Saturday 29 February 2020


Música é alegria.
Não importa o momento... do som que acalenta, ou do som da despedida.
O som que acalenta nos faz transpor a barreira dos nossos dramas e dilemas; plenifica o espírito. Porém na despedida, a atmosfera musical pode mudar.
Esse conceito da perda tem diferentes aspectos: podemos sentir a perda material de algo, da ausência de alguém, de uma memória, de algo que as vezes não sabemos; de uma saudade, de um gosto..., no entanto, o sentido metafísico da perda é sempre um... o ganho! Se as perdas nos afetam é porque estamos sempre atrelados, apegados e algemados aos nossos conceitos, ou melhor, pré-conceitos. Nascemos livres, mas por onde andamos, carregamos nossas algemas. Nossos modos, hábitos, costumes e tradições, resistem à mudança, ou quando “mudam”, são para seguir a vasta multidão dos que vivem o vazio de uma vida agitada demais, pois vivemos presos às nossas periferias, viajando pelo mundo atentos às exterioridades, como numa centrífuga, esquecendo do Ser único e profundo que habita dentro de nós mesmos.
Nesse contexto, o sufismo, esse ramo místico do islamismo diz que: “Quando o ego se lamenta do que perdeu, o espírito se regozija do que ganhou”, ou do que encontrou.
Vivemos em uma zona de conforto que não passa de um incômodo para o espírito que luta para se libertar das prisões do ego, mas a mente e a ditadura exercida pelos nossos corpos nos prendem às algemas que teimamos em abrir e nos fazer livres. Esquecemos da viagem centrípeta – de que tanto fala Huberto Rohden em suas mensagens – viajem essa que nos conduz ao encontro de nós mesmos, despertando a consciência do nosso Eu, tão fortemente encoberto pelo véu do ego tirânico.
* * *
Mas, voltando às nossas viagens musicais, podemos fazer da música, um silêncio que apenas nossos espíritos podem escutar. E essa voz, essa melodia do silêncio que ecoa dentro de nós - quando receptivos a essa voz - nos leva ao encontro do vasto desconhecido. “Silêncio é intuição espiritual – e no zênite da experiência íntima impera o silêncio absoluto, fecundo, creador, o silêncio-plenitude”. No entanto, para que o encontro desse canal receptivo se materialize, exige a libertação das algemas, exige a sintonização com as ondas desse vasto desconhecido, onde a alegria é permanente e imutável...
O poema abaixo – um trecho apenas - escrito por Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805) é uma ode, uma composição poética, um hino à alegria. Schiller dividiu seu tempo, amizade e dilemas filosóficos com Goethe, a maior expressão da literatura alemã. A importância desse poema em particular, é que Beethoven o usou em sua Nona Sinfonia. Outras obras de Schiller foram também musicadas por Brahms, Schubert, Verdi, Tchaikovsky, Donizete, Rossini, Klebe.

HINO À ALEGRIA - Friedrich von Schiller

Ó amigos, bastam desses sons!
Vamos cantar músicas mais agradáveis
mais cheias de alegria!
Alegria, a faísca brilhante da divindade,
filha de Elísio
inspirado pelo fogo onde pisamos
teu santuário.
O teu poder mágico reúne
tudo o que a tradição dividiu,
todos os homens se tornam irmãos
sob a graça de suas asas gentis.

Qualquer um que tenha criado
uma amizade permanente,
ou ganhou
uma companhia verdadeira e amante,
aquele que pode ter uma alma gêmea,
que se junte à nossa canção de louvor;
mas quem não pode, deve rastejar em lágrimas,
porém, distante do nosso grupo.

Todas as criaturas se embriagam de alegria
do seio da natureza.
O justo e o injusto
saboreiam dessa dádiva;
ela nos deu beijos e o fruto do vinho,
um bom amigo até o final.

Até o verme se contenta,
e o querubim se apresenta a Deus!

Felizes, como os corpos celestes
que Ele colocou em suas trajetórias
através do esplendor do firmamento;
assim, irmãos, vocês devem disputar a corrida,
como heróis para a conquista.

Multidões, eu vos abraço.
Este beijo é para todo o mundo!
Irmãos, acima do céu estrelado
deve habitar um Pai Amoroso.
Multidões, se dobrem em adoração.
Mundo, você conhece o seu Creador?
Procure-O nos céus!
Acima das estrelas Ele deve habitar. 


