year by year, for a lifetime. 
Here are not written absolute truths, nor should serve as an elementary book to be followed. Rohden's writings are the result of his personal experience, whose ideas, the reader must filter out the wheat from the chaff, and if accepted, to incorporate that knowledge and realize his own experiences.
"After all the noise, after reading, listening, thinking - is when comes the great silence of dynamic realization, the experiences of reality." 
I have to remind readers that the language used here is simple and colloquial, easy terms for an easy reading. All that I can hope for in the meantime, is that I may have given English readers some approximate idea of the merits of this great writer. Finally, no matter how often this writings are observed, some mistakes will remain and I'm very sorry if happens... those are my fault. 
All footnotes are by the translator. 
Flavio de Mello
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