Friday 25 July 2014


"Religion is opium for the people." (Lenin)
"You can destroy all the churches of Russia, but there will always be a church in the soul of every peasant." (Stalin)
"Every human soul is Christlike by its very nature." (Tertullian)
"I accept Christ and his Gospel - but I do not accept your Christianity." (Mahatma Gandhi)
"Who was vaccinated with the serum of our Christian theology is immunized against the spirit of Christ." (Albert Schweitzer)
"If Jesus returned to the world in our day, the first proclamation that he would make is: Christians of all churches, know that I am not a Christian." (Nietzsche)
Reasonable men are increasingly convinced that there is a huge difference between the message of Christ and our ecclesiastical Christianity, between Christhood and Christianity.
The genuine Christhood of the mystics of the catacombs and martyrdom in the Coliseum, lasted for three centuries, from the year 33 until 313, when Constantine the Great founded the theological Christianity, based on politics, money and weapons. From the fourth century until the sixteenth century, all Europe was dominated by the ecclesiastical Christianity, which managed to maintain its principles through the fires of the Inquisition.
In the sixteenth century, most European Christendom replaced the ecclesiastical Christianity by the Biblical Christianity - but does not returned to the Christhood of Christ.
Today, the countries of central Europe are no longer accepting the traditional Christianity; some still tolerate it for social convenience, but there is no enthusiasm for theology. The message of Christ is not based in the liturgy of the sacraments or in the veneration of saints.
In the early twentieth century, the Christian West was invaded by the philosophy of the East, especially India; the boredom of theological Christianity and a hunger for an individual and profound mystical experience dominates the spiritual elite of the European West and America. The eastern mystics provided us with the key to open up the mystique of the Gospel of Christ.
Radhakrishnan, former Vice President of India, wrote: "The religion of humanity's future will be the mystics."
The spiritual elite of humanity is increasingly convinced that traditional Christianity is an international, political and financial organization - while the message of Christ is an individual experience, the kingdom of heaven in man, a hidden treasure that should be revealed; a light under the lampstand, which must be placed on top of the chandelier; a precious stone on the seabed that should be brought to the surface.
"I have no religion - Einstein wrote - but I am a deeply religious man, because I see a Supreme Power in all things of the Universe."
The powers of hell will not prevail against the soul of the Gospel, against the  Christhood of Christ - but all forms of Christianity are in crisis.
The millennial drama of Christ and the anti-Christ...
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Monday 14 July 2014


At the highest level of mystic, in contemplation, man transcends all other previous steps, symbols, and even silence itself, because this is replaced by the revelations of the Divinity. It is true that these revelations are also silence, but an active and dynamic silence, the silence of fullness, and not of emptiness.
Contemplation is the highest form of knowledge, because in it man exceeds the outer shells, of the physical and mental world, and seizes the inner reality. Only the contemplative man "knows" and "comprehends" what is the reality; others just understand, want or believe.
On the basis of all artistic intuition there is something of this contemplation, on which in the true mystic reaches its culmination. Is he the wise for excellence. Contemplation is the impact of the universal life on the integral man. Other forms of knowledge reaches only one aspect of the man, but the contemplation reaches man in his totality.
Truth, Goodness and Beauty then merge in a single unit, filling man with unspeakable happiness.
In contemplation, happens the maximum expansion of consciousness; man at the height of his individuality, reaches a maximum of universality, lives in God's world, and he lives in all the worlds of God. The mystical contemplation is the only possibility of an universal ethic, because love, in its full intensity, necessarily produces benevolence in its universal scope. The great vertical mystic is revealed in the vast horizontal of ethics. And this is redemption. The contemplative man is at the presence of the WHOLE; by this all profanities appear with an aura of sacredness. The disjointed multiplicity of things of the world converges into the fascinating unity of its origin and its centre. The world has become a cosmos, one uni-verse, one in the diverse, the diverse into one. Complete and definitive redemption...
This man who from inside belongs only to God and from outside to all creatures of God, realizes in himself the universal pulse of life - even the mineral, vegetable and sensitive life; in him, all life in the universe is a single Life, scattered in numerous aspects. Sees the colourless light beyond of all colours. Feels "at home" in any solar system or galaxy of the cosmos; never has the feeling of being an outsider, a loner, wherever he is.