La música es alegría.
No importa el momento ... del sonido que se acurruca, o el sonido de la despedida.
El sonido que nutre nos hace cruzar la barrera de nuestros dramas y dilemas; llena el espíritu. Sin embargo, en la despedida, la atmósfera musical puede cambiar.
Este concepto de pérdida tiene diferentes aspectos: podemos sentir la pérdida material de algo, la ausencia de alguien, un recuerdo, algo que a veces no sabemos; de un anhelo, de un gusto ..., sin embargo, la sensación metafísica de pérdida es siempre una ... ¡la ganancia! Si las pérdidas nos afectan, es porque siempre estamos atados, apegados y esposados a nuestros conceptos, o más bien, preconceptos. Nacemos libres, pero donde quiera que vayamos, llevamos nuestras esposas. Nuestras formas, hábitos, costumbres y tradiciones resisten el cambio, o cuando "cambian", deben seguir a la gran multitud de aquellos que viven el vacío de una vida demasiado ocupada, ya que vivimos atrapados en nuestras periferias, viajando por el mundo atentos a las externalidades como en una centrífuga, olvidando el Ser único y profundo que habita dentro de nosotros mismos.
En este contexto, el sufismo, esta rama mística del islam, dice que: "Cuando el ego lamenta lo que ha perdido, el espíritu se regocija por lo que ha ganado", o lo que ha encontrado.
Vivimos en una zona de confort que no es más que una molestia para el espíritu que lucha por liberarse de las prisiones del ego, pero la mente y la dictadura que ejercen nuestros cuerpos nos atan a los grilletes que insistimos en no abrir y liberarnos. Olvidamos el viaje centrípeto, del que Huberto Rohden habla tanto en sus mensajes, un viaje que nos lleva a encontrarnos a nosotros mismos, despertando la conciencia de nuestro Yo esencial, tan fuertemente cubierto por el velo del ego tiránico.
* * *  
Pero, volviendo a nuestros viajes musicales, podemos hacer de la música un silencio que solo nuestros espíritus puedan escuchar. Y esa voz, esa melodía de silencio que resuena dentro de nosotros, cuando es receptiva a esa voz, nos lleva a conocer lo vasto desconocido. "El silencio es intuición espiritual, y en el cenit de la experiencia íntima, reina el silencio absoluto, fructífero y creativo, el silencio-plenitud". Sin embargo, para que el encuentro de este canal receptivo se materialice, requiere la liberación de las esposas, requiere sintonización con las olas de este vasto desconocido, donde la alegría es permanente e inmutable...
El siguiente poema, solo un pasaje, escrito por Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805) es una oda, una composición poética, un himno a la alegría. Schiller compartió su tiempo, amistad y dilemas filosóficos con Goethe, la mayor expresión de la literatura alemana. La importancia de este poema en particular es que Beethoven lo usó en su Novena Sinfonía. Otras obras de Schiller también fueron hechas música por Brahms, Schubert, Verdi, Tchaikovsky, Donizete, Rossini, Klebe.

HIMNO A LA ALEGRÍA - Friedrich von Schiller

¡Oh amigos, esos sonidos son suficientes!
Cantemos canciones más agradables
más llenas de alegría!

Alegría, la chispa brillante de la divinidad,
hija de Elisio
inspirado por el fuego que pisamos
tu santuario
Tu poder mágico se reúne
todo lo que la tradición ha dividido,
todos los hombres se vuelven hermanos
bajo la gracia de tus suaves alas.

Cualquiera que haya creado
una amistad permanente
o ganó
una compañía verdadera y amorosa
uno que puede tener un alma gemela,
para unirse a nuestra canción de alabanza;
pero quien no puede, debe arrastrarse en llanto,
Sin embargo, lejos de nuestro grupo.

Todas las criaturas se emborrachan de alegría
desde el seno de la naturaleza.
Lo justo y lo injusto
ellos disfrutan ese regalo;
nos dio besos y la fruta del vino,
Un buen amigo hasta el final.

Incluso el gusano está contento,
¡y los querubines se presentan a Dios!

Feliz como cuerpos celestiales
Que Él puso en sus trayectorias
a través del esplendor del firmamento;
entonces, hermanos, deben correr la carrera,
como héroes para la conquista.

Multitudes, los abrazo.
¡Este beso es para todos!
Hermanos sobre el cielo estrellado
un Padre Amoroso debe morar.
Multitudes, plegarse en adoración.
Mundo, ¿conoces a tu Creador?
¡Búscalo en los cielos!
Sobre las estrellas debe habitar.


