Tuesday 28 April 2015



All the great spiritual initiated that reached a high degree of self-realization avoided being called masters, because the experience of each was particular, as well as the experience of any of us is particular. The so-called master, may eventually direct the beginner to a path that leads to self-realization, but after that it's up to him to follow his own journey.
The purpose of the so-called master "is not to carry with him indefinitely, the disciple, but to give full autonomy and autocracy, so that someday the disciple can go his path with perfect clarity and absolute security, without the master. Then the external master became an internal master, inherent to the disciple. The greatest triumph of a true master is to become superfluous, because the master who never becomes superfluous not fulfilled its mission".
Jesus, the Christ, one of the most self-realized human beings said: "Do not call anyone your father and your master. Only one is your Father."... and each one of us is the master of himself. Huberto Rohden did not like to be called master or guru. "I am not master of anyone but a disciple of all!"
"What makes a pseudo-enlightened soul to perform as enlightened is always the ambition of his ego; prestige, pride, greed of money, stealing the key of the knowledge of God's kingdom.
This key consists of an inner experience, not conditioned by any external formality. The power comes from within, the weakness comes from outside .
"The word kills - but the spirit gives life."
The ritual gives external prestige - the spiritual gives inner strength.
Who performs the ritual without possessing the spiritual is false prophet; stole the key of the knowledge of God's kingdom. Deceived, deceiving others. Blind leading the blind, is not a leader, but seductive instead.
Ignorance of the spiritual world is darkness - experience is light.
Only those who are enlightened are the ones able to enlighten others.
Can only give to men one who received from God.
Can only distribute to men one who possess the treasures of divinity.
It is necessary that the spiritual guide who comprehends the unique ability to guide others let himself be guided by God, and that no church or sect can give this experience. All churches and sects are like many other landmarks placed along the path of life, at the dubious crossroads; who stopped at the foot of these landmarks just looking at the direction indicated by the arrows will never come to the end of the journey.
The soul of Christianity is not something you can teach or learn intellectually, like in a theology course; is something that must be lived and felt, and even suffered in profound silence and fruitful solitude. Can, at best, others lead me to the threshold of the sanctuary, but only I can overcome this threshold and meet God face to face.
The most glorious day for the true master is the day when he becomes superfluous and unnecessary, the glorious day when the soul guided by him no longer need a guide, by becoming spiritually autonomous and independent, to ride safe and firm the paths of God".

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