Thursday, 3 March 2022


The short chapter below, taken from one of Huberto Rohden's (1893-1981) books, first published in 1961, was written during the dark period of the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union, at the height of the nuclear missile crisis installed in Cuba, which was called “defensive” by the Russians! Rohden also went through two world conflicts and witnessed the events of the Soviet Revolution, which gave him arguments to produce his ideas regarding a probable third world war.

In it, the author reveals, with his intuitive wisdom, a time in the history of civilization in which the intuitive minds of the wise seers of the remote past already announced that was about to happen. At that moment, fearing new devastation on the planet, which during the second world war had cost the lives of around 80 million people, there was, fortunately, a diplomatic arrangement, a kind of truce in the battle of words waged by the two nations, and supported by their allies.

And today, in the spring of the 21st century, the established powers are once again feeding another possible world conflagration, for the constant historical reality in the formation of civilizations, had as fertilizer, the blood that runs in the veins of human mediocrity.

Rohden, in another of his books, stated: “The greater part of known humanity is by no means “made in the image and likeness of God,” to which Genesis refers. One cannot see in humans, the “crown of creation” - in this slightly intellectualized bipedal creature, whose intelligence has made it the most dangerous animal on the planet, as the vast majority still lives crawling along the barren plains of mediocrity. The intellectualization of instinct has made men into monsters of greed and aggression, whose claws and teeth have honed into weapons of mass destruction and whose intentions are only directed to satisfy the tyrannical desires of the ego. This intellectualization made them even a disgusting caricature of libertine sexualism, as they believe they live in heat, twenty-four hours a day, and thus, developing a hell of physical and mental illnesses, which no other being of nature knows or has experienced.

Therefore, given the facts, to judge human beings as the “crown of creation” is to insult other beings of nature that are sharing, with humans, their existence on Earth.

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“If the third world war happens, as the seers claim and want the manufacturers of all types of weapons, including nuclear ones, it will be the destruction of all the antichrists that today fight against Christ, that is, Roman Catholicism, North American Protestantism and Soviet Atheism. None of these three sectors of the so-called Christian church took seriously the central message of Jesus, summarized in the two important commandments, on which “all the law and the prophets” depend: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind – and you shall love your neighbour as yourself.”

Christ Jesus' ideal was replaced by the idol of the antichrist, multiform and multicoloured, in ecclesiastical and nationalistic selfishness, but always under the banner of Christ. Only in the last few decades has Russia decided to lower the flag of Christianity, while the other two still keep it on their temples' facade. Russia openly antagonizes what Catholicism and Protestantism covertly do the same... With this, the spirit of Christ Jesus continues to be crucified through the centuries and millennia... The synagogue in league with Iscariot continues to cry out: “We have a law — and according to the law, he must die.”

By all indications, the Vatican, the oldest anti-Christian power, will be defeated, first of all, by Soviet Communism, the most recent antichrist. After that, the anti-Christian power of Anglo-American democracy will succumb, along with its Latin American flatterers; finally, Russia, the sole owner of planet Earth, will rot in its own power and luxury, as happened with the Roman Empire at the height of its absolutism, because “all power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.

After that, with the removal of the three anti-Christian powers sailing under the banner of Christ Jesus, the path will be open for the triumph of the Gospel and the Sermon on the Mount victory, which until today has only served for sermons, philosophy and poetry.

Until the dawn of that time, humanity will have suffered brutal horrors, with nuclear wars and their substitute, the astrally guided war apparatus, which are emanations of the Luciferian intellect, that is, the thoughts, which are real things, in the form of energies or forces, like the impact of a hammer on an anvil, or like the electric current that manifests itself in power, light, or heat, though electricity itself is invisible.

Only then will men be mature enough to comprehend the spirit of Christ the Redeemer.

And then there will be “a new heaven and a new Earth.”

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