Music is joy.
No matter the moment... from the music that nourishes to the farewell lament.
The sound that nourishes transports us beyond the barrier of our dramas and dilemmas; fulfils the spirit. However, in farewell, the musical atmosphere can change.
The concept of loss has different aspects: we can feel the material loss of something, the absence of someone, a memory, something we do not know at times; of longing, of a taste..., however, the metaphysical sense of loss is always a profit! If losses affect us it is because we are always attached and handcuffed to our concepts, or rather, preconceptions. We are born free, but wherever we go, we carry fastened handcuffs. Our ways of life, habits, customs and traditions resist change, or when they "change", are to follow the vast multitude of those who live the emptiness of a very busy life, for we live most of the time looking after our peripheries, travelling the world attentive to exteriorities, as in a centrifuge, forgetting the unique and profound being that dwells within ourselves.
In this context, Sufism, this mystical branch of Islam, says that: "When the ego grieves for what it has lost, the spirit rejoices over what it has gained" or for what it has found.
We live in a comfort zone that is nothing more than a nuisance for the spirit that struggles to free itself from the ego's prisons, but the mind and dictatorship exercised by our bodies bind us to the shackles that we stubbornly refuse to open and making us free. We forget the centripetal journey - which Huberto Rohden talks about so much in his messages – which leads us to meet our inner selves, awakening the consciousness of the Self, so strongly covered by the veil of the tyrannical ego.
* * *
But, returning to our musical journey, we can make of music, a silence that only our spirit can hear. And this voice, this melody of silence that echoes within us - when receptive to that voice - leads us to meet the vast unknown. "Silence is spiritual intuition - and in the zenith of an intimate experience, silence reigns absolute, fecund, creative silence prevails, fullness-silence". However, for the encounter of this receptive channel to materialize, it demands the handcuffs release, it requires the attunement with the waves of this vast unknown, where joy is permanent and unchanging...
The excerpt of the poem below, written by Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805) is an ode, a poetic composition that we can acknowledge as a hymn to joy. Schiller shared his time, friendship and philosophical dilemmas with Goethe, this mystic poet and the greatest expression of German literature. The importance of this particular poem is that Beethoven used it in its Ninth Symphony. Other works by Schiller were also arranged by Brahms, Schubert, Verdi, Tchaikovsky, Donizetti, Rossini, Klebe.

ODE TO JOY - Friedrich von Schiller

O friends no more this sound!
Let us sing more cheerful songs,
fuller of joy!

Joy, bright spark of divinity,
daughter of Elysium,
fire-inspired we tread
thy sanctuary.
Thy magic power re-unites
all that custom has divided,
all men become brothers
under the sway of thy gentle wings.

Whoever has created
an abiding friendship,
or has won
a true and loving wife,
all who can call at least one soul theirs,
join in our song of praise;
but any who cannot creep tearfully
away from our circle.

All creatures drink of joy
at nature's breast.
Just and unjust alike
taste of her gift;
she gave us kisses and the fruit of the wine,
a tried friend to the end.

Even the worm can feel contentment,
and the cherub stands before God!

Gladly, like the heavenly bodies
He set on their courses
through the splendour of the firmament;
thus, brothers, you should run your race,
as a hero going to conquest.

You millions, I embrace you.
This kiss is for all over the world!
Brothers, above the starry canopy
there must dwell a loving Father.
Do you fall in worship, you millions?
World, do you know your Creator?
Seek Him in the heavens!
Above the stars, He must dwell.