This man also knows that the entire universe belongs to him and is at his disposal because once this man belongs to God, and the universe belongs to God, the universe also belongs to him as belongs to God, because "he and the Father are one."
This man was fully redeemed by the union with the ultimate Reality of the Universe - which is also the intimate reality of his own Self
He is in the God of the Universe - and the Universe of God is in him.
Translator's Note:
When Rohden refers to "artistic intuition", my intuition suggests the figures of ordinary humans or saints in a state of sublimation, beatitude; sculptured or painted by the great masters; their eyes fixed or semi clenched in ecstasy in the firmament, in full communion with the Divinity, in the third heaven, a reality beyond the natural stage of awakening of the senses or of the mind, as shown by the paintings of Mary Magdalene at the foot of the cross, or Saint Peter, by Guido Reni, or the sculpture of Saint Teresa in ecstasy by Gian Lorenzo Bernini.
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Sunday 13 July 2014


TRUTH = COSMIC LAW - by Huberto Rohden
Cosmic laws are fair and does not forgive anyone, there is no reward or punishment, there is only the inexorable law of Cause and Effect which no one can change it. There is also no such thing as forgiveness, in the theological sense, God does not forgive anyone, in the sense to dismiss man from that law enforcement, otherwise is an injustice. Sooner or later, man has to fulfil that inexorable law.
GOD is the LAW, in the words of Einstein.
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THE GOD WE ALL HATE - by Huberto Rohden
It seems that religious education that many receive in childhood creates a sense of revolt and revenge. The God I knew as a child was a God of fear, not love. Someone told me that I should fear God, the God-fearing men were saints. I thought God was a dangerous bogeyman to be dreaded. So I better comprehend what happened to Voltaire, the father of atheism. When asked why he did not accept God, he replied: "I can not accept a God who I  can not love. The God who was taught to me must be feared, and as I can not fear him, I prefer to ignore him."
I remember when I was eight years old, when a pious and maudlin teacher was preparing me for my first communion. She said that I should not hide any sin in confession because it was sacrilege. I do not know what sacrilege was, but such an ugly word could only mean bad thing. And, in order no to commit such sacrilege, I copied from the catechism all sins against the Ten Commandments that I found, many of them fatal. At the time of the confession, I read the whole list, including my murders and adulteries. The confessor, seeing a little boy through the grille of the confessional, did not take me seriously and acquitted me of all. Then came the torment of first communion. The teacher, always very pious and maudlin, sternly warned me that I could not chew the sacred host, which was the body of Jesus. The only way was to swallow without letting it touch the teeth. For added security against possible sacrilege, I cut, at home, a series of hosts made with paper and I was swallowing one by one, without biting or touching the teeth. Like Voltaire, in my childhood I only met one God and one Christ who should be feared. I do not know if I did not get to secretly hate this bogeyman of the beyond...
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Saturday 12 July 2014


HAPPY AND UNHAPPY MEN - a speech given by Huberto Rohden in March, 1979.
The state of happiness in man depends on the panoramic view he has of his existence. This view is not limited to a few decades of his earthly life, but also the afterlife. It is absolutely true that when man leaves his material body continues to exist consciously in other regions of the Cosmos. The earthly experience is an insignificant portion of his total existence. It is important that men acquire, here on planet Earth, the certainty of his cosmic experience. Happiness is not only to enjoy all the pleasures life can give, but to live in harmony with the truth, justice, honesty, love, kindness, universal brotherhood. Often this harmony requires suffering and sacrifice, renunciation, and immediate pleasures. It is exactly here that humanity is divided into happy and unhappy men.
A panoramic view of existence of man has nothing to do with any religion or philosophy. It is an internal experience that man acquires when he removes from himself all the obstacles that may prevent it. It is difficult to explain to the ignorant what constitutes this experience. Man should rather guess and feel, as if by empathy, i.e., by appreciative perception or comprehension, of what is the experience of the soul of the Universe, which is his own soul.
