Friday, 29 May 2020


Among the coleopteran exist an insect that, in full brightness and colours of spring beauties are only interested in one thing – for the dung.
Finding among the flowers, heaps of dungs, is to it an indescribable delight.
It does not matter if all flowers spread the fragrance of their perfumes – the dung beetle only longs for the fetid odours of putrefying substances.
This is its element, its climate, its paradise ...
Like this beetle, some petty human souls find intense pleasure in wallowing the mud of scandals and rummaging garbage bins in someone else's home.
To discover faults in others, to make statistics of their weaknesses and to broadcast it in wide publicity - this is the basis and the greatest delight of human dung beetles.
No matter that flourishes in the soul of someone, a garden of virtuosity where shines a paradise of good qualities - the human dung beetle soon discovers filth, despite concealed and insignificant it may be.
So keen is the sense of smell of the human coprophagous that among a thousand sweet perfumes, it immediately distinguishes the stench of rot that it demands.
The ricketier and more impoverished a character is, the more it feels the voluptuousness of making statistics of others' sins and cataloguing the virtues that judges possess.
The more perfect a man is, the more benevolent he is to others and the more severe he is to himself.
A man who does not “play on religion”, but takes his faith seriously, finds it ridiculous to notice the weaknesses of others, because he knows that he also has faults, though perhaps of a different nature.
He does not thank God “for not being like the rest of men, liars, thieves, unjust and adulterers” - but beats his chest and, with lowered eyes, murmurs: “My God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
The sincere and willing man does not begin the “reformation of humanity” in his neighbour's home - but always in his home ...
One would only have the right to condemn others who is perfect in every sense – but, what a strange thing! precisely the perfect man is the least to censure others!
When the Pharisees dragged at the feet of Jesus, the adulteress caught red-handed, said: “Whoever among you is without sin cast the first stone!”
And they, perplexed, withdrew, certain that his clairvoyance knew the blackness of their conscience...
Alone they stand, the sinful woman and the “man without a sin” – could him cast the first stone on the adulterer, the first and last.
But how could the “the man without a sin” be a man without mercy?
Nevertheless, how could does supreme purity cease to be an infinite charity?
And he, instead of casting deadly stones at the sinner - uttered words of forgiveness and life to the penitent: “Neither will I condemn thee; go and sin no more.”
So are the great souls, pure, sublime - indulgent, because comprehensive ...

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