Wednesday 4 June 2014


VISION – by Emmanuel
The vision is not unique only to our physical eyes.
To reflect, is to see with consciousness.
To imagine, is to see with the feeling.
To calculate, is to see with the reason.
To recall, is to see with the memory.
Therefore, the vision is vast and complex property of the Spirit, which expands and enriches itself constantly, as our powers and emotions evolve and improve.
Those who wish to therefore, get clairvoyance, should keep the purity of heart, so that the purity externalizes through our senses, regenerating our emotional world, readjusting our idealism and balancing our desires toward to the Endless Good.
Those looking for the "next best" of events, the "noblest part of the people" and to the "expression more useful" of things, is gaining valuable additional Vision.
Entrusting ourselves to disturbing passions, groping in the darkness of selfishness and hatred, the ice of indifference, spiritual hardening, incomprehension..., we will only see with the flesh, the troubling and painful problems.
Purify the spirit and you will be able to discover the horizons of our glorious immortality.
Most human beings see something during their common life, however, rare know how to see.
We need to learn how to adjust to the principles of the Divine Clairvoyant  who knew how to contemplate human needs, with love and forgiveness, from the Heights of the Cross, for us to be able to penetrate the sublime clarity of our own resurrection.
Translator’s Note:
It is of fundamental importance to broaden our metaphysical perceptions, and to release also our fears, as quote Ralph Waldo Emerson:- “Fear always springs from ignorance.”
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