Tuesday 5 April 2016


"The partial view is analytical science - the overall vision is intuitive wisdom ..."  Huberto Rohden
In this sense, we can say that science, with all its stunning discoveries, still walks slowly in its achievements, by setting aside an essential factor, which is the intimate connection of all events in the Universes, with the greatest thinker, the Creator of all things visible and invisible. On the day when science will start using the tool of intuition - so widely used by Einstein, this mystical scientist - is when the overall vision of all things and the WHOLE will reach the Truth, not the relative and incipient truth of humans, but... the wisdom that exist in them.
Intuition, which is revealed only in the knowledge of itself, is the invasion of cosmic wisdom in the human Self, the concentration of centripetal forces inherent in it, but clouded by the centrifugal forces of the ego, its peripheral vision of things. Only when that peripheral vision is absent, it is when intuition is present, revels itself.

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