Tuesday 25 February 2020


Que é o Cristo? Essa pergunta foi feita por Jesus aos chefes da Sinagoga de Israel e eles responderam que o Cristo era filho de David, isto é, um descendente do rei de Israel, pai de Salomão.
Jesus não aceita a resposta, porque, de fato, o Cristo não é filho de David.
Esta confusão entre o Cristo e Jesus é muito antiga e continua até hoje.
Que é o Cristo, o Ungido, que os antigos hebreus chamavam Messias, o Enviado?
O quarto Evangelho designa o Cristo com a palavra Logos, começando o texto com essas palavras: “No princípio era o Logos, e o Logos estava com Deus, e o Logos era Deus”.
A palavra grega Logos é anterior à Era Cristã. Alguns filósofos antigos, designavam como Logos o espírito de Deus manifestado no Universo. Logos seria, pois, o Deus imanente, em oposição à divindade transcendente, que não é objeto de nosso conhecimento.
A Vulgata Latina traduz Logos por Verbo: “No princípio era o Verbo...”
Logos, Verbo, Cristo são idênticos e designam a atuação da Divindade Creadora, como a manifestação individual da Divindade Universal.
Neste sentido, o Cristo é Deus, mas, não é a Divindade. Dizem os livros sacros que o Cristo, a mais antiga creatura cósmica, se encarnou na pessoa humana de Jesus. E neste sentido ele diz aos homens: “Vós sois deuses”; e isso quer dizer que os homens são manifestações individuais da Divindade Universal. A primeira e a mais perfeita das manifestações da Divindade Universal, no Universo, é o Cristo, o Verbo, o Logos, que Paulo de Tarso chama acertadamente “o primogênito de todas as creaturas” do Universo.
O Cristo é anterior à creação do mundo material. Ele é, “o primogênito de todas as creaturas”. O Cristo não é creatura humana, mas a mais antiga individualidade cósmica, que, antes do princípio do mundo, emanou da Divindade Universal, mas que pode eventualmente se materializar, como no caso de Jesus.
O Cristo é Deus, mas não é a Divindade, que Jesus designa com o nome Pai: “Eu e o Pai somos um, mas o Pai é maior do que eu”.
Deus, na linguagem de Jesus, significa uma emanação individual da Divindade Universal.
A confusão tradicional entre Deus e Divindade tem dado ensejo a intermináveis controvérsias entre os teólogos. Mas o texto do Evangelho é claro: O Cristo Jesus afirmou ser Deus, mas nunca afirmou ser ele a própria Divindade.
O Genesis de Moisés principia com as palavras: “No princípio os Elohim crearam o céu e a terra”.
O quarto Evangelho, de João, abre com palavras semelhantes: “No princípio era o Logos... por ele foram feitas todas as coisas”.
Parece, pois, que as Potências Creadoras (em hebraico Elohim) são idênticas ao Logos, pelo qual foram creadas todas as coisas.
Elohim, Logos, Verbo, Cristo – são nomes vários que designam a creatura cósmica que, antes do mundo material, emanou da Divindade transcendental.
A filosofia oriental chama a Divindade Universal de Brahman, e dá o nome de Brahma à mais antiga individualidade da Divindade.
Brahma seria igual a Deus, Cristo, Logos, Verbo.
Não existe em todo o Universo uma única creatura definitivamente realizada e incapaz de se realizar futuramente. Toda e qualquer creatura, mesmo Brahma, ou Cristo, são creaturas altamente realizadas, mas sempre a caminho de realizações maiores; são, por assim dizer, sinfonias inacabadas. Toda e qualquer creatura, mesmo a mais perfeita creatura cósmica, é passível de mais evolução, ou de realização. A vida eterna não é uma chegada, uma parada, uma meta final – é uma incessante jornada ou evolução rumo ao Infinito, sem jamais coincidir com o Infinito. Todo o finito, diz a matemática, em demanda do Infinito, está sempre a uma distância infinita.
Pantha rhei, tudo flui, diziam os filósofos da antiguidade; tudo é relativo, escreveu Einstein no século passado.
A Divindade, o Infinito, o Absoluto, não é objeto de nosso conhecimento. Tudo o que sabemos se refere ao Relativo, ao Fluídico, ao que está em incessante evolução.
Dizem os livros sacros que o Cristo, a mais antiga creatura cósmica, se encarnou na pessoa humana de Jesus, assim como pode se encarnar nas creaturas que já superaram os dramas da Lei de Causa e Efeito, mas mesmos esses, podem descer às camadas espiritualmente inferiores dos Universos e trazer suas mensagens de sabedoria.
Sendo que esta descida do Cristo cósmico à terra, é um fenômeno ainda incompreensível, os homens tem feito inúmeras conjecturas sobre o porquê dessa encarnação do Cristo. E ele mesmo, na pessoa de Jesus, nunca disse claramente da finalidade de sua materialização em corpo humano.
Texto revisado extraído do livro QUE VOS PARECE DO CRISTO?


