Tuesday 13 May 2014


DESIRES - by Huberto Rohden
Our desires are our executioners... The shorter is the distance between what man wants and what man has, lower is his misery... our unhappiness increases in direct proportion to the distance between the object coveted and the object possessed.
The simple man is happy, because his desires are few, has more or less everything he wants...
With knowledge, increases the idea of I want - and this I want creates new distances, new misfortunes...
However, this concern will not be better than that dissatisfied complacent stillness?...
Will not be better and nobler to suffer for an ideal, even unattainable, than to stand in the little everyday realities at hand?...
Man is a lot more his faraway ideal than his immediate reality; he is more of what would be, in his deep and abiding attitude, than what he is in his superficial and transient acts.  
For comments:   dawn.3rd.heaven@gmail.com

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