Wednesday 29 April 2020


In April 1926, Huberto Rohden, as a Philosophy student at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, together with Professor Aloisio Gatterer, philosopher, a scholar on the hidden forces of the human microcosm, psychic and mediumistic research, undertook a study trip to the city of Graz where one of the most famous mediums of the last century lived, Maria Silbert.
The sessions were usually held at night, in a closed room at the medium's residence in the presence of eight specialists in the fields of Psychology, Philosophy, Theology, Chemistry and a former imperial adviser from Austria, also from the University of Innsbruck.
In discussing these phenomena, Rohden spent hours in meetings with another eminent scholar in the field, John Godfrey Raupert, a scientist at the Society for Psychical Research in London. These studies included research on phenomena of thought transmission, luminous phenomena, spiritual and object materializations, spiritual messages and a particular session for identifying personal auras.
“One of the most interesting studies I did, during these long nights of meta-psychic sessions, paraphysical or occultists was the investigation of human auras.
We sat without a defined place around the table and deposited on the floor, under that table, small objects, such as clocks, pocket knives, cigarette cases, which after some time disappeared mysteriously, without the medium making the slightest movement, for her movements of hands and feet were strictly controlled by us. They disappeared - and then reappeared, slowly descending from above, suspended in the air. Maria Silbert, taking the object, placed it with unfailing accuracy, in front of the owner, which surprised us greatly, for she had never seen the object before, which had been placed under the table before her arrival in the room.
On one of those days, keenly interested in the study of auras, on which we had examined abundant literature, Prof. Gatterer and I went to a store to buy small souvenir items to serve in the phenomena of telekinesis (movement of objects without the apparent contact of any source). In order not to impregnate these objects with our aura, we had they wrapped in paper, and so we carried them cautiously employing string where the object was hung, sharing them between us to try to confuse the medium and making it difficult for her to identify it.
Before the session, in the absence of the medium, we placed these objects under the table. At one point, they went up and were caught in the air by her - and she didn't know who the owner was. She placed the object before me or before Prof. Gatterer, leaving it, finally, between us, on the table, because the medium was able to perceive an infinitesimal fraction of aura that our proximity may have “contaminated” the objects, and she even distinguished this double aura, which disoriented her.
It was thus proven experimentally that the medium identified the owner of any object by its aura.
It makes me think of certain phenomena in social life.
The presence of certain people inspires us with instinctive sympathy, while the presence of others fills us with dislike, even for no external reason. Some people disturb us, others calm us down. Some elevate us, others depress us, without saying a word. Some are beneficial, others are evil, without the guilt or merit of these people. It is possibly a constellation of auras in this case or an invisible play of personal fluids. There may be between two or more people auras of attraction or repulsion, depending on the intimate nature of these elements that are difficult to assess. Just as in the physics of light, sound, electricity, there is overlap and interference of waves, one producing intensification, and the other a decrease - so there may also be on the psychic and spiritual level a kind of overlap or interference of waves, resulting from this a harmony or disharmony of auras, and, consequently, a pleasant sensation (sympathy) or an unpleasant one (dislike). In case of perfect balance or reciprocal extinction, we would perhaps have a phenomenon of apathy. All of this takes place in the area of our subconscious, out of reach of the vigilant control of our conscious Self.
“Genius mismatch” says married people, and others in our daily life, when, perhaps, they should say: “Lack of complementary auras.”
There are cases in which the auras, which at first, are incompatible, later sympathize, gradually tuning out their discordant waves - just as the opposite happens, succeeding the initial wave of harmony, another of disharmony and incompatibility.
If, in the psychophysical sphere of auras and fluids, there is the same law which we observe in electro physics, we should call “sympathy” the consortium of two heterogeneous waves, and for that reason, complementary - and “antipathy” the encounter of two homogeneous, and therefore non-complementary waves, as well as in electricity two equal poles (be positive: + +, be negative: - -) repels, and two unequal poles (+ –) attracts, so it is possible, also in the psychic realm. So that to have instinctive sympathy between two people there should be a certain disparity of auras, two different but complementary fluids, and that, when united, would form a complete, harmonious whole.
The attraction of the sexes is certainly not based on physiological diversity, but on the distance from the auras, which find a vehement attraction when approaching the opposite pole. The more pronounced and characteristic the masculinity or the femininity, the greater is the attraction, or, the passion, because there is, in fact, permission from unconscious powers rather than the action of a conscious will. When the electrical potential of two unequal poles is quite high, this potential goes a long distance to join its natural complement - just as powerful auras do not know any obstacles when looking for the corresponding pole.
Human life is interwoven with invisible and uncontrollable factors. Our psychic and physical well-being or malaise almost always has its main headquarters in the penumbral regions of the subconscious, where powerful elements originate without ceasing, invading the illuminated area of our conscious life. We think we act for this or that reason - and we are acted upon by hidden forces that emerge from the underground of our Self.”

- Anyone who wants to know, in full detail, these sessions in Graz, read the interesting and profound monograph entitled: “Der wissenschaftliche Okkultismus und sein Verhaeltnis zur Philosophie” Alois Gatterer, 1927 Innsbruck
- John Godfrey Raupert published several works in English on paranormal phenomena, among them: “CHRIST and the power of darkness.”

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