What is Christ? When Jesus asked this question to the chiefs of the synagogue, they said that Christ was the son of David, i.e., a descendant of the king of Israel, Solomon's father.
Jesus does not accept the answer because Christ is not the son of David.
This misunderstanding between Christ and Jesus is very old and continues until today.
What is the Christ, the Anointed, whom the ancient Hebrews called Messiah, the Sent?
The fourth Gospel designates Christ with the word Logos, beginning the text with these words: "In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God and the Logos was God".
The Greek word Logos predates the Christian era. For some of the ancient philosophers, Logos is designated as the spirit of God manifested in the Universe. Logos would be, therefore, the immanent God opposed to the transcendent Deity, which is not the object of our knowledge.
The Latin Vulgate translates Logos by Word: "In the beginning was the Word..."
Logos, Word, Christ are identical and designates the role of the Divine Creator, as the individual manifestation of the Universal Divinity.
In this sense, Christ is God, but it is not the Divinity. Sacred books say that Christ is the most ancient cosmic creature, incarnated in the human person of Jesus. And in this sense, he says to men: "Ye are Gods"; which means that men are individual manifestations of the Universal Divinity. The first and the most perfect manifestation of the Universal Divinity in the Universe, is the Christ, the Word, the Logos, what Paul of Tarsus aptly called "the firstborn of all creatures" of the Universe.
Christ is previous to the creation of the material world. It is, "the firstborn of all creatures". The Christ is no human creature, but the oldest cosmic individuality, whom before the beginning of the world emanated from the Universal Divinity and eventually can become materialized, as in the case of Jesus.
Christ is God, but it is not the Divinity, that Jesus refers as Father: "I and the Father are one, but the Father is above me".
God, in the language of Jesus, means an individual emanation of the Universal Divinity.
The traditional confusion between God and Divinity has given rise to endless disputes among theologians. But the text of the Gospel is clear: the Christ Jesus claimed to be God, but he never claimed Divinity himself.
The Genesis of Moses begins with the words: "In the beginning, the Elohim created heaven and earth".
The Fourth Gospel of John opens with words like: "In the beginning was the Logos... by it all things were made".
Therefore, seems that the Cosmic Potencies (Elohim in Hebrew) is identical to the Logos, through which all things were created.
Elohim, Logos, Word, Christ - are names designating the various cosmic creatures that before the material world, emanated from the transcendental Divinity.
Eastern philosophy calls the Universal Divinity, Brahman, and gives the name of Brahma as the oldest individuality of the Divinity.
Brahma would be equal to God, Christ, Logos, Word.
Does not exist throughout the Universe a single realized creature incapable to become realized subsequently. Every creature, even Brahma, or Christ, are highly accomplished creatures, but always on the way to greater accomplishments; they are, so to speak, unfinished symphonies. Every creature, even the most perfect cosmic creature, can evolve or realize. Eternal life is not an arrival, a final stop, a final goal – is a ceaseless journey or evolution towards the Infinite, but never to coincide with the Infinite. All finite, mathematics says, is in demand to the Infinite, which is always in an infinite distance.
Pantha rhei, everything flows, said the ancient philosophers; everything is relative, Einstein wrote last century.
The Divinity, the Infinite, the Absolute is not the object of our knowledge. All we know refers to the Relative, to the Fluidic, to the in Evolution, which is in continual evolution.
Sacred books refer to Christ as the oldest cosmic creature incarnated in the human person of Jesus, just as it can be incarnated in the creatures that have already overcome the dramas of the Law of Cause and Effect, but even these can descend to the layers of inferior spiritual levels of the Universes and bring their messages of wisdom.
Since this descent of the cosmic Christ to earth is still an incomprehensible phenomenon, men have made countless conjectures as to why this incarnation of Christ. And he, in the person of Jesus, never clearly stated the purpose of his materialization in the human body.