Some consider human nature as a deposit of good and bad things. In fact, there is nothing good or bad in human nature. The good and the bad appear only with the advent of free will, which makes man good or bad. Good is all that is in harmony with the Cosmic Laws, and bad is what is in disharmony. Good and bad are not objective facts, instead, they are subjective values, metaphysical creations. Man is the one who does what is good and what is bad. No one will receive award for being good or be punished for being bad. Reward and punishment, promised from outside in, before or after death, are not honest reasons to be good or to cease to be bad. The sole purpose of the earthly incarnation of man is his self-realization, and the only disaster is his self frustration.
Einstein has a phrase that could well be the flag for a new approach to education: "The world of facts does not lead to any path to the world of values". Today's education is limited only to the facts, it's nothing else than instruction. And any instruction, no matter how good it is, does not raises man to higher levels, because is limited to the knowledge of existing facts. The old slogan "to open a school is to close a prison" is of a ridiculous ingenuity. The worst offenders of humanity were not illiterate, many of them were learned men. To open a school is to encourage science or to learn about any branch of human knowledge, but does not necessarily means to intensify consciousness. If there was sufficient consciousness, there would be no need for prisons.
Neither governments nor the churches seriously treat, deal with education, in the true sense of the word. Governments are interested in science education, and the churches are only limited to the moralization. Neither education nor moralizing makes man better. The truly educated man is good without expecting any reward, either before or after death. He is unconditionally good. It is a misconception that the ecclesiastical theologies educate man to be good. It is just the transfer of the earthly selfish to a celestial selfish.
The metaphysics of Einstein worth more to the true education than all scientific instructions of governments and all moralizing theologies of the churches.
And of course here, I am denouncing governments and churches as responsible for the calamitous situation of education. We are in an educational vacuum. Governments and churches are not interested in values​, and without values ​​there is no education. Truth, justice, love and honesty are values​​, creations of consciousness and not simple discoveries of science.
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Who lives more Cosmo-consciously (which is the unconscious ego, according to Jung), like certain Eastern, does not requires analytical evidence to be sure of the reality of the invisible world, which, for him it is intuitively clear - as for most of the Westerns it is clear the material world.
And this is precisely the difference between attitude and act; the act is ego-conscious while attitude is Cosmo-conscious, and therefore can be ego-unconscious.
Also the true mystics of the West live in this permanent serenity, this attitude of dynamic equilibrium, because they are not affected by the positive and negative opposites, that torments the life of the profane, the man of the ego-conscious illusions.
True serenity has nothing to do with indifference or apathy. The authentically serene man can be dynamically interested for all the things of the external world; but he hovers above the antitheses (opposition or contrast) of the peripheries (the circumstances of human causes), in the lofty stratosphere of the great synthesis of yes and no, between joy and sorrow, between sympathy and antipathy, in the nirvana of perennial happiness born from his consciousness and experiences of the liberating truth.
Serenity should be a kind of unconscious heredity, in the mystical man, a completely victorious self-realization, according to the philosophy of Goethe: "What of good you have inherited from your parents, acquire them to possess it.”
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"But I say to you, do not resist the one who is evil"

"But I say to you, do not resist the one who is evil" Matthew 5: 39 - by Huberto Rohden
This is certainly one of the most enigmatic words of Jesus, yet the least understood and least practiced. In the April, 1959, issue of the famous German magazine "Stimmen der Zeit", appear an article written by the Jesuit priest Johannes Hirschmann, proving that atomic war can be lawful, in case it is needed to save Christianity. In the same way writes the Jesuit priest Gustav Gundlach, who was the spiritual adviser of Pope Pius XII, saying that atomic war, and even the extirpation of an entire population is not only lawful, but can even be bound in conscience, in the case that population is an impediment to the triumph of Christianity.
What inspires similar monstrosities, officially approved by the respective church, is the clamorous confusion between "Christianity" and "Christ". By "Christianity", these authors understand a particular ecclesiastical organization, engendered through the centuries, by skilled theologians and properly codified by the hierarchical superiors of that ecclesiastical society. In order to preserve from destruction this political-financial-clerical organization, preach these men that is lawful the destruction of the spirit of Christ, which in any way approved the killing of a single human being, much less the extinction of many millions of innocents in order to save the kingdom of God. How can be saved the true Christianity, which is the kingdom of God, destroying it radically by mass killings?
