Thursday 10 September 2020


 The text below is the result of readings, thoughts, observations. I cannot affirm the paternity of everything that is being affirmed in the text. It is possible that it is the result of other people's ideas, read or heard, and of a lot of my own because we cannot say that our ideas are the absolute result of our thoughts.

There is nothing fairer than to pay homage to the most sublime form of human expression ... that of good music, that which has inspired me, the medium that transports me beyond the threshold of my perception, which goes against an imaginary bridge, and that, on the other side, puts me face to face with the greatest revelation I have to find ... that of self-awareness. Good music has this ability. It doesn't matter the rhythm ... from a soft adagio to the rhythmic beat of an intelligent popular melody, it transports me to that dimension. Just as it transports to the other dimension, the rhythmic and melodious whirling of the dancers in Sufi ceremonies, of that mystical portion of the Muslim religion. Beethoven devoted his whole life to music, even during the torments of his deafness and he made a great bow to it, producing some of the best pages of classical music, affirming that music is the highest revelation, being above wisdom and philosophy! In the consciousness of the reality of the sounds produced, which is the truth in music, we can draw a parallel with the search for the truth of the spirit, and an inspired author of spiritual themes, Huberto Rohden makes mention in his books about the importance of introspective music during the meditation.

In the search for self-consciousness, in the man who wants to go to the encounter of his inner being, his divine Self, which implies the search for the truth, although still relative to the incipient human knowledge, it awakens the search for the religious, for the bridge of connection with the Greater Being. Romain Rolland stated that: “When our way of thinking aims at the truth, at any price, and when we are absolutely sincere in this search, ready for any sacrifice, it is at that moment that our spirituality is really religious”. And music can become a rewiring tool with the highest creative expression of the Cosmos, in the immense Big-Bang, which science calls “cosmic background radiation”, the sound of the mystical explosion of the Creador, which expanded the Universe and gave rise to all other sounds.

Music is one of the highest and most powerful forms of expression of the spirit. Its influence on the development of civilizations remains of fundamental importance. As soon as the man started to articulate the first sounds, he instinctively turned them into singing. It can even be said that music existed before language. Before man spoke, nonhumans were already singing or emitting sounds. And the man himself, before speaking, manifested his feelings or his expressions, through singing, whether it was a song of pain, crying, or a song of joy and victory, his cry of triumph before nature, or of enchantment before life.

In human evolution, music plays a role that has not yet been sufficiently evaluated in its just importance. Because it is not just a way of manifesting the evolutionary degree of individuals and peoples: it is also a way of encouraging individual and collective development and especially of the spirit. The origin of music is lost in the distance of millennia, but everything suggests that it is of religious origin. The singing, the choir, the first instruments of percussion, of wind, of strings, were essential elements of the most remote religious cults, of the practices of magic and rituals of the ancient people more distanced in time. Later, in the great civilizations, like the Egyptian, the Babylonian, the Hebrew, the Greek, the Roman and others, the music developed through the great celebrations and religious ceremonies, and, with the social evolution, in the festivities of the courts, ceremonies of state, sports, dance, and gradually giving way to music lovers in itself. Today it is an integral part of all social activities, whether on radio, television, theatres, cultural and religious spaces and electronic devices connected to human ears.

Although the Romans can be accused of having removed Greek music from its pedestal, transforming it into an instrument of popular entertainment, they knew how to maintain the solemnity of music in their religious and civic celebrations. On the other hand, after the fall of the Empire, music took refuge in the convents, in the monasteries, in the cathedrals, keeping in these precincts, in the midst of barbarism, the echoes of the disappeared civilizations. Later, in the Middle Ages, it was the flame that fed the human spirit, slowly preparing it for the wonderful outbreak of the Renaissance. Gregorian chant was the powerful matrix in which the medieval spirit was prepared for the epic of the birth of a new world.

In some religions where the external forms of worship do not exist, music does not have a liturgical application. However, its application is multiple: from the preparation of the environment in meetings and prayers to the contribution to the most complex experiences of spiritual phenomena. Heavenly music, which mystics and saints so often speak of, ceases to be an allegorical expression, to become a reality verifiable through research and experience. Albert Einstein, this famous universal scientist, humanist, visionary and mystic used to interrupt his studies and was directly connected to the sounds of the violin and piano, which in the hours of intuition, loved to play, resulting from this activity, the most intelligent expressions of scientific thought, humanities, formulas and calculations.

A new musical manifestation is that of transcendental music, which approaches classical music, but which is still so little explored. It is harmonious, full of grandeur and sweetness, revealing to us the existence of higher levels of life, very different from the gross level on which man lives his fleeting existence. And this transcendental, harmonious music, full of grandeur and sweetness, does not consist only of sound vibrations, because it emerges from the combination of two great spiritual forces: universal love and the power of attitudes in the creation of values. It is not the physical vibrations that matter, but the intimate spirit of music, which when generated in an authentic way in our world, determines its immediate repercussion in the higher spheres.

Many consider music as a mediumistic manifestation. Mainly based on the harmonious melody, the most beautiful manifestation of the human soul. Rhythmic music - and in it, we find real jewels of lyric and harmony - is mental gymnastics, mathematical calculus, which packs the body. Unfortunately, the inattentive composer expresses his primitive instinct, often in a noisy, coarse and libidinous way.

The musical melody is the result of the best in our soul. It is poetry, essence. Hence, the close connection that has always existed between the composer and the mysterious forces of the spirit. In this connection, not even the artist is aware, unless it is aware of the transcendental things. But, in general, the harmony between the two levels - the material and the spiritual - is achieved through this vibration, this very special state of soul that is called inspiration through intuition!

It is enough to question a composer to have the exact idea of this statement. The artist does not compose when he wants, but when it can, when it is attuned to the level of creation, the unrestrained desire to make music, to write music, which can be deeply subjective and which appears without apparent reasons, springing from the soul without effort. And at the moment of composing, the artist feels the trance, leaves the reality to integrate itself into something that it cannot explain. It is the glorious moment of creation!

Sometimes, the composer consciously perceives the astral influences, even identifying the collaborating entities of his creations. This was the case with Schumann, for example, who felt Beethoven by his side when working on his masterful compositions. This manifestation, for lack of greater knowledge of the science of the spirit, led the composer of the extraordinary work “Träumerei” - one of the most beautiful musical pages of all times - to the territories of madness. For Bach, this mystical composer, attuned to the things of spirit and transcendence, music is the harmonious sound for the glory of God and a pleasure for mortal senses, often prefacing his songs with the inscription “In nomine Jesu” (In the name of Jesus). And most recently, an award-winning pianist, winner of an international piano competition from Australia, claims in the media that he is the reincarnation of a well-known composer!

One day, when the human being is prepared for the transcendental reality, mental creation will be associated with intuition, a phenomenon that is closely linked to the vibrations of the soul of the Cosmos in each individual, as a divine gift, not just being the result of the sensitivity of each one.

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