Monday 24 February 2020


Anyone who reads the beatitude who says that happy are those who suffer persecution and defamation of all kinds because of them is the Kingdom of Heaven, here and now, and not just in the future, from the point of view of the profane ego, has the ungrateful impression that Jesus' message is sadistic and escapist.
Since the Kingdom of Heaven is within man, in his conscious and realized Divine Self, it seems that self-realization is necessarily incompatible with the achievements of the ego. It seems that man cannot be spiritually good without being at the same time, martyr and victim of his spirituality. And to justify this concept, the literature of the past two thousand years, presents the idea that Jesus was the king of the sufferers, the man of sorrows, the martyr par excellence. We were raised on the idea that one cannot be happy here on earth nor even in heaven, or vice versa; that those who are happy here, are necessarily happy in heaven.
But is it true that Jesus was the king of the sufferers?
No, but moral and psychically, yes, he suffered! His sufferings in 33 years of earthly existence do not cover 15 hours, from Thursday night when the kiss of betrayal, until Friday afternoon. His physical sufferings might last for no more than 3 hours. And all these sufferings were freely accepted because Jesus did not revolt against the sentence, stating that: "So should not the Christ have to suffer all this to enter into his glory?" And if he had not been born, lived, brought the message, the crucifixion, how would be the scriptures?
Does that ever exist on earth a man who lived for 33 years and suffered for so little? However, what about the moral and psychological sufferings of Jesus? The misunderstanding of the people and his disciples? Judas’ betrayal, Peters’ denial and later been abandoned by them? However, he knew that his incarnation was a dive into the thick darkness of a highly materialistic world.
When we suffer freely, for the love of a great ideal, suffering loses its bitterness; the bitter taste happens only when the suffering is stupidly endured, without knowing why, without any higher purpose. Every physical or moral suffering carried out under the light of a great mission, a sublime ideal, is sweet sorrow, an "easy yoke" and a "light burden".
It was precisely in this sense that Jesus proclaimed happy those who are persecuted for the sake of the truth because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven which is within every man.
The Kingdom of Heaven cannot be found in any distant region or in the future; the presence of this Kingdom is a fact; it is not the object of an acquisition after death, but it is the essential nature of every man. This does not mean that the Kingdom of God is present only in some men and absent in others - happens that some are conscious of this presence and in others the unconsciousness of living this presence. For some men, the Kingdom of God is still "light under a lampstand", for others already are "light at the top of the chandelier" of their spiritual consciousness.
"We are here in this world, to discover within ourselves, that dimension (the Kingdom), which is much deeper than our thoughts", says Eckhart Tolle, and Heaven, being the conscience released by the truth. Only when there is a radical change in the level of consciousness when it is envisioned and materialized this dimension, will man be integrated into the Cosmic Whole. And those who have not yet realized the presence of the light of this Kingdom within themselves - which depends solely on the right or false attitude of free will in each one - continue to suffer, for this light remains absent as if everything were thick darkness.
The ego, when it is full of joy and satisfaction, hardly cares for the things of its spiritual Self. The desire for something spiritual only awakes when the man lacks the objects of the ego. Man-ego only knows life's goals, its objectives, but ignores the raison d'être of his life. While these objectives of life are present in abundance, the profane man seeks his satisfaction and happiness on these objects, and hardly finds his reason for being, which is his inner Self.
The parable of the guests to the bridal feast is a typical illustration of this attitude: the profane men invited in the first place, do not come to the wedding feast of the Kingdom of God; one of those guests purchased a small farm and had to see it and cultivate it; another bought a yoke of oxen and had to try them; the third was married and had a party and dance at home. All of them, so happy with their objects, the materiality of life did not feel the hunger for a superior reason. Their having's and doings totally eclipsed their beings. They did not reach the spiritual plentifulness because of their material pseudo-plentifulness, which were their major vacuities.
So, who organized the bridal party invited the poor, the crippled, the deaf, all those who were not saturated with the objectives of life and they understood the superior reason of their existence and attended the solemnity of the Kingdom of God, trough self-knowledge and self-realization.
The transition from the ego consciousness to the Christ-consciousness implies almost always in suffering, in the "strait is the gate and narrow is the path"; but once achieved Christ-consciousness, the life of the spiritual man can become an "easy yoke" and a "light burden".
--- For those on the path to becoming realized, spirituality is suffering.
--- For those realized, is joy.
The unhappy satisfaction of the profane must pass through the happy dissatisfaction of the mystic - to one day lead to the happy satisfaction of the cosmic man.
All Masters of the spiritual life when speaking to spiritually illiterate men, as is the majority of humanity, insist on the need for renunciation, sacrifice, self-denial. They insist on the transition from the profane to the mystic man - and they lack in referring to the cosmic man. Pedagogy must precede metaphysics. If the Masters showed the compatibility of spiritual bliss with external pleasures, what would happen? The vast majority of the profanes will judge themselves belonging to the cosmic men elite; replacing the real liberation by a pseudo illusory liberation, enjoying the pleasures of life, living the illusion of being cosmic men, of having already overcome the painful ascetic-mystical period.
The ignorant and arrogant profane, easily convinces itself that its spiritual primitivism is perfection, and that renunciation, sacrifice, practices of devotion and religious meditation are overcome stages. The most difficult patient is one who considers as health, his disease. The great Masters knew this, and therefore always insisted in an attitude of renunciation and sacrifice: "Whoever does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple". Only after renouncing everything boldly, is when a man can possess something without danger - can even possess everything without being possessed by anything. But these few - where are they?
--- Mahatma Gandhi said: "Man, renounce everything you have, hand over everything to God - and then receives it back, purified, from the hands of God."
Man-ego is not honest with himself; and the biblical phrase "Omnis homo mendax" (Every man is a liar) is pure truth: man has the ineradicable habit of deluding himself, to judge being self-realized, when not even the ABC of his initiation he had begun. Instead, to spell the ABC in elementary school first, he looks forward to enrolling at the University of the spirit.
Given this constant attitude of insincerity, the sad habit of lies, self-deception, should the great Master to speak as they speak, to call happy those who suffer persecution and defamation for the sake of the truth. Only then they can teach the illiterate of the spirit to learn the rudiments of spirituality.
No one can pass from the first degree to the third without first having passed the second degree. No one can pass to the world of Christ-cosmic consciousness without having gone through the world of ascetic mysticism.
According to all Masters, the ascensional path goes through the stages of purificationenlightenment and union. If the impure profane does not become purified of its impurities, he cannot become enlightened through mystique, nor united by the cosmic consciousness. This is the inexorable mathematics of the Cosmic Laws. This is the rectilinear logic of liberation through the truth.
It is immense the legion of profane men who judge themselves cosmic - because they did not go yet through the novitiate of the mystique.
The more severely man goes through this mystical-ascetic novitiate, the more hope he has one day of entering the glorious world of the Cosmic consciousness of Christ.

