Sunday 3 April 2016


"But I say to you, do not resist the one who is evil"
This is certainly one of the most enigmatic words of Jesus, the Christ, yet the least understood and practiced. In the April edition of the famous German magazine "Stimmen der Zeit", in 1959, appear an article written by the Jesuit priest Johannes Hirschmann, proving that atomic war can be lawful, in case it is needed to save Christianity.  In the same way writes the Jesuit priest Gustav Gundlach, who was the spiritual adviser of Pope Pius XII, saying that atomic war, and even the extirpation of an entire population is not only lawful, but can even be bound in conscience, if that population is an impediment to the triumph of Christianity.
What inspires similar monstrosities, officially approved by the respective church, is the clamorous confusion between Christianity and Christ.  By Christianity, these authors understand a particular ecclesiastical organization engendered through the centuries by skilled theologians and properly codified by the hierarchical superiors of that ecclesiastical society.  In order to preserve from destruction this political-financial-clerical organization, preach these men that is lawful the destruction of the spirit of Christ, which in any way approved the killing of a single human being, much less the extinction of many millions of innocents to save the kingdom of God.  How can be saved true Christianity, which is the kingdom of God, destroying it radically by mass killings?
As you can see, these doctors in ecclesiastical theology are perfect illiterate in the supreme wisdom of the Sermon on the Mount, and the Gospel of Christ in general.  Mahatma Gandhi, not allowing the death of one single man to free India, thousand times better he comprehended the spirit of Christ than these so called "Christians", and he stated the reason why all Western missionaries who tried to convert him to Christianity, saying:  "I accept Christ and his Gospel, but I do not accept your Christianity".
All practice violence, by the way that all societies, civil and ecclesiastical, are guided even today by the law of retaliation established by Moses: "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". Incidentally, it seems that an organized society cannot be guided by the spirit of the Gospel, because any organized society is based on selfishness, approving violence.  Every society has certain statutes, laws, juridical paragraphs that imply sanction, i.e., violence, punishment for the violators of the legal statutes of the society.
Since every single society is the product of intelligence, and intelligence is essentially selfish, therefore cannot exist an unselfish society, non-violent.  If Mahatma Gandhi succeeded in freeing India with ahimsa (non-violence) was only because he was surrounded by numerous individuals firmly grounded in the same truth, as conceived the President Nehru himself, and not because society as such is guided by the altruistic principle of ahimsa. Every society practice himsa (violence), otherwise it would destroy itself, not enforcing its laws; only an individual can practice ahimsa, not rendering evil for evil, but paying evil with good, loving those who hate him.
"Do not resist evil" is, therefore, an order that directly targets the individual in the process of being Christ-like. A society, being fundamentally selfish, can never be Christ-like, although it can call itself Christian, i.e., a Christianity varnished with selfishness.
No organized society can cease to consider its "rights" under penalty of committing suicide, it only exists by virtue of its "rights"; but the right, however, is a form of selfishness, therefore, injustice and selfishness breeds violence. Only if society abdicates of its "rights", will right, correct everything making justice, but while it does assert its "rights", everything is not right.
The opposite of "right" is "justice", which is virtually identical to love.  The "justice", in metaphysical sense is invariably the "correctness", the “perfect fit", the harmony between the individual and the Universal, between man and God, between the finite creature and the Infinite Creator.  This justice is the perfect love, as it appears in the "first and greatest commandment of all", enunciated by Jesus.
On the frontispiece of Santa Maria city Forum, in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, are engraved these words by the jurist-philosopher Cicero:  "summum jus summa injuria" - the supreme right is the supreme injustice. Who calls all his personal rights acts on behalf of his ego, which is necessarily selfish; but one who practice justice, acts on behalf of the Cosmic Constitution of the Universe, acts on behalf of the very soul of the Universe, which is God; acts on behalf of the cosmic love which is the voice of the Divine Self in man.
Who calls for his "rights" acts on behalf of his ego, which is a supporter of violence.
Who calls for "justice" acts on behalf of his Self, which is not a supporter of violence.
"Do not resist evil" is, therefore, an appeal to the Divine Self in man, and not to his human ego.
There is a strange mathematics in the Mosaic law:  it supposes that an act of violence can be neutralized by another.  If someone pulls me out an eye or break a tooth, and if I pay back with the same act of violence, we are even.  In reality, however, we are not even, neither that person nor I, because a negative act from someone plus my negative act results the double negative, which means, both my abuser and I paying back, we created two evils in the world; and as the second offense requires a third, from his part, and this calls for a fourth offense from my part, and so on, in a continuous "chain reaction" - of course we both offenders are worsening the world, increasingly filling it with negative and more negative.
Against this false mathematics of Moses, Jesus opposes the true mathematics, entirely logical and rational, stating that the negative (evil) is only neutralized by the positive (good), and that the only way to evolve the world and humanity is the process of:
1)- not to resist evil;
2)- to oppose evil doing good.
My positive opposing the negative of my offender neutralizes the negative, and the result is zero; but if I oppose to the negative of the offender not only one positive (one good), but many - say 10, in this case I not only neutralized the negative (evil) of my offender, but added a positive surplus, i.e., enriching humanity with positive goods.
Gandhi - precisely because he was a mahatma, "great soul" – comprehended and practiced this admirably spiritual mathematics of the Gospel, giving the non-resistance act, the Sanskrit name of ahimsa, and the benevolent policy towards the offender the name satyagraha (attachment to the truth), or love, cosmic justice, to the point that immediately after being shot and killed, his last words were for to the offender be acquitted. But he was hanged!
For someone to practice this non-violence and benevolence behaviour, has to undergo through a profound mystical experience of his own true nature, and not to be identified with his physical-mental-emotional ego.
Faith is the way for all greatness.
The lack of faith opens way to all insolvencies.
The Emperor Justinian and Roman jurist, wrote: "SUMMUM JUS SUMA INJURIA" - the supreme right is the supreme injustice.
Weird! The right is declared as justice inside out.
Rohden explains the truth of these words, that:  The right is the synonymous of selfishness and falsehood, and justice is the antonymous of love and truth, that the right is the opposite of justice.
Right is the Antichrist policy, justice is the philosophy of Christ.
In the first century Pilate and Caiaphas embodied the right; and Christ represented justice.
But these days, it happens that in right the defendant can lie and make false testimony in court since it can prove it - even when the evidence is false.  The right has nothing to do with truth that is the subject of religion and philosophy.
And no judge assumes that the litigant's statement is an expression of truth; since it complies with the article such, the paragraph such of the penal code.  Who lies better, gains the cause.
Many times the judge condemns an innocent because he found evidence against him.  Other times he does not condemn the culprit because it found no evidence, for the words "de intimis non curat praetor" - from intimate things of consciousness does not mind the magistrate - as these intimate things, only to God to mind and know... and with this, the justice of the inexorable laws of the universe is made... Cause and Effect, and not the precarious "justice" of humans.
And Rohden also states that: "What is most painful in all this is that two thousand years of the so-called Christianity, have been unable to create a Christian mentality, or rather Christ-like in matters of jurisprudence; our Christianity failed to reconcile the right (human), with justice (divine) and to give the right a basis in truth.  The "Roman Rights" continues to be the basis of our jurisprudence; the right of Roman paganism that every lawyer has to study and take as a rule of his profession, is diametrically opposed to Christ's message.
"You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free"
In the United States the Bible is presented in the court room with an oath saying, "I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, only the truth..."
In most cases... pure lies and hypocrisy!

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