As you can see, these doctors in ecclesiastical theology are perfect illiterate in the supreme wisdom of the Sermon on the Mount, and the Gospel of Christ in general.
Mahatma Gandhi, not allowing the death of one man to free India, a thousand times better comprehended the spirit of Christ than these so called "Christians", and he stated the reason why all Western missionaries who tried to convert him to Christianity, saying: "I accept Christ and his Gospel, but I do not accept your Christianity".
All practice violence, by the way that all societies, civil and ecclesiastical, are guided, even today, by the law of retaliation established by Moses: "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". Incidentally, it seems that an organized society cannot be guided by the spirit of the Gospel of Christ, because any organized society is based on selfishness, approving violence. Every society has certain statutes, laws, juridical paragraphs that imply sanction, i.e., violence, punishment for the violators of the legal statutes of the society.
Every single society is the product of intelligence, and intelligence is essentially selfish, therefore cannot exist an unselfish society, non-violent. If Mahatma Gandhi succeeded in freeing India with ahimsa (non-violence) was only because he was surrounded by numerous individuals firmly grounded in the same truth, as conceived the President Nehru himself, not because society as such is guided by the altruistic principle of ahimsa. Any society, practice himsa (violence), otherwise it would destroy itself, not enforcing its laws; only an individual can practice ahimsa, not rendering evil for evil, but paying evil with good, loving those who hate him.
"Do not resist evil" is, therefore, an order that directly targets the individual in the process of being Christlike. A society, being fundamentally selfish, can never be Christlike, although it can call itself Christian, i.e., a Christianity varnished with selfishness.
No organized society can cease to consider its "rights" under penalty of committing suicide, it only exists by virtue of its "rights"; but the right, however, is a form of selfishness, therefore, injustice and selfishness breeds violence. Only if society abdicates of its "rights", will right (correct, to make justice) everything, but while it does assert its "rights", everything is not right.
The opposite of "right" is "justice", which is virtually identical of love. The "justice", in the biblical sense, is invariably the "correctness", the “perfect fit", the harmony between the individual and the Universal, between man and God, between the finite creature and the Infinite Creator. This justice is the perfect love, as it appears in the "first and greatest commandment of all", enunciated by Jesus.
On the frontispiece of Santa Maria city Forum, in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, are engraved these words by the jurist-philosopher Cicero: "Summum jus - Sumida injury" (the supreme right is the supreme injustice). Who calls all his personal rights, acts on behalf of his ego, which is necessarily selfish; but the one who practice justice, acts on behalf of the Cosmic Constitution of the Universe, acts on behalf of the very soul of the Universe, which is God; acts on behalf of cosmic love, which is the voice of the divine Self in man.
Who calls for his "rights" acts on behalf of the ego, which is a supporter of violence.
Who calls for "justice" acts on behalf of the Self, which is not a supporter of violence.
"Do not resist evil" is, therefore, an appeal to the divine Self in man, and not to his human ego.
In the Mosaic Law, there is a strange mathematics: it supposes that an act of violence can be neutralized by another. If someone pulls me out an eye or break a tooth, and if I pay back with the same act of violence, we are even. In reality, however, we are not even, neither that person nor I, because a negative act from someone plus my negative act results the double negative, which means, both my abuser and I paying back, we created two evils in the world; and as the second offense requires a third, from his part, and this calls for a fourth offense from my part, and so on, in a continuous "chain reaction" - of course we both offenders are worsening the world, increasingly filling it with negative and more negative .
Against this false mathematics of Moses, Jesus opposes the true mathematics, entirely logical and rational, stating that the negative (evil) is only neutralized by the positive (good), and that the only way to evolve the world and humanity is the process of:
1)- not to resist evil;
2)- to oppose evil doing good.
My positive opposing the negative of my offender, neutralizes the negative, and the result is zero; but if I oppose to the negative of the offender not only one positive (one good), but many - say 10, in this case I not only neutralized the negative (evil) of my offender, but adding a positive surplus, i.e., enriching humanity with positive goods.
