Tuesday 26 March 2019


No one can find God in the macrocosm of the outer universe without finding God first, in the microcosm of one’s inner Self.
However, if man has found God within himself, he finds God spontaneously everywhere; in an insect, in a flower, all over the Universe, even where God did not seems to exist. It is because God is always present in man, but man is often absent from God. The kingdom of God is within every man, but not every man is in the kingdom of God.
In order to see the kingdom of God within, man must be reborn by the spirit; to open the eyes of his true divine Self, to pass from ignorance to wisdom, from blindness to clairvoyance, from darkness to light, from death to life, from material profanity to spiritual initiation.

In the chapter "I Am Going to America," in Paramahansa Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi: One early morning, solitary in his room, silence, tears of anxiety before the "uncertain", when he was anxiously confronted with the reality of having to teach the principles of Yoga to the Americans, Yogananda hears someone knock on his door; he opens it and see before him a young man of humble appearance and renunciation... Babaji - the immortal spirit – materialized to visit him! After a period of short conversation, Yogananda intuits the following passage from the Bhagavad Gita XI, 12: “If there should rise Suddenly within the skies Sunburst of a thousand suns, Flooding earth with beams undeemed-of, Then might be that Holy One’s Majesty and radiance dreamed of!” An obvious sign that his pilgrimage to the lands of America would have its historical purpose for many generations, because God led him to it. This autobiography of Yogananda is to this day, considered as one of the milestones in the teaching of the reality of the divine union between the Cosmic Principle and man.