Tuesday 20 October 2020


Among the nearly 100 books written by Huberto Rohden, there is a collection called Mysteries of Nature, comprising four books of a fictional character, mystical, perhaps utopian, but deeply realistic, however paradoxical... These books expose the mysteries of Nature, in hypothetical dialogues where Rohden interacted with some nonhuman creatures!

In this collection, there is a book of 150 pages, called Isis, which is the name of a very lovable little bee, where in intelligent dialogue, they discuss and explore the life and society of bees, discovering in them the wonders of instinctive intelligence, which in nonhumans is the reflection of the greatness of Cosmic Intelligence. This dialogue presents an analogy to the wise man who, by surpassing his level of intelligence is also guided by intuition, ruling himself.

Utopia? No... If this is possible in Nature - why it cannot be possible among humans, the so-called crown of creation?

But why bees, would the reader ask? Because these Hymenoptera were an active part of Rohden's life, which in his leisure hours he liked to raise bees and play as a carpenter. He was a student of Apiology and a profound connoisseur of this fascinating society, even participating in international congresses on the subject.

In fact, Rohden's inspiration had its origin from the work of Waldemar Bonsels (1880-1952), German writer responsible for the book (Die Biene Maja) The Bee Maya, published in 1912, which before being a children's publication, as the book suggests, has a social-political connotation and deeply mystical, showing the unity of all creation, and its relationship with the Creator.

From the original book, Bonsels' work has received numerous adaptations worldwide and, in several languages... toys, films, documentaries, children's magazines, video games, and Opera, cinema and TV. More recently, a Japanese production for children widely broadcasted!




HR - Isis, please explain to me: The more perfect is a government, the more cosmic it is?

I - Exactly that! Everything beautiful and great has a cosmic character. The individual is also more perfect as more cosmic, servant of the Whole, panoramic, universal, friend of his fellows, a pure note tuned to the great Symphony of Universal Intelligence...

HR - A society oriented by a cosmic factor would then be a Cosmocracy...

I - That's true! Many individuals, governed, not by another individual, but by the great Soul of the Universe, reflected in the consciousness of each one. It would be ideal.

HR - Among us humans, some individuals consider themselves heads and rulers on their own, without consulting the Soul of the Cosmos!

I - Oh! What an aberration! I never thought that such irrationality was possible among rational beings. It's a crime against the Great Intelligence...

HR - However, the most healthy and intuitive population among humans thinks and acts differently: the individuals themselves designate the one by whom they want to be governed.

I - That's good! Shows that's already halfway to the Cosmocracy, but it is still far from the end of the journey. Our colony did not choose any sovereign. There is no intermediary between us and the Soul of the Universe. It's this Soul itself, the Great Intelligence, the Infinite Reality, the Supreme Divinity, which rules and governs us. When men come to perfection, they will know how to govern themselves, without a leader or intermediary. There will be no orders coming from external factors, there will only be an order coming from within, an echo of that great Imperative of the Universe which directs everything with strength and softness, from one end of the Cosmos to the other. When duty is transformed into wanting, and this wanting is fully identified with the omnipotent duty, then social harmony will prevail, and individual happiness will be perfect; harmony and happiness will be infinitely greater than those of the bees' people...

HR - Isis... from what I can see, your community is much more advanced on the path of evolution than humans.

I - It's a mistake, great mistake, my friend! Our Cosmocracy is very imperfect.

HR - I'm sorry... what do you mean?

I - Because it has not yet reached the level of individual intelligence that exists among humans. This individual intelligence is the greatest human privilege - and the greatest danger. Woe to those who stop at this level and refuse to go beyond this evolutionary stage!... The day will come when the intelligent man of today, will reach the luminous heights of rationality, and consequent spirituality. It will then end the struggle of individual versus individual, group versus group. The great Cosmic Law will be proclaimed, of spontaneous and universal love - the perfect and definitive Cosmocracy!...

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