Tuesday 25 February 2020


What is Christ? When Jesus asked this question to the chiefs of the synagogue, they said that Christ was the son of David, i.e., a descendant of the king of Israel, Solomon's father.
Jesus does not accept the answer because Christ is not the son of David.
This misunderstanding between Christ and Jesus is very old and continues until today.
What is the Christ, the Anointed, whom the ancient Hebrews called Messiah, the Sent?
The fourth Gospel designates Christ with the word Logos, beginning the text with these words: "In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God and the Logos was God".
The Greek word Logos predates the Christian era. For some of the ancient philosophers, Logos is designated as the spirit of God manifested in the Universe. Logos would be, therefore, the immanent God opposed to the transcendent Deity, which is not the object of our knowledge.
The Latin Vulgate translates Logos by Word: "In the beginning was the Word..."
Logos, Word, Christ are identical and designates the role of the Divine Creator, as the individual manifestation of the Universal Divinity.
In this sense, Christ is God, but it is not the Divinity. Sacred books say that Christ is the most ancient cosmic creature, incarnated in the human person of Jesus. And in this sense, he says to men: "Ye are Gods"; which means that men are individual manifestations of the Universal Divinity. The first and the most perfect manifestation of the Universal Divinity in the Universe, is the Christ, the Word, the Logos, what Paul of Tarsus aptly called "the firstborn of all creatures" of the Universe.
Christ is previous to the creation of the material world. It is, "the firstborn of all creatures". The Christ is no human creature, but the oldest cosmic individuality, whom before the beginning of the world emanated from the Universal Divinity and eventually can become materialized, as in the case of Jesus.
Christ is God, but it is not the Divinity, that Jesus refers as Father: "I and the Father are one, but the Father is above me".
God, in the language of Jesus, means an individual emanation of the Universal Divinity.
The traditional confusion between God and Divinity has given rise to endless disputes among theologians. But the text of the Gospel is clear: the Christ Jesus claimed to be God, but he never claimed Divinity himself.
The Genesis of Moses begins with the words: "In the beginning, the Elohim created heaven and earth".
The Fourth Gospel of John opens with words like: "In the beginning was the Logos... by it all things were made".
Therefore, seems that the Cosmic Potencies (Elohim in Hebrew) is identical to the Logos, through which all things were created.
Elohim, Logos, Word, Christ - are names designating the various cosmic creatures that before the material world, emanated from the transcendental Divinity.
Eastern philosophy calls the Universal Divinity, Brahman, and gives the name of Brahma as the oldest individuality of the Divinity.
Brahma would be equal to God, Christ, Logos, Word.
Does not exist throughout the Universe a single realized creature incapable to become realized subsequently. Every creature, even Brahma, or Christ, are highly accomplished creatures, but always on the way to greater accomplishments; they are, so to speak, unfinished symphonies. Every creature, even the most perfect cosmic creature, can evolve or realize. Eternal life is not an arrival, a final stop, a final goal – is a ceaseless journey or evolution towards the Infinite, but never to coincide with the Infinite. All finite, mathematics says, is in demand to the Infinite, which is always in an infinite distance.
Pantha rhei, everything flows, said the ancient philosophers; everything is relative, Einstein wrote last century.
The Divinity, the Infinite, the Absolute is not the object of our knowledge. All we know refers to the Relative, to the Fluidic, to the in Evolution, which is in continual evolution.
Sacred books refer to Christ as the oldest cosmic creature incarnated in the human person of Jesus, just as it can be incarnated in the creatures that have already overcome the dramas of the Law of Cause and Effect, but even these can descend to the layers of inferior spiritual levels of the Universes and bring their messages of wisdom.
Since this descent of the cosmic Christ to earth is still an incomprehensible phenomenon, men have made countless conjectures as to why this incarnation of Christ. And he, in the person of Jesus, never clearly stated the purpose of his materialization in the human body.

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