Wednesday 15 April 2015


This title was captured from the message, a short text but of much significance.
I must confess that the translation exercises are even comical. In fact I talk with Rohden, working certain words I believe that even Brazilians today (10.30.2013) cannot understand, due to the richness of Rohden's vocabulary. That is why dictionaries are by my side all the time!
In fact what I usually do, for better understanding, is to make the text more accessible to the reader, simplifying ideas, reducing the repetitions and sometimes trying to remove a paragraph (in order to facilitate the translation), as for example: "When the I flows into the us, the stream of mine flows into the ocean from ours", which is of quite difficult understanding - figurative language, richness of imagination and sense of humour, that even Brazilians face difficulties to understand, if only because few live in that atmosphere and unfortunately, good schooling is decreasing worldwide. What I identified and used as the idea of this phrase was: "The death of the false self and the resurrection in the great US necessarily produce the death of the small mine and the resurgence of the great OURS".
So, without betraying the idea, direction, I am simplifying... and I think Rohden agree!
“Greediness for material things remains the only impediment in our pilgrimage to the highest in order to achieve Self-Realization. No other disorder received so much attention from the spiritual masters of mankind, like for example, Jesus, the Christ, for he always warned his disciples against the dangers of being enslaved by material goods: “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth."
In ancient times, the only way for someone to break free from this bondage was deserting the world, leaving all its possessions - a good illustrated example was the resignation of Francis of Assisi - and even today, selfless and heroic souls, choose this path.
There is, however, another form of liberation.
Consist that man, while still legally owner of his property, been able to redirect part of it for the benefit and enjoyment of his fellow humans. Doing so, he is not the sole owner and proprietor, becoming administrator of the Creator's heritage (the Source) in favour of humanity.
The radical capitalism defends the right of individual ownership with individual enjoyment.
Communism, defends the social ownership with collective enjoyment.
However, neither capitalism nor communism are acceptable systems. Each of it has a truth and error. The truth of capitalism is the right to individual ownership - but its big mistake is the individual enjoyment. Communism advocates the great truth of the collective enjoyment and makes the mistake of banning individual ownership. If we avoid the two errors of the capitalism and the communism, and stay with the two truths that each professes, we have a form of Christian Socialism, based on the idea of ​​individual ownership with collective use and enjoyment. The great evil is not the right to individual ownership; evil is that the individual owner want to enjoy alone or with it small group, all benefits regardless of the privations and needs of the rest of fellow humans.
While man is not convinced that he is only administrator of the equity received from the Source in favour of humanity, there will be no solution to the painful collective problem. But this conviction only happens when a great comprehension of the inner truth of each individual is reached.
When man overcomes his small ego and discover his great Self, he loose the narrow sense of what belongs to him. The death of the false self and the resurrection in the great US necessarily produce the death of the small mine and the resurgence of the great OURS.
This is the "Christian Socialism" of spontaneous love, quite different from the greed of capitalism and the compulsory law of the political communism..."

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