Gandhi - precisely because he was a mahatma, "great soul" - understood and practiced this admirably spiritual mathematics of the Gospel of Christ, giving the non-resistance act, the Sanskrit name of ahimsa, and the benevolent policy towards the offender the name satyagraha (attachment to the truth), or love, cosmic justice, to the point that immediately after being shot and killed, his last words were for to the offender be acquitted. But he was hanged!
For someone to practice this non-violence and benevolence behaviour, has to undergo through a profound mystical experience of his true nature, and not to be identified with his physical-mental-emotional ego.
Faith is the way for all greatness.
The lack of faith opens the way to all insolvencies.
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Friday 11 July 2014


Has become very popular lately, in almost all countries of the world, the system of vegetarianism. The essence of this system is based on the idea that the human body, being a portion of the Universe, must be in complete harmony with the laws of the cosmos to feel a full wellness.
But we are not going now into details about that kind of system, we want to emphasize that this same principle - of cosmic harmony - goes for any kind of wellness: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.
Health, sanity, holiness, happiness - all these are just several names for one and the same idea: that the individual, being a distinct portion - but not separate from the Universe - must be in perfect balance with the Whole Cosmic (God), in order to enjoy a universal well-being.
The infra-human nature in its wild sector, has this balance as guaranteed by instinct, this "automatic intellect" of the mineral, vegetable and animal world.
In the human sector, this single line of Nature bifurcates into two: the man, partially free, can disharmonize the balance of instinctive nature, and, with this imbalance, man-ego can disturb the cosmic harmony that natural instinct assured him.
At the level of simple instinct there is security, although there is no freedom.
At the level of the intellect there is a certain freedom, but little security. And this freedom without security derive all evils - diseases and sins.
There will be a third level - the question arises - where perfect security is compatible with perfect freedom, where man will be as safe as is the nature by instinct, and as free as man is by the intellect, or even more; a level safely free, and freely safe?
We answer that this third level of security and freedom exist in humans: - is the level of reason, of spirit, of soul and of Self.
But, as this third level is still largely dormant in man and, in potential state, does not work properly, it is necessary to awaken and update in man the rational or spiritual power, i.e., to overcome the man-ego and rise to the heights of reason the man-Self - then it will be solved the fundamental problem of human life. Man, fully rational, will possess perfect health, both in body and soul - and this is integral happiness.
This man-Self, fully rational, is the Cosmic Man - perfect in vitality, in mentality and spirituality, in perfect health, in wisdom and holiness.
By practicing natural aliment in the body level, man acquires body harmony with the cosmos.
By practicing rational aliment on the spiritual level, man acquires total harmony with the cosmos.
Many people who started with enthusiasm the vegetarian or natural system ended in complete dismay, because they do not properly chew the food. It's because these people did not find that the main secret is not in what we eat, but in how to eat. Who chews properly what eat, can eat almost everything that is organically good, because digestion begins in the mouth by the action of the saliva, which completely penetrates the food bit before being swallowed, therefore the saliva wisely takes care of the first part of digestion, ensuring a perfect harmony of the body. But as the "civilized" man does not have time to chew, but just to swallow - because he considers his cores most important than himself - eat everything quickly without chewing it properly: and the stomach and intestines can not properly assimilate, which received in almost raw state.
Hence, the gastric disorders and other diseases.
The recommendation to "drink the food and to chew the drink", which seems so absurd, it is still wise, because the solid aliment, properly chewed and mixed with saliva, become liquefied, and should not be swallowed eagerly before going through the process with the saliva. (It is good to remember the story of  the "300 soldiers of Gideon" who drank slowly, and were considered good, while the other 700 drank greedily, and were called bad).
Who swallows quickly practice oral lust and does not nourish the body properly, since it is known that rapid swallowing gives some pleasure, while ruminant chewing decreases the pleasure of swallowing, increasing however, the value of the food. Similarly, rapidly drinking, especially cold liquid, gives pleasure, but to keep the drink in the mouth until lukewarm, takes the pleasure, but best mitigates the thirst.
In short: to eat and drink slowly requires less quantity and produces more quality.
