Thursday 8 May 2014


HUMANITY - by Huberto Rohden
The first humanity is of the senses - the early childhood belief.
The second humanity is of the intelligence - the teen years of science.
The third humanity is of the reason - maturity of wisdom, the senses and intelligence embedded in the spirit, whose synthesis is revealed as the reason.
Reason, rationality is not only spirit, spirituality, is the spiritual permeating materially and mentally, resulting in rationality, who lives in the light of wisdom.
The rational man is the whole man, universal man. The human-reason, man-logos, man-Christ.
Man will be only perfect and happy when integrating the senses and intelligence, on Reason.
Here on earth, was the prophet of Nazareth who most perfectly embodied the whole man. The place of his earthly life looks like a symbol of his cosmic experience, because Palestine is a bridge between East and West, a link between the material-mental man and the spiritual man. The Nazarene was not materialist nor spiritualist – he was Universalist. Never despised things of the senses and the intellect - and never despised things of the spirit - made ​​a synthesis between these and those. Never said that man needed food, clothing and home - nor said he should deal only with the kingdom of God; but insisted that it was first the kingdom of God, spiritual things, and harmony (justice, adjustment) which exists between the realm of spiritual and material things, and then these will be given in addition, that man had no need to worry and to chase frantically these things, food, clothing and house.
If the Nazarene had been a good Western materialist, allegedly would told his disciples to only be interested in material things, and not on spiritual things.
If the Nazarene had been a good Eastern spiritualist he would have recommended his followers to become interested only in things of the spirit, and not to think about the world of matter, of Maya, the illusion of earthly life.
However, the Nazarene was a cosmic man, integral. He knew that the Kingdom of God - the spiritual world - is the cause and source of the other things of the material-mental world. Raising awareness of the cause necessarily produces the corresponding effects – this is the metaphysical-mystical mathematics of the Nazarene.
While man search for "just the other things," as does the materialist, he is incomplete, and incomplete man is an unhappy man.
While man only search for the "Kingdom of God", as does the spiritualist, he may be inwardly happy, but he is still incomplete, because while living here on earth, he is maladjusted, incompatible with the atmosphere of his earthly experience.
Neither materialist nor spiritualist man is the Integral Man, fully realized, happy. It is necessary for man to find "justice", the adjustment, the harmony between the "Kingdom of God" and "the other things" - only then he will be realized and happy, because he will no longer have the need to chase frantically "other things "- food, clothing, house - because these things "will be given in addition", as a corollary, as a spontaneous and infallible consequence. Once the spiritual cause is revealed, and knowing the intrinsic harmony that prevails between the spiritual world and the material world, the material effects will follow necessarily the spiritual cause - and then shall appear the Integral Man, the God of the world manifest in God's world.
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