Friday 23 May 2014


"Man is a mix of miseries and greatness’s. His miseries have appeared all; his greatness is still unknown.” -  Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662), French philosopher - Review of Hubert Rohden during a lecture on Human Miseries and Greatness's in 1970.
Tragic possessiveness! Seizes everything even what he does not need. Steals from others, kill others to seize the property of others. The law prohibit physical killing of others, but the law does not prohibit the commercial and industrial slaughter that are part of the abominable exploitation of commercial and industrial entities, even governments. These are within the law. It is possible to slaughter industrially and commercially whosoever will, attitudes that runs even among the great and honest citizens of any country. Because the law only prohibits the physical killing of others, but does not prohibits commercial exploitation which is a form of slaughter. Stealing from others, not for necessity, but for own luxury.
That's what we're doing. Humanity is in an ongoing commercial, industrial, social slaughter, slaughter of any kind. For the greed of our ego we slaughter the other, throw others into misery. It does not hurt that others die, as long as I live in abundance. Our possessiveness is a creation of our intellectualized ego.
Imagine what point reached the hypertrophy of our possessiveness: In the most powerful countries on earth there are huge factories of modern and deadly weapons capable of killing millions of people. As an example, two major countries on earth make weapons to the Arabs to kill the Jews in Palestine and vice-versa.
Why? In order to make money. Because the defence industry is one of the largest industries that exist; nothing is more profitable than the war industry. War is a big business indeed. To kill others, individuals, governments and industries profit up millions and millions of dollars. Up to this point reached our greed and possessiveness. No other living being does that. We, the intellectualized animal, are the worst animals.
And why is so unknown our greatness? Because it is in our nature centre and we are walking just around our peripheries. We always walk on the surface of our human nature that is called ego, and we are unable to penetrate the centre of our mother nature who is called the true Self.
If we could enter the centre of our nature, fully conscious of "what am I" and act according to our consciousness of truth, we would be our liberators. If so we acted, we will be able to be freed from all our debts and karma, from all the negative factors of our nature. We would not have more guilt. We would be absorbed from all of our old debts and would commit no more new debts. This is redemption. This is liberation, i.e., self-realization, i.e., the entering to the kingdom of God.
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