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Atoms and stars move in bi-centric ellipses - does not exist in the Universe a single uni-centric circle. The electricity is only manifested as light, heat and power, thanks to its positive and negative bipolarity. All the higher life on Earth is based on the bipolarity of male and female elements. These two poles of Nature are strictly balanced and work in perfect harmony. Similarly, the universe of man is ruled by the bipolarity of human nature, what the Philosophy and modern Psychology call Self and ego.
Eastern philosophy call the Self, “Atman” and “Aham” for ego. The sacred books of Christianity use the term Soul or Divine Spirit, to designate the central Self of man, and the expression body or world, to signify the peripheries of human nature.
"What does it profit a man to gain the whole world if he suffer prejudice in his own soul"? (Christ, Self). "I will give you all the kingdoms of the world and their glory if you fall down on the ground and worship me" (Antichrist, ego).
The Self corresponds to the Uni of Universe, and the ego to the element Verse. The perfect and fully realized man established the perfect balance between his Uno (Self) and his Verse (ego). The profane man only cultivates his ego, dwarfing his Self. The mystic tries to realize only the Self without the ego. The cosmic man, however, realizes his Self through his ego, because he knows that the Self or Uno is the Source, and the ego or Verse is the channel, by which the living waters from the spring flows and benefit his life.
Science has for its object the laws of the external nature. The wisdom or philosophy seeks knowledge and realization of the inner man.
Science is Cosmo-centric.
Philosophy is Anthropo-centric.
The improvement of the human Self or Soul is the supreme focus of life - and this realization is performed through the ego, whose elements are the body, mind and emotions. Since the evolution of man starts at the periphery and goes toward the centre, the great masters of mankind insist particularly on the development of the Self or the human soul, in order to avoid unilateral hypertrophy of the ego and the atrophy of the Self.
The perfect man is the Cosmic Man, who established perfect balance and harmony between both internal and external poles. Is this the ultimate objective point of all true education. The educator must draw from within the learner, and develop his Self in order to balance it with his ego.
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Wednesday 9 July 2014


OLD MAN - NEW MAN  (Salute to Professor Huberto Rohden presented by Dr Jamil Feres, during the closure of the courses of Cosmic Philosophy and Philosophy of the Gospel in 1960, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
"Know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free."
Yes, the Truth redeems, the Truth liberates!
Frees us from the tyranny of the old ego, - the Old Man should definitely join and be submitted to spiritual rebirth, to the deeper Self and Christ-like, - New Man referred by the apostle of the divine ideal, Paul of Tarsus; Old Man and New Man - this is the key to all problems, the synthesis of all doctrines!
Old Man, egocentric, slave of the instincts, given to laziness, greed, lust;
New Man, God-centred, Christ-centred, who outdid himself, his tendencies to idleness, the allure of money - the devil's excrement, according to the definition of Papini - and dominated the surrounding attraction of the comforts and pleasures;
Old Man - fascinated by the engaging five senses song, driven by sensuality, unable to concern other worries than those of his immediate interests;
New Man which integrates his thinking and his mind on the great and Divine Self, as taught by Rohden, to have the courage to live his ideas and die for his ideals, because man without ideals is not a complete man, not an integral man!
Old Man, - the one which manifests horror for a lifetime of sacrifice, bound and dominated by the deadly bodies, mentioned by the Apostle of the Gentiles, saturated with sins and vices;
New Man, - the one which found in the sacrifice, the Ideal, the mysterious pleasure of the spirit that vivifies and illuminates him with intimate joy, awakening the positive values ​​of his individuality!
Old Man who is disillusioned, hopeless, melancholic, the eternal marginal of the paths of the spirit;
The New Man, the one who is identified with the immense possibilities of his spiritual Self, rational and Divine, eternal source of energy and clairvoyance that gives him the power of persuasion that convinces him first and then convince many others;
Old Man, fatalistic, with aversion to all that is new and to all transformations, with lack of good will, who indulges himself like a doll that rolls according the course of events;
New Man which has been freed from the stifling wave of all circumstances that come together to annihilate and dominate the onslaughts of the ego, and to fight the good fight, not just for the purpose of winning, but for the delicious delight of the battle itself;
Old Man, - the one who was left behind, handcuffed, prisoner of a dead past;
New Man, - the one who goes forward in search for the future;
Old Man, - the one who lives prosaic life, slave of the everyday routine, prisoner of the comfort and of the subordinate and selfish interests;
New Man, who overcame all this and knows the Heroic Life, this wonderful life that is a gift from Heaven, but gift that need to be won by ourselves, by our attitude, by our experiences, by our effort;
Old man, - eager for all the pleasures, exhausted and unrepentant prankster, in search of maximum external stimuli, to achieve a minimum of happiness;
New Man, - the poor by the spirit, which has freed himself from matter and to whom is sufficient minimum stimuli for maximum happiness!
