Tuesday 9 June 2020


We live under the illusion that we are responsible for the order of the Universe - as if the cosmos could end up in chaos if we do not save it!
We think that we should resist the wicked, for the good ones not to be exterminated by them ...
How much foolishness!
How much myopia!
Thus, said the fool in his erudite ignorance: “If I do not resist the unjust, injustice shall make justice disappear, therefore it is my duty to resist the unjust” ...
However, a man appears, more than 2000 years ago, who warns:
“Put your sword in the scabbard!”
“Do not resist the evildoers!”
This was the irrational language of Jesus, the greatest Master known to mankind - but his human disciples feel they ought to be more rational, to correct the Master, and judge themselves to be Super Masters. Only once in a while appear great souls such as Gandhi, or Martin Luther King Jr, his disciple, and resolves to be as irrational as Jesus and proclaims non-violence, and to believe unconditionally in the power of truth ... But the mediocre human souls who believe in weapons, do not believe in those great souls who hate weapons ...
If for example, there are 50% of bad people on Earth today, and 50% of good ones, and if they do not withstand those, tomorrow there will be 100% evil against 0% of good people - and we must avoid this misfortune. And so, we conclude, we the good ones, to become evil, resisting the wicked so that the wicked will not take charge of the world and destroy the Earth.
What logic exists in this believe?
What kind of mathematics is this?
How could we save the good ones from extermination if we become evil?
The first step to guaranteeing the victory of the good ones is in being good ourselves, and not to become levelled with the evildoers!
All this confusion comes from our myopia, from identifying the existence of the human race with its ephemeral experience on this planet. The victory of good over evil has nothing to do with this telluric scenario - this victory is essentially a cosmic process. Even if all the good ones were exterminated by the wicked, no defeat would have suffered the cause of good! But if the good ones decide to become evil, to save the cause of good, then the cause of good suffered great defeat - the powers of hell prevailed over the powers of heaven.
Our task does not consist in to save the cause of good, but simply in being good ourselves, unconditionally good. We do not have to save the Universe - we have to save only ourselves. The rest is none of our business ... because if I save myself and everyone else is saved, the Universe is saved!
It is so easy to embrace in an aura of abstract love all humanity - but it is so difficult to love the human being concretely at our side, this individual being, A, B, or C! ...
“No one is a hero for what he does – there are only heroes of suffering and renunciation.” A. Schweitzer
We are all doctors of theories - and we are all illiterate in practice ...
If one can perform in practical life 1% of the 100% of its theoretical philosophy - it is to be congratulated ...
Our abstract theories produce in us glorious drunkenness because they lead us to great achievements, not always significant - the concrete practice of a small part of these theories keeps us at a level of silent humility ...
The only order and harmony within our reach is the order and harmony within ourselves ...

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