Tuesday, 31 May 2016


- There is much talk about meditation lately. But is meditation not escapism? Meditation is not evading life, rather it is the way of boldly facing life.
- If you understand by meditation isolation, escapism, yes. But meditation is the act of gathering strength, of charging our batteries in order to courageously face life without being defeated by it. Hundreds of people consider themselves winners, when in fact they are no more than poor defeated ones because they are lost in the material life, they never meet with their own selves; they have not realized what they really are... they are just stunning vacuities.
Happiness is only for the one who has found himself.
Many enjoy, few are happy.
Meditation is not thinking about spiritual things.
Meditation is self-knowledge - man, know-thyself!
Meditation means to become temporarily empty from all enslaving illusions of the ego, in order to be plentiful with the liberating truth of the Self.
When there is ego-emptiness a Cosmo-fullness happens, and this Cosmo-fullness is what makes man truly happy, dynamically happy.
My friend, give up the illusion that meditation is passive mysticism, and accept the truth that true meditation is the dynamic realization of human life.
Remember, someone who only speaks or hears about meditation, without the inner experience of meditation, knows nothing about the truth.

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