Tuesday 24 June 2014


Professor Rohden wrote during his life time, about one hundred books, whose ideas were divided between Universal Philosophy, Philosophy of the Gospel, Philosophy of Life, Mysteries of Nature, a collection of Biographies and Brochures. Among 39 books listed on Philosophy of Life, Rohden wrote one enigmatic book titled "COSMORAMA", an imaginary trip to a region of the Universe inhabited by spiritually evolved beings.
To undertake this journey, the author brought his own "death", a fictional sinking in a ship, "resurrecting” in a new dimension called Cosmorama, a world of evolved life, far distant from the reality of humans on planet Earth.  Was so well orchestrated, so real that supposed death, that many of his readers eagerly sought the publisher to see if Prof. Rohden had actually died!
Unfortunately the book COSMORAMA was not published in English, and what follows below is only an extract translated of this extraordinary epic.
"The inhabitants of Cosmorama are attuned to God and therefore harmonized with Nature. Incidentally, no one can be truly united with the Universe subconsciously, without maintaining a permanent union with the omniscient part of that same Universe.
For the first time in my life I had a clear awareness of how the inhabitants of the earth are divorced with the world that surrounds them... earthly Nature and their fellow humans.
Man acting purely with his senses, not yet intellectualized, coexists with Nature, because he is part of it, dominated by the same laws that governs automatically that department of the Universe, slave of his subconscious instincts as any mineral, vegetable or animal beings.
Intellectualized man is partially emancipated from the laws of the inferior Nature, because he conquered his ego-consciousness which is human privilege on planet Earth, thus becoming selfish, self-centred, egomaniac. He judges himself as a tyrant, a dictator and explores Nature that ends up being the slave of man. But how can the slave be friend of whom enslaves? So Nature, is enemy of man on earth, the intellectual man, not yet rational, which unfortunately destroys Nature jeopardizing its biological balance.
Man, overcoming his senses and intellect, the rational man, the cosmic man, fully realized with the Spiritual Infinity Reason, is no longer slave nor enslaves Nature, instead, is friend, ally, because he understands Nature and Nature understands him. Consequently this man becomes married to lady Natura, his beautiful wife, and both, in that mysterious marriage, generate offspring that none of them alone could procreate. Man, who before the altar of the Eternal Divinity and with the blessings of the High Priest of the Universe, marries Nature, becomes the creator of the Cosmic World, which is the consortium between spirit and matter, between Earth and Heaven.
The Cosmic being is always a mix between the material and the spiritual, between the mundane and the divine. This fusion of the elements from above and below, of plurality and unity, is what produces a world of ineffable poetry, because poetry is essentially a consortium between two different things; is the "identity of opposites ", the mysterious synthesis of antitheses. Poetry is unity in diversity, diversity in unity. Who realizes the unique essence in many life existences, and on those many life existences, realizes the only one essence (Source), this man is a poet. Poetry is Christmas and Easter at the same time: the materialization of the spirit of Christmas, and in Easter the spiritualization of matter. Poetry is the incarnation of the eternal Logos and the resurrection of the ephemeral and immortalized matter. So is the Universal Man.
The life of the cosmic man oscillates smoothly between Christmas of the incarnation of God in Nature and the Easter resurrection of Nature in God. For him, it is not possible to see God without Nature. The more this man penetrates in Nature, more he is in intimacy with God. The more he is with Nature more “deified” he is.
Like lovers who do not exploit each other, but spontaneously serve one another, and on that wish to serve they find the supreme bliss, so is the cosmic man who does not explore Nature, but cultivates it lovingly, and Nature, on its part, opens spontaneously and joyously its secrets and treasures. Therefore, the cosmic man is, by the virtues of ethical and moral citizenship, a thaumaturge, a miracle worker, because the thaumaturgy is nothing else but the spontaneous exchange between the latent forces of Nature and the harmless use of it by man. The so-called "miracles" are the legitimate children of this fruitful marriage between the beautiful wife Natura and her vigorous husband, the Universal Man.
Francis of Assisi, after Jesus, the Christ, was, perhaps, the greatest cosmic man known by earthly humanity, he had made his marriage, as he says: to the lady Poverty, i.e., he had acquired "poverty by the spirit" or " purity of heart", which is nothing else than the complete and final liberation of the enslaved worlds of  the senses and the world of the enslaving intellect, entering into the fascinating world of the "glorious liberty of the children of God."
The sensorial man is compulsorily dependent.
The intellectual man is deceptively independent.
The rational man is spontaneously interdependent."
For comments:   dawn.3rd.heaven@gmail.com

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