Friday 16 May 2014


Listen, Oh, Man, this great truth: every bad thing that you do onto others you are in double making to yourself.
For others it is a peripheral  harm  -  for you is a central  harm.
For those who suffer, is an extrinsic harm  -  for whom who practice, is an intrinsic harm.
No one can do harm to his neighbour without doing first, harm to himself.
Who does harm unto others is a bad person – but who suffers the harm can be a good person!
"There cannot a bad tree produce good fruit - A good tree cannot produce bad fruit".
The effect of evil is ephemeral on the object that suffers - but is permanent in the subject that produces it.
Do not say: "I was wrong, I repented, and it is business as usual" - fatal illusion!
By repentance yes, the stain was washed away morally – but persists in the soul, the psychic stain.
The evil consciously practiced, stratified into the depths of the subconscious new layer of vicious habit – and from this tragic basement, radiates disastrous waves for the consciousness area.
Every evil act, even though repealed by repentance, favours the destructive elements – and disfavours the constructive elements in man.
Every evil act makes future falls and relapses - and difficult the resurrection.
Every evil act increases the slope of the inclined surface that the vicious habit created in your nature - and who can stand firm on a slippery slope?
Therefore, my unknown friend, the best you can do to yourself is to do good onto others - the good for the sake of love.
The love that for the others does good, does much good to yourself, which makes you even better.
So, said the great Master that we should love our neighbours as ourselves.
Educate yourself, Oh, Man, for the ideal of doing good.
Do good for the sake of good - within yourself and others.
The only way to change the world is to practice the Gospel of the sincere kindness, the Gospel of unselfish love, the Gospel of Universal benevolence.
"God is love - whoever remains in love remains in God." (Saint John)
"The kingdom of God is within you." (Jesus)
Translator’s Note:
It is always wise to remember to harmonize our acts with our being... “In my intimate BEING I am God; hence, in my eternal ACT I should also be like GOD. I should combine the horizontal of my ethics with the vertical of my mystic, in order to be redeemed by this cross, to be positive, more, Infinite, like this symbolic sign. All evil of my life comes from the discrepancy between the way I ACT and my BEING.”
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