Monday 23 March 2020


In the sacred books of the Old and New Testaments, in Genesis and the Gospel, we find two men who could be considered as authentic forerunners of the New Humanity: Moses and Jesus.
It seems that the perfect man cannot be the victim of disease and compulsory death and we know that neither of these men as victims of diseases and neither of them succumbed to compulsory death.
Moses, according to the Bible, lived 120 years “in full youth”; and after that, he transformed his material body into an astral body.
In history, there is no report of any disease in Jesus and he says repeatedly that no one can take his life, that he voluntarily gives up his life when he wants to, and resumes it when he wants, as it happened.
These two representatives of New Humanity, according to the way they lived, were interested in showing the path that can prelude the perfect man, however, the fundamental condition is that the man makes evolution in absolute fidelity with the Laws of Nature. Rebellion against these laws produces stagnation, even involution. It is in the power of free will to be faithful or unfaithful to these eternal laws.
According to Moses and Jesus, two factors prevent man from achieving his ascensional evolution: lust and greed.
Genesis casts the terrible curse on sex abuse, “Damn the earth because of you”; whereas Jesus, in the Gospel, excludes from the Kingdom of Heaven any man who abuses property, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter The Kingdom of Heaven ... You cannot serve God and riches”.
These curses: lust and greed aim to remove the two biggest impediments to the advent of New Humanity. Lust, because of the sexual instinct in men is so intense, almost uncontrollable, that he lives twenty-four hours in heat, and with the same intensity, his desire to have materialities, and to have more and more, regardless of whether this produces the misery of many other humans.
In all nature, there are means for certain ends; whoever uses the means because of themselves, and not because of the end obstructs the ascending path of evolution. But whoever uses the means as ends and not because of those ends, opens the right path to a higher evolution.
Moses and Jesus, these two precursors of the New Humanity, speak in the name of the perfect man and invite to take the first step towards the advent of the Kingdom of God on earth, through obedience to the Laws of Nature.
Today's human being, except a few, has not yet started the prelude to this New Humanity, totally enslaved by the abuse of sex, greed and other petty aspirations that obstruct the path of an ascensional evolution. Ultimately, all the chaos and the painful human problems of today come from not observing the Laws of Nature, which only accept means for the sake of ends, and not autonomous, isolated means, which add nothing and do not determine an end, which remains stagnant and does not promote evolution, therefore losing the connection to the cosmic destiny of humanity and that is why we are facing an existential frustration and loss of identity in this dark and the problematic period we are living in. The wanting (pleasure) is only legitimate when subordinated to duty (end); for all wanting because of wanting is idolatry and converts existential realization into existential frustration.

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