Tuesday 10 June 2014


Do not lose your faith from life's difficulties.
Even if your feet are bleeding, heads to the front holding that faith by the heavenly light above yourself.
Believe and work.
Strive for good and wait patiently.
Everything passes and everything is renewed on earth but what comes from heaven, remains.
Of all the unhappy, the greatest wretched is the one who have lost confidence in God and in himself, because the greatest pain is to suffer the ordeal of faith and giving up surrendering.
Raises therefore your gaze and keep on going.
Struggle and serve. Learn to self-realize.
Remember that always shines the dawn after the dark night.
Today, it is possible that the storm will hurt your heart and disturb your goals striking thee with affliction or threatening you with death.
Do not forget however, that tomorrow is another day.
“Only from complete identity with the living spiritual element within us can come full and lasting happiness. Life itself, with its changing and varying fortunes, provides a bitter initiation into this truth. We need no other teacher to instruct us that within only is abiding good. Yet this truth, so plainly written in our hearts by the hand of our Supreme Father, is generally ignored or condemned.” Paul Brunton
For comments:   dawn.3rd.heaven@gmail.com

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