Friday, 4 February 2022


The senses and the intellect have an eliminatory or restrictive purpose in human life and are not properly creative or productive.

If the force of Absolute Reality exerted its impact on any individual, it would cease to exist, succumbing to that force. Every individual, to exist, needs a kind of retention and reduction valve, a device that cushions and softens the shock of Absolute Reality on it. No “existence” entails the fullness of the supreme “Being”.

This shock absorber or retainer consists of the senses and the intellect, faculties that stand between the individual's life and this reality, making individual existence possible.

In another comparison, this reality can be equated with colourless light and individuals with coloured ones scattered by the prism. Each of these colours corresponds to a particular individual or a category of beings. The prism, in this case, acts like the physical-mental consciousness, not allowing the Absolute Reality to annihilate it with its impact. It's a kind of retention valve.

From time to time, a man appears with the most refined spiritual sensitivity. This retention valve lets more light through than in ordinary individuals; it opens up more – and this reality spills over to him. If he received, in fact, all this fullness, he would not resist the impact and would instantly disintegrate.

Science says that the Earth is surrounded by a thick atmospheric layer, which acts as a protective shield against cosmic radiation; if the planet lacked this protective envelope, no organic life would be possible.

The senses and the intellect function as protective means between the human being and the Infinite, making individual life possible. When one rises very high into the “stratosphere” of mystical ecstasy, it is fully impacted by the “cosmic radiation” of the Divinity. In general, the organism does not resist this shock unless it has passed through a convenient and gradual preparation.

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Once, a tiny fish asked its mother: “What is water, and where can I find it?” The mother could not answer and did not even remember ever seeing such a thing called water. But the little fish insisted because he had heard, from above, a voice that said: “Fish, don't get out of the water! Otherwise, you will die!” As the doubt persisted, mother and child decided to swim through the oceans, asking all the philosophers of the species what water is and where to find it. But nobody knew the answer, and to this day, no fish has discovered the water. And why? For lack of polarity! Because it never saw the opposite, the non-water, for it was never out of the water, and that's why it couldn't discover it!

If humans had never experienced darkness, they would have known nothing of light. If they had never come into contact with death, no one would be aware of life. In other words, the “yes” is only known by the “no”.

Absolute Reality, fully conscious in itself, lives in a neutral state because it lacks polarity, without which there is no one-consciousness. However, it is a simple fiction of the mind, the concept of complete neutrality. Absolute Reality is conceivable only as God-Creator. And in this state of Essence-Existence, Being-Acting polarity, God is conceivable as conscious.

The thesis is beyond antithesis and synthesis. The Omniconscious appears unconscious.

The more the universal consciousness grows in the individual, the more proportionally the individual consciousness also grows; the increase of the universal increases the individual, like the two poles of a magnet. Only a man who has reached the plenitude of his individuality can, in fact, be universalized. The more man becomes human, the more he becomes divinized. 

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