Thursday 26 May 2016


 Spiritual peace is only achieved through the feeling of the Divine communion with the Creator.
1)- During meditation one should not think, to analyse, to discuss mentally about something.  Begin your meditation minding the way of breathing and feel this breath with the Unity, feel the love for life, of the Divine presence in your hearth.
2)- To meditate properly is to pose an attitude of union so that the source of the One (the Creator), can flow freely into the channels of the Verse (human beings).  Be the observer and the observed, feel the Divine presence breathing with this union.
3)- To meditate is to serve as an intermediary between the fullness of the One and of the Verse's emptiness.
4)- The emptiness of the channels (of the ego) consists in the complete absence of any activity of feelings, thoughts and desires, especially of hatred and rancour.
5)- To be in meditation is to be 0% thoughtful and 100% conscious.
6)- Meditation is the attitude to cease to be ego-thought in order to be Cosmo-thought. The Father and I are one, one and only consciousness.
7)- To think is a continuous analytical process – to be conscious is a state of simultaneous intuition.  It is the union of the Personality with the Soul, as a Spirit or the Divine presence.
8)- To meditate is to be everything without doing anything; is the ego's nadir and the zenith of the Self.
9)- Whoever meditates properly empties his ego from all obstacles and obstructions and links his empty channel with the fullness of the Source.  The emptiness is the link, the deliverance of the personality to the Unity.  Is to breathe with the One, is to feel the love of the Creator in the heart.
10)- According to the Cosmic Laws, the fullness of the One infallibly fills in the emptiness of the Verse - and this Cosmos-fullness is directly proportional to the ego-emptiness.
11)- The Cosmos-fullness cannot fulfil the ego-fullness, because "God resists the proud (ego-full) and gives grace to the humble (ego-empty)."
12)- No man can be the Source, but every man can and should be the channel in order for the living waters of the Source to flow through him.
13)- The more Cosmo-full will become the human channel, the higher will be his ego-emptiness.
14)- During meditation man should not worry about how to put into practice his spiritual experiences.
15)- It is sufficient to be totally full by cosmic fullness – and the fullness will overflow spontaneously to every single area of the ego.
16)- The "first and greatest commandment of all" is the mystical experience of the Creator - which will manifest after by the ethical way of living with all men through harmony in the diversity.
17)- The experience of the single paternity of the Creator will be revealed in the practice of the universal brotherhood of men.
18)- The experience of BEING will manifest in the practice of the ACTION - because "the works that I do (ego), I don’t do it, but the Father who is in me (Self)) does it, from myself (ego) I can do nothing”.
19)- Is more convenient to do meditation in the best time of the day, and possibly in the same place and at the same time.
20)- The simple fact that someone continues for months and years to do daily meditation is the best proof of its efficiency, although with no visible results - can be a period of long incubation before hatching.
21)- To meditate "is always pray and never cease to pray," is to "walk in God's presence and be perfect".
22)- The effectiveness of meditation reveals a gradual and imperceptible change of attitude which is fundamental under all the occurrences of life.
23)- To meditate is to create the habit of the presence of God and to have the abiding consciousness that "I and the Father are one, the Father is in me and I’m in the Father."
24)- True meditation is a cosmic attunement, is the fine-tuning of the human receptor by the Divine Issuer.
25)- Meditation gives man security and serenity in all circumstances of life, peace and permanent happiness, joy and kindness to all creatures of God.
26)- Meditation and sin are incompatible: either man will stop to sin - or cease to meditate.
27)- One who meditates properly acquires perfect self-knowledge, which is revealed in self-realization – mystics that manifests in ethics.
28)- Only man who has the habit of being solitary in God can without danger, be in solidarity with all the creatures of God.
29)- Man accustomed to meditation proclaims the sovereignty of his Divine substance on all tyrannies of human circumstances.
30)- Man thus self-realized, "chose that good part, which shall not be taken."
31)- Many beginners in meditation are concerned with the problem of placing into practice his spiritual experience, but without any achievement.  They do not know yet that when the mystical vision reaches the zenith of distinctiveness and intensity overflows irresistibly shaped in daily practices.
32)- What matters therefore is to intensify the mystical vision, through an ever more prolonged and perfect tuning - and practical action will come by itself, perhaps without the ego consciously realizing it.
33)- The manifestation of mystics into ethics is not always self-conscious in the way of intermittent acts, but works Cosmo-consciously shaped like a new permanent attitude under all the circumstances of daily life, an attitude that the masters calls "pray always” or “walk into the presence of God”.
"Apply this test: no matter what path a devotee follows, he will ultimately have to retrace his way back to God by these successive steps.  I can keep my mind fully concentrated on anything I choose.  When you can shut out restless thoughts at will, and put the attention wholly on God, that is the real beginning of divine communion.  Unless you are able to do that, you have not reached God".  Yogananda
"To invoke God is to call Him to your presence, is to invite Him to your inner being, to your heart”.  Augustine

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