Sunday 22 May 2016

THE LORD'S PRAYER, by Yogananda

O Heavenly Father, Mother, Friend, Beloved God!
May our ceaseless silent utterance of Thy Holy Name transform us to Thy likeness.
Inspire us, that our matter worship be changed to adoration of Thee.  Through our purified hearts may Thy perfect kingdom come on earth, and all nations be liberated from misery. Let the soul freedom within us be manifested outwardly.
May our wills grow strong in overcoming worldly desires and finally be attuned to Thy faultless will.
Give us our daily bread… food, health, and prosperity for the body, efficiency for the mind, and above all, Thy love and wisdom for the soul.
It is Thy law that “with the same measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you”.  May we forgive those who offend us, ever mindful of our own need for thy unmerited mercy.
Leave us not into the pit of temptations into which we have fallen though our misuse of Thy gift of reason.  Should Thou wish to test us, O Spirit, may we realize that Thou art enchanting beyond any earthly temptation.
Help us to deliver ourselves from the shadowy bonds of the soul evil–ignorance of Thee.
For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever.
Amen, OM, AUM

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