Saturday 22 November 2014


--- We are celebrating!
--- Flowers everywhere, on the tables, on the walls, on the windowsills! ...
--- But you forgot one thing, my friend.
--- I beg your pardon?
--- A general cleaning of the house! Look at the cobwebs in the corner! Look at the speck on the floor! Dirt everywhere!
--- Never mind! The flowers will cover everything.
--- But I think, before covering with flowers, it would require too much sweep, creosote, detergent, bleach, solvent, etc...
Happiness is life having a party - and party in life. But to have party and flowers, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the house.
Unfortunately, our civilization and social life are almost all based on lies, fraud, deceit, hypocrisy and other filth.
The lady of the manor gives order to the maid to tell visitors that the "owner is not at home."
The dealer has to constantly lie to customers to sell his goods.
The milkman lies saying that milk with 50% of water is pure milk.
In order to sell more and to meet the taste of addicted consumers, the winemaker adds to his wine, apart of water and aniline, a handful of spices and harmful drugs.
The pharmacist falsifies its laboratory products to earn more money, endangering the lives and health of those who ingest the drugs.
The public campaigner lies that his candidate is the best in the world, when he knows that his patriotism is looking only for possible profits if his candidate wins the election.
The speaker stands up in the podium, aware of his unmatched expertise and began his speech with the familiar words: "I, despite my utter incompetence..." opening slight pause to listen to the first few rows a murmur of "not supported", which ends up being a most gentle caress to his vanity.
"Very pleased to meet you" - how many times this stereotypical phrase reveals only feelings diametrically opposed of what the lips say?
Most of the radio and television advertisements for the consumers are lies in the service of greed.
So ingrained are these and other social vices that it is almost impossible to live in society without being infected by these lies and hypocrisies. All this is moral dirt, making it virtually impossible to develop a true happiness.
I once went into a store to buy an item. One of the salesmen showed me the article desired, but then added: "It is not the best, but you will find better things in that store..." pointing me the direction!
I seemed to be witnessing a miracle, because the seller should assure me that the article that his store is selling it is the best in the world, unsurpassed, without competitor and never equalled!  And how, instead, shows me a store where I can buy something better?
However, better publicity could not make the employee's store than he did: being outrageously honest! The fact is, since that day, I just went to shop in his store, advertising it to all my  friends. "Honesty is the best policy" - "Honesty is the best philosophy" - pure fact that few people comprehend.
When a person starts to be absolutely honest, in all thoughts, words and deeds of his life, discovers something hitherto completely ignored. And how to explain this something?
The fact is that this individual discovers within himself a "safe place" - or better - a kind of bulwark or fortress, a point of refuge in the storms of life. And even if the storm is violent, within this safe haven the soul lives in perfect peace and serenity.
This person found that "happiness" or "unhappiness" is not something that can happen triggered from external circumstances, but produced within.  This person found a huge difference between "happiness" and "pleasure", between "unhappiness" and "suffering". Pleasures and sufferings are in the nerves, in the flesh, on the surface of the peripheral Self - while happiness or unhappiness is something that resides in the central Self, in the soul. This person verifies that no other person or thing can make her (him) happy or unhappy - but that only she (he) are themselves, the author of their happiness or unhappiness.
Then... candidate to true happiness! Write well within your heart this truth: "I WILL NOT DEPEND ON MY HAPPINESS FOR SOMETHING THAT DOES NOT DEPEND ON ME"!
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It was once a large coconut tree 10 meters high. And resting by its side on the floor, a seed approximately 2 cm in diameter.
And the coconut tree said to the seed: - you are what I am.
And the seed replied: - No... I am not what you are. You are a tree 10 meters tall and I am a tiny seed.
- No, said the coconut tree, I am not referring to your skin, your shell. I am referring to your living germ, your shell is not alive. You are in your germ what I am in my life. Because the life of your germ is the same life that is in me.
- How can this be possible, said the seed. I will be some day what you are now?
- You will become externally what you are already internally... like I am now. Because our essence is the same, only our existence at this moment,  is different. The quality is the same, only the quantity is different.
- And what I have to do, asked the seed, to be like what you are now?
- Well, said the coconut tree, your shell has to disintegrate one day. And you will be also what I am now.
- Sorry... I did not understand, what do you mean by to disintegrate? You mean I'm going to die?
- No, you are not going to die, because if you die you will never become a coconut tree. You will not die. Your shell, something around you that protects you now, will disintegrate one day. This is now an aid to you. But soon this will be an obstacle that must be destroyed so that your content can expand.
And the seed at first, did not believe she would die; because she was always looking for her dead shell, which... was not alive, a hard shell, inert. But she had never set eyes on her living germ because life is not something visible, only the outer shell is visible. She was limited in her shell and was terrified of her so called disintegration. Thought she was going to die and not something that she had around her. She had no self-awareness, as we would say in popular language. She was confused about what she looked like and did not identify herself with what she really was in fact.
And this is our greatest mistake... not knowing in fact, who we are...
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Tuesday 11 November 2014


YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK - by Huberto Rohden
Man is the result of his habitual thoughts. The mental attitude creates external acts. Who lives, usually in broad and benevolent thoughts cannot practice narrow and malevolent acts.
Therefore, be careful with your thoughts! Food for many - poison for the very many...
The education of thoughts is the basis for all education - and who gives importance to this prime factor of pedagogy? How can one be good if his thoughts are bad?...
The "cold war" of the newspapers prepare the "hot war" on the battlefield; creating the opportunity to ignite the fuel. Governments should categorically prohibit any mental and verbal harassment in order to avoid real hostilities. But the heresy of "freedom of thought" and "freedom of the press" does not allow this kind of service of mental and social prophylaxis.
"He who sows winds, storms reap"...
United Nations is undoubtedly a beautiful ideal - but never will be a solid reality until we do not have United Minds.
Ghandi did not allow his fellows of ahimsa and satyagraha to feed themselves with hostiles thoughts against the English, to prevent them to practice hostile acts.
To think evil is the prelude to do harm.
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Monday 10 November 2014


Ultimately, who is enthusiast for a spiritual guide, is enthusiast by his own Divine Self or inner Christ because, potentially, every man is a spiritual guide himself. Within each of us sleeps a metaphysical and mystical genius; when then appears in the objective plane, a spiritual genius, we feel, in the unconscious depths of our human nature, that this spiritual genius are ourselves in germinal state; we perceive the echo of a distant voice, the vibrations of light, the heat from a fire that is also in us, but still implicitly, when on that spiritual genius that fire is already explicitly burning. Every fuel - wood, coal, gasoline, etc. - is a potential fire, and fire is just the fuel in a dynamic state.
"If the eye were not solar - says Goethe - could never contemplate the sun."
Likewise, if the soul were not Divine or Christ like, could never respond to the voice of God or Christ. Therefore, the Christ of the human soul enters into vibration when another soul, already in an advanced state of being Christ like, appears on the scene – like the seed deep in the ground, it begins to vibrate when realizes, in full darkness, the mysterious vibrations of the solar heat.
Ultimately, our guru or an external spiritual guide is our Divine Self or our internal Christ, personified casually in Master A, B or C.
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Saturday 1 November 2014


The true mystic becomes one with the great Whole and with every part of this Whole - with God and with any creature of God.
The profane, the more he enjoys, the more he becomes incapable of enjoying, and finally exhale the last bit of his ability to enjoy - and then, the only thing left is a hell of boredom, the mad house or suicide. The enjoyment itself precludes the enjoyment - this is the curse of all profane joy.
The mystic, however, thanks to the blessed discipline of renunciation, opens up infinite doors for an intense, endless and pure joy. God is like a colourless light, but the revelations of God are uncountable and without measure, like  the colours created by light, and each new aspect of God creates new joy to the spiritual man.
The true mystic rejoices when contemplates a pebble, an insect, a bird, a fish, a plant, a dewdrop, because he sees the eternal Reality through these ephemeral vestments.
Celebrate his cosmic liturgy in thousands of cathedrals, on numerous altars.
O little leave of grass! how I thank you for your existence!...
O bright green beetle! how happy I am because you live!...
O clouds of heaven! How rejoices my existence!...
O little flower by the roadside! blessed you are by the good you do to me!...
O winds and rains, lightning and fireflies, mountains and seas! how would be my life without you?...
Receive, all of you, the homage of my gratitude, because you exist in my life!...
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