Saturday 30 May 2020

“I CAN’T BREATHE” - George Lloyd

There is never a time in the future in which we will work out our salvation. The challenge is in the moment; the time is always now. James Baldwin
The year 1619 is referred, according to historians - in particular Leo Huberman, in the book “We, the People”, who describes brilliantly and accurate, the dramas and dilemmas of the North American colonization since its discovery in all aspects, in particular, the arrival of the first fleet of slaves forced from Africa to sweeten the greedy appetite of those interested in making easy wealth in a country of many resources, far from the tyrannical matrix of European countries, and conquered from the natives who succumbed during the massacres triggered by the explorers.
And the saga of all those 400 years of exploitation, racism, prejudice, segregation and discrimination unleashed against Negroes’ populations, continues. The country of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (where the African descendants are included!), closed the eyes to a people who were and continue being a considerable contributor of all created wealth, in all aspects and activities, leaving an immense legacy in the history of this nation.
Since the most modest movement of recognition as a human being which left many martyrs, from the circus of horrors where black men were hanged on tree branches like “strange fruits”, women and children assaulted in their sacredness, progresses this procession of black men considered and called miserable and inferior, being led by the whip of the white man. Thoreau's Civil Disobedience Movement, the great march led by Martin Luther King (this brilliant humanist and disciple of Gandhi) and other black leaders of the Civil Rights movement, some attempts by white political leaders to soften this saga and scourge that has become indelible in the history of the United States, nothing solved until today and still continues this stain on the moral and fragmented ethics of a country called Christian, whose ethics of the second commandment was replaced by the second amendment to its constitution.
The humanity we know is in no way “made in the image and likeness of God” to which Genesis refers. One cannot see in man the “crown of creation” - in this slightly intellectualized biped animal, whose intelligence made him the most dangerous animal on the planet, for the vast majority of its members, are still crawling along the barren plains of mediocrity. According to Huberto Rohden, famous Brazilian humanist, “the intellectualization of instinct made man a monster of greed and aggressiveness, whose claws and teeth were perfected in the form of weapons of mass destruction; this intellectualization has made man a disgusting caricature of libertine sexuality and a hell of physical and mental illnesses that no other nonhuman animal knows or has experienced.”
The so-called white supremacy will never exist! The arrogance and ignorance of vast sectors of all societies guided by the power of white man do not have the ability to comprehend that skin colour, cultural habits and customs are just a geographical circumstance; the human being is one, all over the planet. Advocating this white supremacy is just a cynical and hypocritical metaphor for power. Humanity will never be just white, it will be black too, it will be yellow, red and all other nuances of colour presented by miscegenation.
How much longer will we still witness this unfortunate march of wretches with an uncertain fate, as it tore from its identity, its own address, submitting, accepting, and what is worse, adapting to the circumstances of its own horrors?
How long will human society live being suffocated by the weight of its own ignominy?

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