Monday, 6 July 2020


Friend and companion of pilgrimage to the Infinite!
Do not stand before the red lights that ignorant men have placed as an obstacle in the middle of your spiritual pilgrimage!
Guide yourself by the green lights on which God marked the road of your life in constant evolution!
There is no “traffic jam” in God's worlds – there, the “traffic flows,” always.
Reds are the battlefields created by men - because in them life agonizes or death reigns.
Greens are the fields and meadows that God created - because in them, the glories of life in full evolution and happiness, are singing.
“This is life eternal - said Jesus - that men know you, Father, as the only true God.”
Eternal life is eternal knowledge - if the “knowing” had an end, “living” would end.
To know is to progress, to travel, to penetrate more and more into the intimate essence of the God of the world and the world of God.
To know is to go towards the Infinite, the Eternal, the Absolute.
The finite can never exhaust the Infinite – however much the individual who knows progress in demand to what can be known or already known, can always be deepened more and more in the unknown, in the darkness of the Mystery, in the depths of God.
What would eternal life be without this eternal Mystery? What fascination would it impose on the soul, a world lost by it, without any future possibilities of discoveries?
The more the soul knows the greater its happiness in knowing - and its willingness to seek the unknown.
If one day the soul would reach the final end of its “knowing” and its dynamic march would stagnate - this would be the end of eternal life and the beginning of death without end.
To live is to know, to know is to love - and where there is life, knowledge, love, there manifests the great contentment.
The Gospel is the highest expression of life, of knowledge, of love, of happiness.
“I have come that men should have life - and have it in the greatest abundance.”
The ignorant ignores the Gospel.
The semi-ignorant regard the Gospel as the religion of suffering.
The wise, however, know that the Gospel is the message of abundant life, of ineffable happiness.
In the past, were the shadows of The The passion of the Christ - today are the bright lights of Easter resurrection.
In the past was the closed tomb - today is the tomb open and empty, for the Truth, is liberating!
To know this truth, this pilgrimage is necessary to your divine centre, a journey much more difficult than the journeys to external peripheries – because “narrow is the way and tight is the gate that leads to the kingdom of God,” within you.

However, once you tread this narrow path, the gate widens and with discipline and constant communion with God, you will discover this “hidden treasure.”

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