Wednesday 18 June 2014


Before beginning his public life, Jesus, the Christ, spent 40 days of silence and meditation in the desert. And the first message he addressed to people is called the "Sermon on the Mount", delivered in the hills of Kurun Hattin, southwest of Lake Gennesaret.
Those words can be considered as the "platform of the Kingdom of God”, as we would say in political language. Represents the expressions of the divine mystics and human ethics, aimed to the Self-realization of man.
At the beginning, he spoke about the Eight Beatitudes, where the Master proclaims happy, precisely those whom the world considers unfortunate: the poor, the pure, the meek, the sufferers, the persecuted, etc. This distinction between happiness and enjoyment, unhappiness and suffering, goes through the entire Gospel of Christ, and can only be comprehended by those who have awakened to the Reality of their own spiritual Self.
The Sermon on the Mount is the most striking contrast between the patterns of the profane man and the ideal of man spiritually initiated. To comprehend so exalted wisdom man must overcome the dictates of his analytical intellect and to open the soul to an intuitive experience. Profane man thinks that is an absurd to love those who hate us, do good to our malefactors, to hand the tunic to whom stole the cover, to suffer more injustice rather than retaliate. The Master's message is an invitation for man to convert, i.e., to go beyond mind-ego to a new dimension of consciousness, unprecedented and unheard, paradoxically grand.
There is no use to analyse this maximum document of Christ-like experience, because only comprehends one who lived and experienced it. And to prelude the advent of the kingdom of God on earth, it is necessary that each individual carry within that kingdom; to prepare every single day some time to fully interiorize his own Divine Self, his own Internal Christ trough meditation.
During meditation, man empties the entire contents of his human ego, feeling nothing, thinking nothing, wanting nothing, exposing himself unconditionally to the invasion of the divine fullness.
Where there is an emptiness happens a fullness. Fulfilment in God requires man emptiness.
But do not be fooled! One who lives 24 hours fulfilled with things of the ego - greed,  selfishness, lusts, profane amusements – cannot be emptied in half an hour of meditation; this person deludes and  mystifies himself by a sterile mysticism. It is essential that  man who wants to make a fruitful and efficient meditation, must live detached from  superfluous things and only with the necessary for a decent human life. Luxury and lust are garbage and make impossible life in harmony with the spirit of Christ and the Gospel.
Man who wants to be Christ-like, not only Christian, needs to live life 100% honest with himself, and do not be deceive with palliatives and camouflages that obscure the truth about himself.
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