Melt the Old Man, mould him as a New Man and say: - uses me Lord!
Lets cooperate with the eminent Master. Lets integrate the Old Man in the New Man and we realize the Cosmic Man, the Man-Christ, the Integral Man: - body, mind and spirit, in a perfect hierarchy of values​​, in perfect harmony with the Infinite and in close communion with God!
This is the goal to achieve.
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LEARN TO LIVE – A speech given by Dr Moacir Cunha as a tribute to Prof Rohden during the closure of the Philosophy course in São Paulo, Brazil, 1961.
To know how to live is an art that produced fewer geniuses, because it is so difficult the art of living. Therefore, is quite extensive the range of philosophies of Life: goes from extreme egocentricity symbolized by the words - "after me, the deluge" - to the extreme mysticism, defined by the writings on the porch of a convent of Trappist monks in France: "The pleasure of dying without regret, compensates the grief of living without pleasure."
It seems to me good guidance to deprive the desires that, unchecked, are a source of many evils, to give value and present what we have, for our own benefit and of others, to consider the acts of another, less to criticize than to learn from them, no envy and, especially, seek to do to others what we desire to be done to us.
Constâncio Vigil (1876-1954) wrote: "Causes astonishment to us to find a good man and not be ashamed of the astonishment we feel". Try to be this good man now, when humanity finds dominated by the urge to fit in the narrow confines of a lifetime, all possibilities to enjoy pleasures; when is unbridled the rush for Success, in any of its aspects, at the expense of the hardening of hearts.
Man must comprehend this wise advice: "Who wants to be rich, do not increase in wealth, but decrease in greed." And learn that the great and durable satisfactions arise from little things that really do not come to those who are not able to find and understand them. It is in the immense world of small things from which are draw the most serene joys and the subjects to the most fruitful meditations.
It is important to repeat: "If I do not know what I'm looking for, I will never find anything".
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Tuesday 8 July 2014


TO POSSESS GOD - by Huberto Rohden
To have direct experience of God here on earth...
Is this the eternal longing of every evolved man.
But... this will be possible?
Is this not a beautiful utopia?
A fantastic mirage in the desert?
A delicious emotionalism of my desires?
I’m finally so deceived of that dear and old illusion:
To be able to possess God in this life.
No, I cannot possess God...
But... God can possess me,
Only if I make myself available.
And when I'll be Theo-possessed?
I'll be Theo-possessed if I make myself totally ego-dispossessed.
If I dispossess myself of everything I have, as Jesus, the Christ, said:
"Whoever does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple."
Whoever cannot dispossess of everything he has, cannot be possessed by God.
And without that Theo-possession there is no experience of God.
This ego-dispossession is a door through which God can come into my house.
What do I have that I should dispossess?
Are not, in the first place, material objects surrounding me;
Are, above all, mental and emotional possessions inside me.
And this mental and emotional possessions are the quintessence of my ego.
My ego is not material, it is mental and emotional.
And how can I dispossess of these possessions and this craze of possessing that I am possessed and possess?
Only by the suicide of my ego...
For a complete ego-death.
I am willing to do this?
If I say yes, this is not a new illusion, apart of so many others?
No, I will not say yes or no - I will not say anything.
I know that all my say and all my doings are other many illusions of my liar ego.
Instead of saying or doing something, I'll just live and be the truth of my ego-suicide redemption.
I will not feed my ego - and it will starve.
And then, after that voluntary death of my ego,
Can God take me in his arms.
And take me to a faraway island, unknown...
To an island never seen, never dreamed...
And give birth to someone other than my old ego,
Some new creature in Christ...
This can happen to me - if I allow...
This ego-dispossession...
The prelude to become Theo-possessed.
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