Tuesday 11 February 2020


Mi amigo, graba la verdad más pura en lo profundo del alma: solo uno comprende completamente lo que ama con ardor.
Esta es la síntesis de toda filosofía: si no a comprendes, no tendrás comprensión del alma de la vida.
Una verdad puede ser tan clara como el día, pero si no simpatiza con su corazón, aparecerá tan oscura como la noche ...
Los filósofos dicen que el deseo sigue al entender, y tienen razón, en términos de psicología teórica.
Pero, en la vida práctica, la verdad poco entendida solo se entenderá y se comprenderá completamente después de ser amada y querida con todo el corazón, con toda el alma y con toda la fuerza de nuestro ser, porque lo entender supone una experiencia superficial; comprender es vivir, es vivir la experiencia profundamente.
Por lo tanto, mi amigo, si quieres comprender cualquier verdad, es importante que ames y vivas esa verdad.
Que la abrazas con tu corazón, al mismo tiempo que lo analiza con inteligencia.
Solo de un gran ardor afectivo brillará una gran comprensión.
Es importante que la verdad sea algo querido e íntimo para usted, casi una parte de usted mismo.
Que circula en las arterias de tu espíritu ...
Que se extienda a las profundidades de tu alma ...
Que vibre en los latidos de tu corazón ...
Que te regocijes en los himnos de tus alegrías ...
Que llora en las agonías de tus penas ...
Que brille en el brillo de tus ojos ...
Que arde en la intensidad de tu amor ...
Que estés gimiendo en la amargura de tu anhelo ...
Solo entonces, amigo mío, comprenderás las grandes verdades de la vida: viviendo, amando, sufriendo esas verdades ...
Un ciego de nacimiento puede decorar todas las teorías sobre la luz, puede saber que la luz consiste en vibraciones de éter (entendimiento), pero nunca comprenderá qué es la luz si no la ve con sus ojos y vive con su alma ...
Una persona sorda puede leer la descripción detallada de una sinfonía de Beethoven o una ópera de Wagner (entendimiento), pero nunca tendrá idea de cuáles son realmente estas maravillas musicales (comprensión) ...
Un teólogo puede analizar cuidadosamente todos los capítulos y versículos del Evangelio (entendimiento), pero si no vive y sufre el alma divina de ese mensaje (comprensión), siempre será una persona analfabeta en el Evangelio ...
Entonces, mi amigo, para ser un verdadero cristiano:
Vive el Evangelio de la vida ...
Ama el Evangelio del amor ...
Sufre el Evangelio del dolor ...
Y tu comprenderás ...