Monday 20 October 2014


How could exist perfect tuning and harmony between man and woman?
If so diverse are their various natures, their various characters and moods?
Woman, if more feminine, more mono-centric is her nature.
Man, the more masculine, the more poly-centric is his being.
Rotates the feelings of Eva around a single axis, eminently human  - disperses the thoughts of Adam in diverse peripheral fields, assuming vast cosmic colourfulness.
If the only centre in woman is missing, she feels completely unhappy and as if suspended in a vacuum - if misses one of the centres in man, he still has many epicentres on which he can turn around his planetary system.
More intensely happy is the woman's mono-centric personality to realize her potentialities, than the poly-centric nature of man towards achieving his targets.
When a woman is emotionally involved with a man, she donates to him all her feminine human ego without leaving aside, any part of her being - when a man joins a woman, usually leaves behind some provinces of his nature.
Can a woman give herself totally to a man – but man cannot be entirely hers.
As she travels the highest spheres of subjective immolation – inquiries him the vast worlds of objective realities.
If the female soul were not unilateral, would be not so mono-centric her love – if the spirit of man were not so panoramic, would not be so poly-centric his wishes.
So will be always adorned with flowers of pain, the love of a man and a woman.
So will always be the bitter sweetness mixed with sweet bitterness...
There will always be in the intimacy of comprehension, a certain distance of incomprehension…
Between he and she, harmony will sung, but ripped with dissonance…
So is the history of humankind, an epic of light darkened by eclipses…
Therefore, O, man or woman, make from your life - that cannot be a heaven or a hell, to be – at least, a mild purgatory, a transitory place of purification, and a reasonable school for improvements…
Can human love, his and hers, be a purpose in life - but cannot be the reason for being the existence of man or woman.
Who does not know the reason why he or she exist, is unhappy - or is on the eve of unhappiness...
Translator’s note:
Mono-Centric, Poly-Centric... Meaning a person with only one or more centres of direction or decisions.
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Friday 17 October 2014


October 1869...  in our history, had the privilege to receive the shining figure of a great human being... Mahatma Gandhi!
October 1981...  the world said goodbye to another great soul, Huberto Rohden!
And both had the important task of bringing the mystical message of Truth, nonviolence, reverence for life, self-knowledge and self-realization, activities that were an integral part of their lives.
Mankind knows some mystics and many politicians - but a mystic and politician at the same time, it is rather strange and, at first glance, impossible. The mystic deals with the things of God and the spiritual world; the politician is interested in things of this material world and men - is it possible that, within the same individual, these two worlds are consistent, so distant and apparently so antagonistic?
Mankind knows many educators, philosophers and religious men - but an educator-philosopher and deeply religious man, is also rather strange. And in this fusion resulted a writer of phenomenal abilities of lofty ideals, leaving in his vast work, teachings that awakes man's millennial sleep where the ego dominates, for the awakening of his true Self, that friend ally to man, allowing him to open the doors of the inexhaustible fullness of light and strength.
In common man, of narrow inner spaces, cannot exist, in fact, friendship and harmony between the God of the world and the world of God.
From time to time, however, appear men of vast inner spaces, where an entire planetary system can rotate freely without collisions or disasters, around a single sun, which enlighten and vitalizes everything. Within this system forms, naturally, a dynamic tension to maintain the balance; needs to intensify its centripetal force in proportion to its centrifugal force, in order to establish a Cosmos that does not succumb to chaos.
In this struggle, in this ideal, merged the spirits of Gandhi and Rohden. And so, the privileged month of October, for all eternity, will honour these two great souls.


---   "Future generations would hardly believe that passed the earth in flesh and blood, a man like Gandhi - say it's a myth".
Albert Einstein
---   "Only in the penumbral zone of ego-consciousness is that it is possible to sin. Sin presupposes consciousness, but an imperfect consciousness. Sin is the illusion of our separation from God... unfortunately this illusion is created by the intellect".
Huberto Rohden
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Wednesday 15 October 2014


When man wants to save his little ego at the expenses of his great Self, acts illogically, anti-mathematically because it is impossible to save a part losing the Whole. But, when you save your Self, necessarily you also save your ego, which is the one in diminutive form, an embryo, potential.
Whoever saves the plant also saves the seed, which is the plant itself in its most perfect and evolved form.
All "sin" is fundamentally a mistake in logic and mathematics. Sin is ignorance, Socrates said. Jesus confirms this, saying: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”. They sin because they do not know the consequences; if they knew it, they would not sin.
Sin consists essentially in the absurd attempt of the ignorant man who wants to save the lowest, sacrificing the greatest, wanting to save 10 of his little ego, sacrificing the 100 of his Self. Who saves 100, saves 10 - but who wants to save 10 sacrificing 100, loses both 100 and 10.
In this sense, the Nazarene said: "If someone wants to save his life (ego) will lose it - but whoever loses his life (ego) by the cause of me (Self) will save it”.
In fact, when the Truth is broad and universal, always has this paradoxical aspect.
Only the small and unilateral truths boast of not being paradoxical. From all unilateral truth, it can also assert the contrary, because our truths are always partial, relative.
It is necessary to die – to live…
It is necessary to dispossess of everything – to have everything…
You must lose – to win…
You must be a fool – to be wise…
You must be weak – to be strong…
You must empty yourself – to have in plenitude…
Analytical science is partial view – the overall vision is intuitive wisdom…
The penultimate level of Self-Realization is virtue – the latter is wisdom…
Who is fully free of all servitude can offer himself as the servant of all... Who is not free talks a lot about freedom and hate any servitude as the antithesis of freedom...
Only man who is fully free can be voluntarily servant...
At the zenith of freedom reduces man to the nadir of servitude...
So gloriously free is one that can be voluntarily slave...
Uncountable... are the paradoxes of the Liberating Truth!
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